* <<RedditL r/webdev/comments/spr2db/confused_about_web_app_architecture_and/ "Confused about web app architecture and separation of frontend and backend">>
* [[What package naming convention do you use for personal/hobby projects|https://stackoverflow.com/questions/292169/what-package-naming-convention-do-you-use-for-personal-hobby-projects-in-java]] in Java/Android/Flatpak?
* [[Why would a game developer write their own engine instead of using existing ones?|https://gamedev.stackexchange.com/questions/74388/why-would-a-game-developer-write-their-own-engine-instead-of-using-existing-ones]]
** <<RedditL r/gamedev/comments/91u7ia/is_it_worth_my_time_in_2018_to_make_a_game_using "Is it worth my time in 2018 to make a game using only C and SDL?">>
* [[What is the purpose of .PHONY in a Makefile?|https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2145590/what-is-the-purpose-of-phony-in-a-makefile]] --- TLDR: it's to declare "fake" targets that must build independently from actual files on disk (that make would otherwise use as targets), it doesn't mean "sound" or "pronunciation" or otherwise the full list of only allowed build targets, as I initially thought because of associating phony => telephony => ...
* <<linkdescgit "Modern CMake" "https://cliutils.gitlab.io/modern-cmake/" "A book about using CMake for your projects" "https://gitlab.com/CLIUtils/modern-cmake">>