* [[Getting Started With SDL 1.2|http://gamedevgeek.com/tutorials/getting-started-with-sdl/]] ; [[Moving Sprites With SDL 1.2|http://gamedevgeek.com/tutorials/moving-sprites-with-sdl/]] ; [[Animating Sprites With SDL|http://gamedevgeek.com/tutorials/animating-sprites-with-sdl/]]
* [[Exploring SDL (Wikibooks)|https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/SDL_(Simple_DirectMedia_Layer)]] --- introduction to SDL with the most important basic information, + some WIP examples
* Minimal examples of using the HTML5 canvas via SDL, through WebAssembly and [[C|https://github.com/shlomnissan/sdl-wasm]] or [[C++|https://github.com/timhutton/sdl-canvas-wasm]]
* [[LuaSDL 1.2|https://github.com/soulik/LuaSDL]] --- //Lua binding to libSDL 1.2// --- should find the time to try this properly and if it actually works on embedded Linux consoles etc.