created: 20230221204801305 creator: Octt modified: 20230227205201140 modifier: Octt tags: title: Web/Development !!! ''References'' ; Misc : [[|]] - //Guidance to build modern web experiences that work on any browser// ; DOM querying : [[Find all text nodes in HTML page|]] : [[Find the closest ancestor element that has a specific class|]] | [[Element.closest()|]] ; DOM manipulation : [[Insert a childNode to a specific position|]] : [[Prepend/append childNode to beginning/end of element|]] : [[Replace a DOM Element|]] !!! ''Frameworks'' * ''[[Alpine.js|]]'' - //Rugged, minimal<> framework for composing JavaScript behavior in the markup// - [[[Git|]]] ** [[HyperJS|]] - //Collection of Alpine JS components// - <<[ "[[Git|]]">> * ''[[Electron|]]'' - //Build cross-platform desktop apps with JavaScript, HTML, and CSS// - [[[Git|]]] * ''[[React|]]'' - //Building UI-oriented apps with [[JSX|]]// - [[[Git|]]] ** ''[[React Native|]]'' - //Compiling ReactJS apps to native ones// - [[[Git|]]] * ''[[Tauri|]]'' - //Use Rust to build desktop and mobile apps with a web frontend// - [[[Git|]]] !!! ''Tools'' !!!! ''Tools/Libraries'' * - //tranforms CSS to be compatible with old Internet Explorer// ; Minification : ~~[[node-minify|]] - //Light Node.js module and CLI app that compress javascript, css and html files//~~ : [[UglifyJS|]] - //JavaScript parser / mangler / compressor / beautifier// - <<[ "[[Git|]]">> * [[FileSaver.js|]] - //An HTML5 saveAs() FileSaver implementation// * [[srcdoc-polyfill|]] - //A shim for the iFrame "srcdoc" attribute// !!! ''Misc'' * [[Convert any website into a PWA in just 3 simple steps|]] * [[SPA source code recovery by un-Webpacking source maps|]] - ''[[unwebpack-sourcemap|]]'' * [[How to inject service-worker.js to a webpage via Chrome Extension? I want to add offline functionality to the existing page|]] * [[Hail, Babel! The Transpiling Overlord|]] ** [[Using babel to transpile to es3 (safari compliant)|]] ** [[How to Convert ES6 into ES5 using Babel|]] * [[How to add full text search to your website|]] ** [[BlogSearch|]] ** [[MiniSearch, a client-side full-text search engine|]] ** [[Client-side full-text search in CSS|]] (+ a bit of JS :c) ** [[Lunr.js|]] *** [[Add Search to Your Static Site with Lunr.js (Hugo, Vanilla JS)|]] *** [[Adding Super Fast Frontend Search in Rails with Lunr|]]