
211 lines
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; GTE Registers (Use: Data (R0..R31) lwc2,swc2,mfc2,mtc2 / Control (R32..R63) cfc2,ctc2)
; GTE Registers - 16-Bit Vectors
; VXY0 equ r0 ; GTE R0 - 16-Bit Vectors: Vector XY 0 (V0) - Bit 0..15 = VX0 (S.15.0), Bit 16..31 VY0 (S.15.0)
; VZ0 equ r1 ; GTE R1 - 16-Bit Vectors: Vector Z 0 (V0) - Bit 0..15 = VZ0 (S.15.0) (Returns Sign-Expanded 32-Bit Value)
; VXY1 equ r2 ; GTE R2 - 16-Bit Vectors: Vector XY 1 (V1) - Bit 0..15 = VX1 (S.15.0), Bit 16..31 VY1 (S.15.0)
; VZ1 equ r3 ; GTE R3 - 16-Bit Vectors: Vector Z 1 (V1) - Bit 0..15 = VZ1 (S.15.0) (Returns Sign-Expanded 32-Bit Value)
; VXY2 equ r4 ; GTE R4 - 16-Bit Vectors: Vector XY 2 (V2) - Bit 0..15 = VX2 (S.15.0), Bit 16..31 VY2 (S.15.0)
; VZ2 equ r5 ; GTE R5 - 16-Bit Vectors: Vector Z 2 (V2) - Bit 0..15 = VZ2 (S.15.0) (Returns Sign-Expanded 32-Bit Value)
; IR1 equ r9 ; GTE R9 - 16-Bit Vectors: Vector 3 (IR) - Bit 0..15 = IR1 (S.15.0) (Returns Sign-Expanded 32-Bit Value)
; IR2 equ r10 ; GTE R10 - 16-Bit Vectors: Vector 3 (IR) - Bit 0..15 = IR2 (S.15.0) (Returns Sign-Expanded 32-Bit Value)
; IR3 equ r11 ; GTE R11 - 16-Bit Vectors: Vector 3 (IR) - Bit 0..15 = IR3 (S.15.0) (Returns Sign-Expanded 32-Bit Value)
; GTE Registers - Interpolation Factor
; IR0 equ r8 ; GTE R8 - Interpolation Factor: Intermediate Value 0 (IR0) - Bit 0..15 = IR0 (S.3.12) (Returns Sign-Expanded 32-Bit Value)
; GTE Registers - Screen XYZ Coordinate FIFO
; SXY0 equ r12 ; GTE R12 - Screen XYZ Coordinate FIFO: Screen XY 0 FIFO (Older) - Bit 0..15 = SX0 (S.15.0), Bit 16..31 SY0 (S.15.0)
; SXY1 equ r13 ; GTE R13 - Screen XYZ Coordinate FIFO: Screen XY 1 FIFO (Old) - Bit 0..15 = SX1 (S.15.0), Bit 16..31 SY1 (S.15.0)
; SXY2 equ r14 ; GTE R14 - Screen XYZ Coordinate FIFO: Screen XY 2 FIFO (New) - Bit 0..15 = SX2 (S.15.0), Bit 16..31 SY2 (S.15.0)
; SXYP equ r15 ; GTE R15 - Screen XYZ Coordinate FIFO: Screen XY 2 FIFO (Mirror) - Bit 0..15 = SXP (S.15.0), Bit 16..31 SYP (S.15.0) (Move-On-Write)
; SZ0 equ r16 ; GTE R16 - Screen XYZ Coordinate FIFO: Screen Z 0 FIFO (Oldest) - Bit 0..15 = SZ0 (16.0)
; SZ1 equ r17 ; GTE R17 - Screen XYZ Coordinate FIFO: Screen Z 1 FIFO (Older) - Bit 0..15 = SZ1 (16.0)
; SZ2 equ r18 ; GTE R18 - Screen XYZ Coordinate FIFO: Screen Z 2 FIFO (Old) - Bit 0..15 = SZ2 (16.0)
; SZ3 equ r19 ; GTE R19 - Screen XYZ Coordinate FIFO: Screen Z 3 FIFO (New) - Bit 0..15 = SZ3 (16.0)
; GTE Registers - Color Register & Color FIFO
; RGBC equ r6 ; GTE R6 - Color Register & Color FIFO: Color/Code Value (RGBC) - Bit 0..7 = R, Bit 8..15 = G, Bit 16..23 = B, Bit 24..31 = CODE
