created: 20230608141932117 creator: Octt modified: 20230919065249533 modifier: Octt tags: title: Linux/Userspace * [[AppStream (Docs)|]] ** [[AppStream .Metainfo.xml Creator|]] * [[Open Age Ratings Service (OARS)|]] !!! ''Misc tools'' * [[Flatpak|]] --- //Linux application sandboxing and distribution framework// --- <<[# Git "">> <<[# "Dev Docs" "">> ** [[Flathub|]] --- Official build and distribution service for Flatpak applications --- <<[ "[[Git|]]">> ** <> * [[Wine|]] --- //Compatibility layer for running Windows applications on POSIX-compliant systems// ** [[WineZGUI|]] --- //Wine GUI using Zenity - Play and Share!// --- <<#[ Flatpak "">> ** [[When is a wine-based Linux path used/converted?|]] *** `winepath` allows conversion of paths Unix --> Windows (`-u`), Windows --> Unix (`-w`) * [[Boxedwine|]] --- //Multiplatform Linux Emulator that runs WINE// --- <<#[ Git "">>