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2023-02-28 12:07:24 +01:00
👓: glasses
🕶️: sunglasses
🥽: goggles
🥼: lab coat
🦺: safety vest
👔: necktie
👕: t-shirt
👖: jeans
🧣: scarf
🧤: gloves
🧥: coat
🧦: socks
👗: dress
👘: kimono
🥻: sari
🩱: one-piece swimsuit
🩲: briefs
🩳: shorts
👙: bikini
👚: womans clothes
👛: purse
👜: handbag
👝: clutch bag
🛍️: shopping bags
🎒: backpack
🩴: thong sandal
👞: mans shoe
👟: running shoe
🥾: hiking boot
🥿: flat shoe
👠: high-heeled shoe
👡: womans sandal
🩰: ballet shoes
👢: womans boot
👑: crown
👒: womans hat
🎩: top hat
🎓: graduation cap
🧢: billed cap
🪖: military helmet
⛑️: rescue workers helmet
📿: prayer beads
💄: lipstick
💍: ring
💎: gem stone
🔇: muted speaker
🔈: speaker low volume
🔉: speaker medium volume
🔊: speaker high volume
📢: loudspeaker
📣: megaphone
📯: postal horn
🔔: bell
🔕: bell with slash
🎼: musical score
🎵: musical note
🎶: musical notes
🎙️: studio microphone
🎚️: level slider
🎛️: control knobs
🎤: microphone
🎧: headphone
📻: radio
🎷: saxophone
🪗: accordion
🎸: guitar
🎹: musical keyboard
🎺: trumpet
🎻: violin
🪕: banjo
🥁: drum
🪘: long drum
📱: mobile phone
📲: mobile phone with arrow
☎️: telephone
📞: telephone receiver
📟: pager
📠: fax machine
🔋: battery
🔌: electric plug
💻: laptop
🖥️: desktop computer
🖨️: printer
⌨️: keyboard
🖱️: computer mouse
🖲️: trackball
💽: computer disk
💾: floppy disk
💿: optical disk
📀: dvd
🧮: abacus
🎥: movie camera
🎞️: film frames
📽️: film projector
🎬: clapper board
📺: television
📷: camera
📸: camera with flash
📹: video camera
📼: videocassette
🔍: magnifying glass tilted left
🔎: magnifying glass tilted right
🕯️: candle
💡: light bulb
🔦: flashlight
🏮: red paper lantern
🪔: diya lamp
📔: notebook with decorative cover
📕: closed book
📖: open book
📗: green book
📘: blue book
📙: orange book
📚: books
📓: notebook
📒: ledger
📃: page with curl
📜: scroll
📄: page facing up
📰: newspaper
🗞️: rolled-up newspaper
📑: bookmark tabs
🔖: bookmark
🏷️: label
💰: money bag
🪙: coin
💴: yen banknote
💵: dollar banknote
💶: euro banknote
💷: pound banknote
💸: money with wings
💳: credit card
🧾: receipt
💹: chart increasing with yen
✉️: envelope
📧: e-mail
📨: incoming envelope
📩: envelope with arrow
📤: outbox tray
📥: inbox tray
📦: package
📫: closed mailbox with raised flag
📪: closed mailbox with lowered flag
📬: open mailbox with raised flag
📭: open mailbox with lowered flag
📮: postbox
🗳️: ballot box with ballot
✏️: pencil
✒️: black nib
🖋️: fountain pen
🖊️: pen
🖌️: paintbrush
🖍️: crayon
📝: memo
💼: briefcase
📁: file folder
📂: open file folder
🗂️: card index dividers
📅: calendar
📆: tear-off calendar
🗒️: spiral notepad
🗓️: spiral calendar
📇: card index
📈: chart increasing
📉: chart decreasing
📊: bar chart
📋: clipboard
📌: pushpin
📍: round pushpin
📎: paperclip
🖇️: linked paperclips
📏: straight ruler
📐: triangular ruler
✂️: scissors
🗃️: card file box
🗄️: file cabinet
🗑️: wastebasket
🔒: locked
🔓: unlocked
🔏: locked with pen
🔐: locked with key
🔑: key
🗝️: old key
🔨: hammer
🪓: axe
⛏️: pick
⚒️: hammer and pick
🛠️: hammer and wrench
🗡️: dagger
⚔️: crossed swords
🔫: water pistol
🪃: boomerang
🏹: bow and arrow
🛡️: shield
🪚: carpentry saw
🔧: wrench
🪛: screwdriver
🔩: nut and bolt
⚙️: gear
🗜️: clamp
⚖️: balance scale
🦯: white cane
🔗: link
⛓️: chains
🪝: hook
🧰: toolbox
🧲: magnet
🪜: ladder
⚗️: alembic
🧪: test tube
🧫: petri dish
🧬: dna
🔬: microscope
🔭: telescope
📡: satellite antenna
💉: syringe
🩸: drop of blood
💊: pill
🩹: adhesive bandage
🩺: stethoscope
🚪: door
🛗: elevator
🪞: mirror
🪟: window
🛏️: bed
🛋️: couch and lamp
🪑: chair
🚽: toilet
🪠: plunger
🚿: shower
🛁: bathtub
🪤: mouse trap
🪒: razor
🧴: lotion bottle
🧷: safety pin
🧹: broom
🧺: basket
🧻: roll of paper
🪣: bucket
🧼: soap
🪥: toothbrush
🧽: sponge
🧯: fire extinguisher
🛒: shopping cart
🚬: cigarette
⚰️: coffin
🪦: headstone
⚱️: funeral urn
🗿: moai
🪧: placard