created: 20230114161806791 creator: Octt icon: 🎆 modified: 20230221195107270 modifier: Octt page-cover: tags: Internet $:/i18n:en $:/Apps title: Unsplash ''[[Unsplash|]]'' provides royalty-free and credit-free pictures, sorted by category and easily obtainable trough both a webapp and an HTTP GET API (even without authentication), under the "Unsplash license". <<^wikipediaframe Unsplash en>> Many decorative images on this KB are hotliked from Unsplash; some randomly, some not. !!! ''Unauthenticated API'' The base URL for all following endpoints is ``. <<< (Adapted from [[Generate Random Images From Unsplash Without Using The API|]]) The URL schema is the following: ```txt{From}/[Size]/?[Keywords] ``` ; `{From}` : `/random` - Image from a random user : `/user/{Username}` - Image from a specific user ; `[Size]` : `{Width}x{Height}` - Image of specific size of width * height ; `[Keywords]` - Image with certain keyword[s]; Multiple can be specified by separation with:^^[citation needed]^^ : `Word1[,...]` - Comma: meaning AND : `Word1[-...]` - Dash: meaning OR <<< !!! ''Random Picture from the Gallery''