; RGB0 equ r20 ; GTE R20 - Color Register & Color FIFO: Characteristic Color FIFO 0 (RGB0) - Bit 0..7 = R0, Bit 8..15 = G0, Bit 16..23 = B0, Bit 24..31 = CD0
; RGB1 equ r21 ; GTE R21 - Color Register & Color FIFO: Characteristic Color FIFO 1 (RGB1) - Bit 0..7 = R1, Bit 8..15 = G1, Bit 16..23 = B1, Bit 24..31 = CD1
; RGB2 equ r22 ; GTE R22 - Color Register & Color FIFO: Characteristic Color FIFO 2 (RGB2) - Bit 0..7 = R2, Bit 8..15 = G2, Bit 16..23 = B2, Bit 24..31 = CD2
; RES1 equ r23 ; GTE R23 - Color Register and Color FIFO: Reserved (R/W)
; GTE Registers - 32-Bit Maths Accumulator/Sum Of Product
; MAC0 equ r24 ; GTE R24 - Maths Accumulator/Sum Of Product: Value 0 (MAC0) - Bit 0..31 = MAC0 (S.31.0)
; MAC1 equ r25 ; GTE R25 - Maths Accumulator/Sum Of Product: Vector 1 (MAC1) - Bit 0..31 = MAC1 (S.31.0)
; MAC2 equ r26 ; GTE R26 - Maths Accumulator/Sum Of Product: Vector 2 (MAC2) - Bit 0..31 = MAC2 (S.31.0)
; MAC3 equ r27 ; GTE R27 - Maths Accumulator/Sum Of Product: Vector 3 (MAC3) - Bit 0..31 = MAC3 (S.31.0)
; GTE Registers - Color Conversion R,G,B (48-Bit/15-Bit)
; IRGB equ r28 ; GTE R28 - Color Conversion: Input (IRGB) - Bit 0..4 = Red, Bit 5..9 = Green, Bit 10..14 = Blue, Bit 15-31 = Zero (Not Used)
; ORGB equ r29 ; GTE R29 - Color Conversion: Output (IRGB) - Bit 0..4 = Red, Bit 5..9 = Green, Bit 10..14 = Blue, Bit 15-31 = Zero (Not Used)
; GTE Registers - Count Leading-Zero/One (Sign Bits)
; LZCS equ r30 ; GTE R30 - Count Leading-Zero/One: Source (LZCS) - Bit 0..31 = LZCS
; LZCR equ r31 ; GTE R31 - Count Leading-Zero/One: Result (LZCR) - Bit 0..31 = LZCR
; GTE Registers - Matrix (3x3)
; RT0 equ r0 ; GTE R32 - Matrix: Rotation (RT/CNT00) - Bit 0..15 = RT11 (S.3.12), Bit 16..31 RT12 (S.3.12)
; RT1 equ r1 ; GTE R33 - Matrix: Rotation (RT/CNT01) - Bit 0..15 = RT13 (S.3.12), Bit 16..31 RT21 (S.3.12)
; RT2 equ r2 ; GTE R34 - Matrix: Rotation (RT/CNT02) - Bit 0..15 = RT22 (S.3.12), Bit 16..31 RT23 (S.3.12)
; RT3 equ r3 ; GTE R35 - Matrix: Rotation (RT/CNT03) - Bit 0..15 = RT31 (S.3.12), Bit 16..31 RT32 (S.3.12)
; RT4 equ r4 ; GTE R36 - Matrix: Rotation (RT/CNT04) - Bit 0..15 = RT33 (S.3.12) (Returns Sign-Expanded 32-Bit Value)
; LLM0 equ r8 ; GTE R40 - Matrix: Light Source (LLM/CNT08) - Bit 0..15 = L11 (S.3.12), Bit 16..31 L12 (S.3.12)
; LLM1 equ r9 ; GTE R41 - Matrix: Light Source (LLM/CNT09) - Bit 0..15 = L13 (S.3.12), Bit 16..31 L21 (S.3.12)
; LLM2 equ r10 ; GTE R42 - Matrix: Light Source (LLM/CNT10) - Bit 0..15 = L22 (S.3.12), Bit 16..31 L23 (S.3.12)
; LLM3 equ r11 ; GTE R43 - Matrix: Light Source (LLM/CNT11) - Bit 0..15 = L31 (S.3.12), Bit 16..31 L32 (S.3.12)
; LLM4 equ r12 ; GTE R44 - Matrix: Light Source (LLM/CNT12) - Bit 0..15 = L33 (S.3.12) (Returns Sign-Expanded 32-Bit Value)
