* [[Hiren’s BootCD PE|https://www.hirensbootcd.org/]] - //Modern edition of Hiren’s BootCD, based on Windows 10 PE x64, developed by fans// - Also distributes [[the old HBCD|https://www.hirensbootcd.org/old-versions/]]
** Seen on [[Endermanch]]: <<YoutubeL LUaCmmWXum4 "Running Windows 10 on a DVD disc">>
* [[Windows 10 Ameliorated|https://ameliorated.info/]] - //Windows 10 minus the spyware plus added stability and security.//
** Seen on [[Linus Tech Tips]]: <<YoutubeL nwkiU6GG-YU "We fixed Windows 10 - Microsoft will HATE this!">>
!!! ''Programs''
* [[Calmira|http://www.calmira.net/]] - //Alternate shell available for Windows 3.1x and up that has an appearance resembling more modern Windows versions//
* [[Chris Titus Tech's Windows Utility|https://github.com/ChrisTitusTech/winutil]] - //Install Programs, do Debloats, Tweaks, Fixes, Updates//
* [[NTLite|https://www.ntlite.com/]] - //Local control for editing Windows images and deployments, for IT professionals/enthusiasts//
* [[Microsoft PowerToys|https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/powertoys/]] - //Utilities for power users to tune Windows for greater productivity// - [[[Git|https://github.com/microsoft/PowerToys]]]
* [[Sysinternals|https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/]] - //Utilities to help manage, troubleshoot and diagnose Windows systems and applications (+ many useful resources)//
* [[Wallpaper Engine|https://wallpaperengine.io/]] - //Use stunning live wallpapers on your Windows desktop// - [[[Steampowered|https://store.steampowered.com/app/431960/Wallpaper_Engine/]]]
* [[Winaero Tweaker|https://winaerotweaker.com/]] - //Tweaking normally inaccessible UI features on modern Windows//