* [[Flatpak|https://flatpak.org/]] --- //Linux application sandboxing and distribution framework// --- <<[# Git "https://github.com/flatpak">> <<[# "Dev Docs" "https://docs.flatpak.org/en/latest/">>
** [[Flathub|https://flathub.org/]] --- Official build and distribution service for Flatpak applications --- <<[ "[[Git|https://github.com/flathub]]">>
** <<RedditL r/flatpak/comments/m09ma4/save_flathub_runtime_and_sdk_as_local_flatpak "Save Flathub runtime and SDK as local Flatpak file bundle">>
* [[Wine|https://www.winehq.org/]] --- //Compatibility layer for running Windows applications on POSIX-compliant systems//
** [[WineZGUI|https://github.com/fastrizwaan/WineZGUI]] --- //Wine GUI using Zenity - Play and Share!// --- <<#[ Flatpak "https://github.com/fastrizwaan/flatpak-wine">>
** [[When is a wine-based Linux path used/converted?|https://askubuntu.com/questions/1018400/when-is-a-wine-based-linux-path-used]]
*** `winepath` allows conversion of paths Unix --> Windows (`-u`), Windows --> Unix (`-w`)