created: 20230504095843099 creator: Octt modified: 20230816225427155 modifier: Octt tags: Art title: Tech Art <<^wikipediaframe "Electronic art">> Some interesting tech art pieces follow. !! Web * [[After Dark Screensavers in CSS|]] --- <<[ "[[Git|]]">> * [[Blob Opera|]] --- //Create your own ML-powered opera song!// * [[If the Moon Were Only 1 Pixel|]] --- //A tediously accurate map of the solar system// * [[Space Elevator|]] * [[p01 - Tunnex|]] * [[p01 - Starfield|]] * [[p01 - Micro Nova|]] * [[Internet Explorer 6 Error|]] !!! [[Js1k|]] --- //The JavaScript code golfing competition// * [[Nyan Cat 2.0 (no audio?)|]] * [[Across The Multiverse|]] * [[3D Verlet simulation|]] * [[Fractal Whirlwind|]] * [[Pixel Art Editor|]] !!! [[256b.htm Competition|]] * [[Poi – Bounce|]] * [[Iotic – Mouse Moire|]] * [[Psikorp – Splinecrap|]] * [[Mados – Divo|]]