created: 20230206113426599 creator: Octt modified: 20231104002058740 modifier: Octt tags: title: TiddlyWiki/ThirdParty !!! ''Other Wikis, Plugin Collections'' * [[BrainTest|]] --- //tools for a digital brain// * [[Calendar|]] --- //a tabbed picture calendar// * [[Joe's Blog|]] --- Contains the [[Chandler|]] prototype time-management tool * [[kookma's codes, macros, and solutions in TW|]] * Kookma Plugin Library --- <<[ "[[Drag To Install|$:/config/KookmaPluginLibrary]]">> * [[NoteSelf|]] --- TiddlyWiki fork/flavor with interesting features built-in - [[[Git|]]] * [[Projectify|]] --- //Project management for TiddlyWiki// - [[[Git|]]] * [[Saq's TW5 Sandbox|]] --- //Experimental doodads// * [[Stroll|]] --- //A Roam-like experience in a free, downloadable file// * [[The public musings of Soren Bjornstad (Zettelkasten)|]] * [[TiddlyMap|]] --- //Map drawing and topic visualization for your wiki!// --- [[[Git|]]] * [[TiddlySeq|]] --- //Logseq-like TiddlyWiki Template// --- <<[ "[[Git|]]">> * [[TiddlyTools for TW5|]] --- //Small Tools for Big Ideas!™// * [[Tobias Beer's Plugins and Resources|]] --- [[[Profile|]]] [[[Git|]]] * [[TW5 CPL Wiki|]] --- //TiddlyWiki5 Plugin Library for TiddlyWiki Chinese Communities// --- <<[ "[[Drag to install|$:/config/TiddlyWiki-CPL/GitHub]]">> * [[TW5 Magick|]] --- //Some tricks and snippets for TiddlyWiki 5// * [[TW5 Plugins, Themes, Hacks by Thomas Elmiger|]] --- //Build or optimise your own application for notetaking, writing or a ToDo-list system with these tools// ** [[Presenting the Details Widget|]] * [[ZemoxWiki|]] --- //a haphazard meandering of notes, thoughts, experiments, links...// !!!! ''More personal TiddlyWikis'' * [[Dave and Blanca Gifford's homepage|]] * [[Eberron Tiddlywiki|]] --- //campaign setting for D&D designed for telling fantastical pulp and noir stories// --- <<[ "[[Git|]]">> * [[ℍ𝕪𝕡𝕖𝕣𝔱𝔢𝔵𝔱: h0p3|]] !!!! ''Individual Plugins'' * [[Archipel|]] --- //Data visualization Knowledge map of tiddler's ToC, as zoomable circle packs// --- [[[Discussion|]]] * [[CodeMirrorPlus|]] --- //A better editor for TW5, based on ~CodeMirror// --- [[Demo|]] | [[Git|]] * [[Context Plugin|]] --- //search with context// * [[Daily Notes|]] - //Interstitial Journaling plugin// * [[ECharts|]] [[[Git|]], [[Thread|]]] --- //An All-in-one Visualization Framework for TiddlyWiki5 based on ECharts// * [[enable-js|]] --- //using inline script tags// * [[ibox|]] - //pretty-show images in tw5// * [[TW5 Locator|]] --- //discover and search by context//, with polished field filtering features --- <<[ "[[Git|]]">> * [[Notion-like Icon And PageCover|]] --- <<[ "[[Thread|]]">> * [Kookma] [[Refnotes|]] --- //references, citations, footnotes and abbreviations// --- [[[Git|]]] * <> * [[Section Editor|]] --- //create, edit, fold, manage sections// --- [[Git|]] | [[Prototype discussion|]] * <> --- Adds a structural-visual hierarchy system to TiddlyWiki like Notion/Logseq. * [[Syntax-Highlighting Tiny Editor|]] (Ready-to-play prototype) --- [[Download|]] * [[TWCrossLinks|]] --- //Discover all your intra-tiddlers links// !!!! ''Individual Themes'' * [[👻✨ whitespace theme|]] --- //negative-spacious, webapp-nostalgic theme for TiddlyWiki//