(function(){ // NOTE: using defiant.js gives us '[undefined]' arrays instead of '[]' ones sometimes, should be fixed const Exp = {}; let MakeTreeFromXml; const platformIsNode = (typeof module === 'object' && typeof module.exports === 'object'); const platformIsBrowser = (typeof window !== 'undefined' && typeof window.document !== 'undefined'); if (platformIsNode && !platformIsBrowser) { MakeTreeFromXml = (xml) => new require('jsdom').JSDOM(xml); // TODO load all other dependencies } if (platformIsBrowser) { MakeTreeFromXml = (xml) => new DOMParser().parseFromString(xml, 'text/xml'); } Exp.Trasformapi = (transformerXml, initOptions={}) => { var transformerTree = MakeTreeFromXml(transformerXml); initOptions.sets ||= {}; for (const attr of transformerTree.querySelector(':scope > set')?.attributes) { initOptions.sets[attr.name] = attr.value; } return { TransformForInput: (entityName, upstreamName, dataIn, transformOptions) => _TransformForInput(transformerTree, initOptions, entityName, upstreamName, dataIn, transformOptions), TransformForOutput: (entityName, upstreamName, dataIn, transformOptions) => _TransformForOutput(transformerTree, initOptions, entityName, upstreamName, dataIn, transformOptions), }; } function _TransformForInput (transformerTree, initOptions, entityName, upstreamName, dataIn, transformOptions={}) { const globalSets = { ...initOptions.sets, ...transformOptions.sets }; // due to a bug in defiant, we need to prefix something to any key starting with '@'... // function JsonObjectKeysFix (obj) { // TODO avoid collisions? (even if they're unlikely with what we're doing) return (obj !== undefined && obj !== null ? Object.fromEntries(Object.entries(obj).map( ([key,value]) => { const newKey = (key.startsWith('@') ? `_${key}` : key); return typeof value == "object" ? [newKey, JsonObjectKeysFix(value)] : [newKey, value] })) : obj); } function MakeApiEntityObject (entityName, upstreamName, dataIn) { if (!dataIn) { // nothing to do return; }; let dataOut = {}; const entitySchema = transformerTree.querySelector(`:scope > entity[name="${entityName}"]`); for (const propSchema of entitySchema.querySelectorAll(':scope > prop')) { const propName = propSchema.getAttribute('name'); const propType = propSchema.getAttribute('type').split('[]')[0]; const propDataType = (propSchema.getAttribute('type').endsWith('[]') ? [] : {}); const propContent = propSchema.querySelector(`:scope > content[upstream="${upstreamName}"]`); if (!propContent) { // property is not implemented for the current upstream, skip it continue; } const propContentChildren = propContent.querySelectorAll(`:scope > prop`); if (propContentChildren.length === 0) { const dataKey = SubstituteStringSets(propContent.getAttribute('query'), globalSets); const dataInContent = (dataIn instanceof Node ? GetElementsByXPath(dataKey, dataIn)[0]?.textContent : (dataKey ? /*_.get*/defiant.search(dataIn, dataKey)[0] : dataIn) ); // I don't know if this is fully correct if (Array.isArray(propDataType) && Array.isArray(dataInContent)) { for (const itemContent of dataInContent) { dataOut[propName] = (["string", "number", "int", "float"].includes(propType) ? SetOrPush(itemContent, propDataType) : SetOrPush(MakeApiEntityObject(propType, upstreamName, itemContent), propDataType) ); } } else { dataOut[propName] = (["string", "number", "int", "float"].includes(propType) ? SetOrPush(dataInContent, propDataType) : SetOrPush(MakeApiEntityObject(propType, upstreamName, dataInContent), propDataType) ); } } else { dataOut[propName] = {}; // NOTE: in some cases, this should be an array, I guess, or maybe not? for (const propChildSchema of propContentChildren) { const entityChildSchema = transformerTree.querySelector(`:scope > entity[name="${propType}"]`); const propChildName = propChildSchema.getAttribute('name'); const propChildProp = entityChildSchema.querySelector(`:scope > prop[name="${propChildName}"]`); const propChildType = propChildProp.getAttribute('type').split('[]')[0]; const propChildDataType = (propChildProp.getAttribute('type').endsWith('[]') ? [] : {}); const childDataKey = SubstituteStringSets(propChildSchema.getAttribute('query'), globalSets); let childDataInContent = []; if (dataIn instanceof Node) { const nodes = GetElementsByXPath(childDataKey, dataIn); if (nodes.length === 1) { childDataInContent = nodes[0]?.textContent } else { for (const node of nodes) { childDataInContent.push(node?.textContent); } } } else { childDataInContent = (childDataKey ? /*_.get*/defiant.search(dataIn, childDataKey)[0] : dataIn); } const childResult = (["string", "number", "int", "float"].includes(propChildType) ? childDataInContent : MakeApiEntityObject(propChildType, upstreamName, childDataInContent) ); if (Array.isArray(propDataType)) { if (!Array.isArray(dataOut[propName])) { dataOut[propName] = []; } const childItems = SureArray(childResult); for (const childItemIndex in childItems) { const childItem = childItems[childItemIndex]; if (!dataOut[propName][childItemIndex]) { dataOut[propName][childItemIndex] = {}; } dataOut[propName][childItemIndex][propChildName] = childItem; } } else { dataOut[propName][propChildName] = childResult; } } } } return dataOut; } return MakeApiEntityObject (entityName, upstreamName, (dataIn instanceof Node ? dataIn : JsonObjectKeysFix(dataIn))); } function _TransformForOutput (transformerTree, initOptions, entityName, upstreamName, dataIn, transformOptions={}) { // TODO } // // TODO: 'document' won't work on nodejs, must change it function GetElementsByXPath (xpath, parent) { let results = []; let query = document.evaluate(xpath, parent || document, ((ns) => ns), XPathResult.ORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE, null); for (let i=0, length=query.snapshotLength; i (Array.isArray(dest) ? [...dest, item] : item); const SureArray = (item) => (Array.isArray(item) ? item : [item]); const SubstituteStringSets = (string, sets) => { for (const set in sets) { string = string?.replaceAll(`{${set}}`, sets[set]); } return string; } if (platformIsNode) module.exports = Exp; if (platformIsBrowser) window.Trasformapi = Exp.Trasformapi; })();