; LCM0 equ r16 ; GTE R48 - Matrix: Light Color (LCM/CNT16) - Bit 0..15 = LR1 (S.3.12), Bit 16..31 LR2 (S.3.12)
; LCM1 equ r17 ; GTE R49 - Matrix: Light Color (LCM/CNT17) - Bit 0..15 = LR3 (S.3.12), Bit 16..31 LG1 (S.3.12)
; LCM2 equ r18 ; GTE R50 - Matrix: Light Color (LCM/CNT18) - Bit 0..15 = LG2 (S.3.12), Bit 16..31 LG3 (S.3.12)
; LCM3 equ r19 ; GTE R51 - Matrix: Light Color (LCM/CNT19) - Bit 0..15 = LB1 (S.3.12), Bit 16..31 LB2 (S.3.12)
; LCM4 equ r20 ; GTE R52 - Matrix: Light Color (LCM/CNT20) - Bit 0..15 = LB3 (S.3.12) (Returns Sign-Expanded 32-Bit Value)
; GTE Registers - Translation Vector X,Y,Z (TR)
; TRX equ r5 ; GTE R37 - Translation Vector: X (TRX/CNT05) - Bit 0..31 = TRX (S.31.0)
; TRY equ r6 ; GTE R38 - Translation Vector: Y (TRY/CNT06) - Bit 0..31 = TRY (S.31.0)
; TRZ equ r7 ; GTE R39 - Translation Vector: Z (TRZ/CNT07) - Bit 0..31 = TRZ (S.31.0)
; GTE Registers - Background Color R,G,B (BK)
; RBK equ r13 ; GTE R45 - Background Color: Red Component (RBK/CNT13) - Bit 0..31 = RBK (S.19.12)
; GBK equ r14 ; GTE R46 - Background Color: Green Component (GBK/CNT14) - Bit 0..31 = GBK (S.19.12)
; BBK equ r15 ; GTE R47 - Background Color: Blue Component (BBK/CNT15) - Bit 0..31 = BBK (S.19.12)
; GTE Registers - Far Color R,G,B (FC)
; RFC equ r21 ; GTE R53 - Far Color: Red Component (RFC/CNT21) - Bit 0..31 = RFC (S.27.4)
; GFC equ r22 ; GTE R54 - Far Color: Green Component (GFC/CNT22) - Bit 0..31 = GFC (S.27.4)
; BFC equ r23 ; GTE R55 - Far Color: Blue Component (BFC/CNT23) - Bit 0..31 = BFC (S.27.4)
; GTE Registers - Screen Offset & Distance
; OFX equ r24 ; GTE R56 - Screen Offset & Distance: Screen Offset X (OFX/CNT24) - Bit 0..31 = OFX (S.15.16)
; OFY equ r25 ; GTE R57 - Screen Offset & Distance: Screen Offset Y (OFY/CNT25) - Bit 0..31 = OFY (S.15.16)
; H equ r26 ; GTE R58 - Screen Offset & Distance: Projection Plane Distance (H/CNT26) - Bit 0..15 = H (16.0) (Returns Sign-Expanded 32-Bit Value)
; DQA equ r27 ; GTE R59 - Screen Offset & Distance: Depth Queing Parameter A. (Coefficient) (DQA/CNT27) - Bit 0..15 = DQA (S.7.8)
; DQB equ r28 ; GTE R60 - Screen Offset & Distance: Depth Queing Parameter A. (Offset) (DQB/CNT28) - Bit 0..31 = DQB (S.7.24)
; GTE Registers - Average Z Factors
; ZSF3 equ r29 ; GTE R61 - Average Z: Z3 Average Scale Factor (Normally 1/3) (ZSF3/CNT29) - Bit 0..15 = ZSF3 (S.3.12)
; ZSF4 equ r30 ; GTE R62 - Average Z: Z4 Average Scale Factor (Normally 1/4) (ZSF4/CNT30) - Bit 0..15 = ZSF4 (S.3.12)
; OTZ equ r7 ; GTE R7 - Average Z Registers: Average Z Value (Ordering Table) (OTZ) - Bit 0..15 = OTZ (16.0)
; GTE Registers - Error Flag
