created: 20230114154554721 creator: Octt modified: 20231229012541510 modifier: Octt page-cover: tags: Internet TODO $:/i18n:en title: Matrix \define MatrixGit(Repo:"") <<[ "[[Git|$Repo$]]">> \define ElementGit(Repo:"") <<[ "[[Git|$Repo$]]">> <<^wikipediaframe "Matrix (protocol)" en>> * * * [[Matrix Specification|]] --- //The Matrix protocol specification// --- <<[# Git"">> ; Clients : [[Element|]] --- //glossy Matrix collaboration clients// --- Flagship client; Web-Desktop and Mobile are different codebases --- <> <<[# "Element Matrix Services SaaS Docs" "">> :* [[Spaccamient|]] --- mobile-first Element Web fork --- <<[# Git"">> :* //''[[SchildiChat|]]'' is a feature-rich messenger for Matrix based on Element with some extras and tweaks.// --- <<[# Git"">> : [[Hydrogen|]] --- (WIP by Element team) //Lightweight matrix client with legacy and mobile browser support// --- <> : [[FluffyChat|]] --- //open source, nonprofit and cute matrix messenger app// --- <<[ "[[Git|]]">> ; Servers : [[Synapse|]] --- //’s reference server// --- <<[ "[[Git|]]">> ; Bots : ''[[maubot|]]'' - //A plugin-based Matrix bot system// --- <<[ "[[GitHub|]]">> <<[ "[[GitLab (CI)|]]">> [<>] <<[ "[[Docs|]]">> : [[Matrix Hookshot|]] --- //A bridge between Matrix and multiple project management services, such as GitHub, GitLab and JIRA.// --- <<[# Git"">> ; Bridges : All by ''mautrix'': --- <<[ "[[Docs|]]">> : All by ''mx-puppet'': !!! Misc * [[Maunium sticker picker|]] --- //fast and simple Matrix sticker picker widget. Tested on Element Web, Android & iOS// * [[Third Room|]] (w/WebSG) --- //Open, decentralized, immersive worlds built on Matrix// --- <>