* ''Break lines'': A single newline doesn't break the text, an empty line starts a new paragraph.
!!!! ''Differences''
|''Headings''|Name enclosed in a pair of //equals//:<br>`=== Heading 3 ===`|Name preceded by //bangs//:<br>`!!! Heading 3`|
|''Bold'':<br>Text enclosed in a pair of:|3 //apostrophes//:<br>`'''Text'''`|2 //apostrophes//:<br>`''Text''`|
|''Italics'':<br>Text enclosed in a pair of:|2 //apostrophes//:<br>`''Text''`|2 //slashes//:<br>`//Text//`|
|''Indentation''|`Indentation as used on talk pages:`<br>`:Each colon at the start of a line`<br>`::causes the line to be indented by three more character positions.`|N/A|
|''Horizontal Rule''|4 or more //dashes//:<br>`----`|3 or more //dashes//:<br>`---`|
|''Hard Linebreaks''|N/A|Text enclosed in 3 //quotes//:<br>`"""`<br>`Text`<br>`Still Text`<br>`"""`|
|''Links''|Target first, Name last|Name first, Target last|