List of some Internet sites (Web and also other protocols) I want to save, for some reason or another. Sometimes they have interesting content, others I just like the aesthetic, or navigation experience. All here are miscellaneous, look in subpages for categories.
** [[How (by Okpedia)|]] --- //Tutorials and Solutions KB// --- (apparently a separate wiki of the same person above, also multi-language)
* [[Computer Science Mojo|]] --- //David's Notes on coding, software and computer science// --- <<[ "[[Git|]]">>
* [[|]] - Website full of easter eggs by the same <<YoutubeL OJ1pEAdFLP8 "person who once hacked MySpace">>.
** One easter egg is the client source code is hidden as a binary-encoded string represented by spaces and tabs; The server providing the data uses something (headers? but also other stuff) to only serve the real HTML to a browser; curl/wget without all the browser headers (and a browser after a reload in `view-source:` ?) get a fake HTML. <<#[ "Older but more in-depth analysis" "">>