''JavaScript'', or "JS", is an high-level programming language. It constitutes a core technology of the Web, sitting optionally alongside HTML and CSS. In recent years, it has gotten more and more popular even for desktop app and backend development.
<<^wikipediaframe JavaScript>>
* [[Ecma International TC39|https://tc39.es/]] - Committee maintaining JS specifications
* [[Which equals operator (== vs ===) should be used in JavaScript comparisons?|https://stackoverflow.com/questions/359494/which-equals-operator-vs-should-be-used-in-javascript-comparisons]] ("Good and bad twins") --- `==` is bad unless explicitly needed, since it does type-coercion.
** [[In theory === is faster, no type conversion takes place. Practically there's no performance difference.|https://stackoverflow.com/questions/12332855/which-javascript-equality-operator-or-is-faster]]