; FLAG equ r31 ; GTE R63 - Error Flag: Returns Calculation Errors (FLAG/CNT31) - Bit 0..31 = FLAG
; GTE Commands (Use: "cop2 command")
; GTE Coordinate Calculation Commands
RTPS equ 0x0180001 ; GTE Coordinate Calculation Commands: Perspective Transformation (Single) - 15 Cycles
RTPT equ 0x0280030 ; GTE Coordinate Calculation Commands: Perspective Transformation (Triple) - 23 Cycles
NCLIP equ 0x1400006 ; GTE Coordinate Calculation Commands: Normal Clipping - 8 Cycles
AVSZ3 equ 0x158002D ; GTE Coordinate Calculation Commands: Average Three Z Values (Triangle) - 5 Cycles
AVSZ4 equ 0x168002E ; GTE Coordinate Calculation Commands: Average Four Z Values (Quad) - 6 Cycles
; GTE General Purpose Calculation Commands
MVMVA equ 0x0400012 ; GTE General Purpose Calculation Commands: Multiply Vector By Matrix With Vector Addition - 8 Cycles
SQR equ 0x0A00428 ; GTE General Purpose Calculation Commands: Calculate Square Of Vector (Result Always Positive) - 5 Cycles
OP equ 0x170000C ; GTE General Purpose Calculation Commands: Calculate Outer Product Of Two Signed 16-Bit Vectors - 6 Cycles
; GTE Color Calculation Commands
NCS equ 0x0C8041E ; GTE Color Calculation Commands: Normal Color (Single) - 14 Cycles
NCT equ 0x0D80420 ; GTE Color Calculation Commands: Normal Color (Triple) - 30 Cycles
NCCS equ 0x108041B ; GTE Color Calculation Commands: Normal Color Color (Single Vector) - 17 Cycles
NCCT equ 0x118043F ; GTE Color Calculation Commands: Normal Color Color (Triple Vector) - 39 Cycles
NCDS equ 0x0E80413 ; GTE Color Calculation Commands: Normal Color Depth Cue (Single Vector) - 19 Cycles
NCDT equ 0x0F80416 ; GTE Color Calculation Commands: Normal Color Depth Cue (Triple Vector) - 44 Cycles
CC equ 0x138041C ; GTE Color Calculation Commands: Color Color - 11 Cycles
CDP equ 0x1280414 ; GTE Color Calculation Commands: Color Depth Cue - 13 Cycles
DCPL equ 0x0680029 ; GTE Color Calculation Commands: Depth Cue Color Light - 8 Cycles
DPCS equ 0x0780010 ; GTE Color Calculation Commands: Depth Cueing (Single) - 8 Cycles
DPCT equ 0x088002A ; GTE Color Calculation Commands: Depth Cueing (Triple) - 17 Cycles
INTPL equ 0x0980011 ; GTE Color Calculation Commands: Interpolation Of Vector & Far Color - 8 Cycles
GPF equ 0x190003D ; GTE Color Calculation Commands: General Purpose Interpolation - 5 Cycles
GPL equ 0x1A0003E ; GTE Color Calculation Commands: General Purpose Interpolation With Base - 5 Cycles
; GTE MVMVA (Multiply Vector By Matrix With Vector Addition) Command Instructions
RTV0 equ 0x0486012 ; GTE MVMVA Command: Vector 0 (V0) * Rotation Matrix (RT) - 8 Cycles
RTV1 equ 0x048E012 ; GTE MVMVA Command: Vector 1 (V1) * Rotation Matrix (RT) - 8 Cycles
