* [[Never use git submodules|https://diziet.dreamwidth.org/14666.html]] --- //git submodules are always the wrong solution. Yes, even the to the problem they were specifically invented to solve.//
* [[Converting a Git (GitLab) project.bundle export to simple Git repo|https://gist.github.com/paulgregg/181779ad186221aaa35d5a96c8abdea7]]
* [[When I do "git push", what do the statistics mean? (Total, delta, etc.)|https://stackoverflow.com/questions/21476167/when-i-do-git-push-what-do-the-statistics-mean-total-delta-etc]]
* [[How to delete all commits in a Git repository and replace it with a single “initial commit”|https://lanedirt.tech/2022/05/how-to-delete-all-commits-in-a-git-repository-and-replace-it-with-a-single-initial-commit/]]
* <<httpsL raw.githack.com>> --- //CDN for your source code, serves files directly from your source code hosting with proper Content-Type headers// --- <<[# Git"https://github.com/neoascetic/rawgithack">>