* [[How to Install phpBB with Nginx and MariaDB on Ubuntu Linux|https://geekrewind.com/install-phpbb-on-ubuntu-17-04-17-10-with-nginx-mariadb-and-php-support/]] --- Note: the `php-fpm` package might need to be installed by specifying version, and it's better to use [[phpBB's official nginx.sample.conf|https://github.com/phpbb/phpbb/blob/master/phpBB/docs/nginx.sample.conf]].
* [[Knowledge Base|https://www.phpbb.com/customise/db/extension/knowledge_base/]] --- //An extension for phpBB 3.1.x that adds a knowledge base to your board// --- <<[# Git "https://github.com/Crizz0/knowledgebase">>
* [[RESTApiForPhpBB|https://github.com/eparsons/RESTApiForPhpBB]] --- //Unofficial REST API for PhpBB with example client// (Incomplete and Abandoned, but decent working base for a fork)