RTV2 equ 0x0496012 ; GTE MVMVA Command: Vector 2 (V2) * Rotation Matrix (RT) - 8 Cycles
RTIR12 equ 0x049E012 ; GTE MVMVA Command: Vector 3 (IR) * Rotation Matrix (RT) - 8 Cycles
RTIR0 equ 0x041E012 ; GTE MVMVA Command: Intermediate Value 0 (IR0) * Rotation Matrix (RT) - 8 Cycles
RTV0TR equ 0x0480012 ; GTE MVMVA Command: Vector 0 (V0) * Rotation Matrix (RT) + Translation Vector (TR) - 8 Cycles
RTV1TR equ 0x0488012 ; GTE MVMVA Command: Vector 1 (V1) * Rotation Matrix (RT) + Translation Vector (TR) - 8 Cycles
RTV2TR equ 0x0490012 ; GTE MVMVA Command: Vector 2 (V2) * Rotation Matrix (RT) + Translation Vector (TR) - 8 Cycles
RTIRTR equ 0x0498012 ; GTE MVMVA Command: Vector 3 (IR) * Rotation Matrix (RT) + Translation Vector (TR) - 8 Cycles
RTV0BK equ 0x0482012 ; GTE MVMVA Command: Vector 0 (V0) * Rotation Matrix (RT) + Background Color Vector (BK) - 8 Cycles
RTV1BK equ 0x048A012 ; GTE MVMVA Command: Vector 1 (V1) * Rotation Matrix (RT) + Background Color Vector (BK) - 8 Cycles
RTV2BK equ 0x0492012 ; GTE MVMVA Command: Vector 2 (V2) * Rotation Matrix (RT) + Background Color Vector (BK) - 8 Cycles
RTIRBK equ 0x049A012 ; GTE MVMVA Command: Vector 3 (IR) * Rotation Matrix (RT) + Background Color Vector (BK) - 8 Cycles
LL equ 0x04A6412 ; GTE MVMVA Command: Vector 0 (V0) * Light Source Matrix (LLM) (Lower Limit Result 0) - 8 Cycles
LLV0 equ 0x04A6012 ; GTE MVMVA Command: Vector 0 (V0) * Light Source Matrix (LLM) - 8 Cycles
LLV1 equ 0x04AE012 ; GTE MVMVA Command: Vector 1 (V1) * Light Source Matrix (LLM) - 8 Cycles
LLV2 equ 0x04B6012 ; GTE MVMVA Command: Vector 2 (V2) * Light Source Matrix (LLM) - 8 Cycles
LLIR equ 0x04BE012 ; GTE MVMVA Command: Vector 3 (IR) * Light Source Matrix (LLM) - 8 Cycles
LLV0TR equ 0x04A0012 ; GTE MVMVA Command: Vector 0 (V0) * Light Source Matrix (LLM) + Translation Vector (TR) - 8 Cycles
LLV1TR equ 0x04A8012 ; GTE MVMVA Command: Vector 1 (V1) * Light Source Matrix (LLM) + Translation Vector (TR) - 8 Cycles
LLV2TR equ 0x04B0012 ; GTE MVMVA Command: Vector 2 (V2) * Light Source Matrix (LLM) + Translation Vector (TR) - 8 Cycles
LLIRTR equ 0x04B8012 ; GTE MVMVA Command: Vector 3 (IR) * Light Source Matrix (LLM) + Translation Vector (TR) - 8 Cycles
LLV0BK equ 0x04A2012 ; GTE MVMVA Command: Vector 0 (V0) * Light Source Matrix (LLM) + Background Color Vector (BK) - 8 Cycles
LLV1BK equ 0x04AA012 ; GTE MVMVA Command: Vector 1 (V1) * Light Source Matrix (LLM) + Background Color Vector (BK) - 8 Cycles
LLV2BK equ 0x04B2012 ; GTE MVMVA Command: Vector 2 (V2) * Light Source Matrix (LLM) + Background Color Vector (BK) - 8 Cycles
LLIRBK equ 0x04BA012 ; GTE MVMVA Command: Vector 3 (IR) * Light Source Matrix (LLM) + Background Color Vector (BK) - 8 Cycles
LC equ 0x04DA412 ; GTE MVMVA Command: Vector 0 (V0) * Light Color Matrix (LCM) (Lower Limit Result 0) - 8 Cycles
LCV0 equ 0x04C6012 ; GTE MVMVA Command: Vector 0 (V0) * Light Color Matrix (LCM) - 8 Cycles
LCV1 equ 0x04CE012 ; GTE MVMVA Command: Vector 1 (V1) * Light Color Matrix (LCM) - 8 Cycles
LCV2 equ 0x04D6012 ; GTE MVMVA Command: Vector 2 (V2) * Light Color Matrix (LCM) - 8 Cycles
LCIR equ 0x04DE012 ; GTE MVMVA Command: Vector 3 (IR) * Light Color Matrix (LCM) - 8 Cycles
LCV0TR equ 0x04C0012 ; GTE MVMVA Command: Vector 0 (V0) * Light Color Matrix (LCM) + Translation Vector (TR) - 8 Cycles
LCV1TR equ 0x04C8012 ; GTE MVMVA Command: Vector 1 (V1) * Light Color Matrix (LCM) + Translation Vector (TR) - 8 Cycles
LCV2TR equ 0x04D0012 ; GTE MVMVA Command: Vector 2 (V2) * Light Color Matrix (LCM) + Translation Vector (TR) - 8 Cycles
LCIRTR equ 0x04D8012 ; GTE MVMVA Command: Vector 3 (IR) * Light Color Matrix (LCM) + Translation Vector (TR) - 8 Cycles
LCV0BK equ 0x04C2012 ; GTE MVMVA Command: Vector 0 (V0) * Light Color Matrix (LCM) + Background Color Vector (BK) - 8 Cycles
LCV1BK equ 0x04CA012 ; GTE MVMVA Command: Vector 1 (V1) * Light Color Matrix (LCM) + Background Color Vector (BK) - 8 Cycles
LCV2BK equ 0x04D2012 ; GTE MVMVA Command: Vector 2 (V2) * Light Color Matrix (LCM) + Background Color Vector (BK) - 8 Cycles
LCIRBK equ 0x04DA012 ; GTE MVMVA Command: Vector 3 (IR) * Light Color Matrix (LCM) + Background Color Vector (BK) - 8 Cycles
; GTE SQR (Calculate Square Of Vector) Command Instructions
SQR12 equ 0x0A80428 ; GTE SQR Command: Calculate Square Of Vector 3 (IR) (S.19.12) - 5 Cycles
SQR0 equ 0x0A00428 ; GTE SQR Command: Calculate Square Of Intermediate Value 0 (IR0) (S.31.0) - 5 Cycles
; GTE OP (Calculate Outer Product Of Two Signed 16-Bit Vectors) Command Instructions
OP12 equ 0x178000C ; GTE OP Command: Calculate Outer Product Of Vector 3 (IR) (S.19.12) - 6 Cycles
OP0 equ 0x170000C ; GTE OP Command: Calculate Outer Product Of Intermediate Value 0 (IR0) (S.31.0) - 6 Cycles
; GTE GPF (General Purpose Interpolation) Command Instructions
GPF12 equ 0x198003D ; GTE OP Command: General Purpose Interpolation Of Vector 3 (IR) (S.19.12) - 5 Cycles
GPF0 equ 0x190003D ; GTE OP Command: General Purpose Interpolation Of Intermediate Value 0 (IR0) (S.31.0) - 5 Cycles
; GTE GPL (General Purpose Interpolation With Base) Command Instructions
GPL12 equ 0x1A8003E ; GTE OP Command: General Purpose Interpolation With Base Of Vector 3 (IR) (S.19.12) - 6 Cycles
GPL0 equ 0x1A0003E ; GTE OP Command: General Purpose Interpolation With Base Of Intermediate Value 0 (IR0) (S.31.0) - 5 Cycles