mirror of
synced 2025-03-06 12:37:38 +01:00
update MBViewer
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,3 +1,11 @@
html.theme_dark svg.IconBlack {
filter: invert(1);
body {
overflow-x: hidden;
.MbPost * {
max-width: 100%;
height: auto;
@ -77,7 +77,7 @@
<div class="tgme_channel_info">
<div class="tgme_channel_info_header">
<a href="javascript:;" name="closeColumn" style="float: right;" hidden="true">
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="32" height="32">
<svg class="IconBlack" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="32" height="32">
<path d="M23.057 7.057a1.333 1.333 0 1 1 1.886 1.886L17.886 16l7.057 7.057a1.333 1.333 0 1 1-1.886 1.886L16 17.886l-7.057 7.057a1.333 1.333 0 1 1-1.886-1.886L14.114 16 7.057 8.943a1.333 1.333 0 1 1 1.886-1.886L16 14.114l7.057-7.057z"/>
@ -159,7 +159,7 @@
<div class="tgme_header_info">
<a href="javascript:;" name="goBack" style="float: left; margin: 8px;" hidden="true">
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="32" height="32">
<svg class="IconBlack" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="32" height="32">
<path d="M16.943 7.609a1.333 1.333 0 1 0-1.886-1.886l-9.333 9.333a1.334 1.334 0 0 0 0 1.886l9.333 9.333a1.333 1.333 0 1 0 1.886-1.886l-7.057-7.057h15.448a1.333 1.333 0 0 0 0-2.666H9.886l7.057-7.057z"/>
@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
// TODO:
// * handle opening the feed at a specific post id in time
// ** support opening from not only id but also permalink
// * support opening posts from not only id but also permalink
// * custom colors
// * reduce lag on mobile somehow
// * open author profiles/bios as a channel and show only their messages instead of the full site
@ -17,6 +16,7 @@
// * fix unfinished tasks still executing when clicking back
// * fix imported SVG buttons not fitting with dark theme
// * I think we might need to handle acronicized names for users when needed?
// * show, and/or sort by, posts tags/categories
let MbState = {};
@ -84,9 +84,11 @@ function MakeApiEndpoint (type, options={}) {
const translations = {
"wordpress.org": {
count: "per_page",
orderBy: "orderby",
"wordpress.com": {
count: "number",
orderBy: "order_by",
let query = '';
@ -130,6 +132,9 @@ async function MbViewerInit () {
authors: {},
lastPostOffsetAfter: 0,
lastPostOffsetBefore: 0,
lastMustScroll: true,
$('form.tgme_header_search_form')[0].action = '';
$('form.tgme_header_search_form')[0].onsubmit = function(event){
@ -148,9 +153,11 @@ async function MbViewerInit () {
$('a.tgme_header_link')[0].onclick = function(){
if (window.innerWidth <= 720 ) { // .tgme_header_right_column @media max-width
if (!$('.tgme_header_right_column')[0].style.display) {
$('body')[0].style.overflow = 'hidden';
$('main.tgme_main')[0].style.visibility = 'hidden';
$('.tgme_header_search')[0].style.display = 'none';
$('.tgme_header_right_column')[0].style.display = 'revert';
$('.tgme_header_right_column')[0].style.width = 'revert';
$('.tgme_header_right_column')[0].style.width = 'calc(100% - 24px)';
$('.tgme_header_right_column .tgme_channel_info')[0].style.height = 'calc(100% - 32px)';
$('.tgme_header_right_column a[name="closeColumn"]')[0].hidden = false;
} else {
@ -159,7 +166,6 @@ async function MbViewerInit () {
$('.tgme_header_right_column a[name="closeColumn"]')[0].onclick = HideMobileRightColumn;
$('.tgme_page_photo_image').removeClass('bgcolor0 bgcolor1 bgcolor2 bgcolor3 bgcolor4 bgcolor5 bgcolor6');
@ -176,6 +182,8 @@ async function MbViewerInit () {
MbState.siteUrl = MbState.args.siteurl;
MbState.platform = /*SureArray(*/MbState.args.platform/*)*/;
MbState.postId = MbState.args.postid;
//MbState.postSlug = MbState.args.postslug;
if (MbState.siteUrl) {
if (!MbState.platform) {
if (GetDomainFromUrl(MbState.siteUrl).toLowerCase().endsWith('wordpress.com')) {
@ -189,16 +197,30 @@ async function MbViewerInit () {
MbState.siteData = await siteRequest.json();
} catch(err) {
setTimeout(MbViewerInit, 1000);
const siteLink = (MbState.siteData.url || MbState.siteData.URL || MbState.siteUrl);
MbState.startingPost = MbState.postId;//!!(MbState.postId || MbState.postSlug);
if (MbState.startingPost) {
try {
const postRequest = await fetch(MakeSiteRestUrl(MakeApiEndpoint('posts', { id: MbState.postId })));
MbState.startingPost = await postRequest.json();
MbState.lastPostOffsetAfter = 0; // for some reason we need to clear this after making the wrapper or else we lose a post
TWeb.loadMore($('.js-messages_more_wrap > a[data-after]'), MbState.startingPost);
} catch(err) {
setTimeout(MbViewerInit, 1000);
} else {
TWeb.loadMore($('.js-messages_more_wrap > a'));
$('form.tgme_header_search_form')[0].action = `${siteLink}/?s`;
$('form.tgme_header_search_form')[0].onsubmit = null;
//$('a.tgme_header_link')[0].href = siteLink;
$('.tgme_channel_info_header_username').html(`<a href="${siteLink}">${GetDomainFromUrl(siteLink).toLowerCase()}</a>`);
$('a[name="goBack"]')[0].hidden = false;
$('section.tgme_channel_history.js-message_history').html(MakeMoreWrapperHtml(0, 'before'));
MbState.lastMustScroll = true;
TWeb.loadMore($('.js-messages_more_wrap > a'));
MbState.siteData.iconUrl = (MbState.siteData.site_icon_url || MbState.siteData.icon?.img || MbState.siteData.icon?.ico);
MbState.siteData.acroName ||= (!MbState.siteData.iconUrl ? MakeAcroName(MbState.siteData.name) : '');
@ -234,6 +256,12 @@ async function MbViewerInit () {
<br/> * Now sites without an icon will display a random color and their acronicized name
<br/> * Hopefully fixed all the scrolling-loading issues for real this time...
</p>`, date: '2024-01-15T01:00' }, { content: `<p>
New changes:
<br/> * Adapt newly-added icons for dark mode
<br/> * Improved visualization of info column for small screens
<br/> * Improved video anti-hotlinking bypass, added fullscreen button for browsers which wouldn't otherwise show the native one
<br/> * Allow opening the stream at the point in time of a specific post ID for a website
</p>`, date: '2024-01-16T00:00' }, { content: `<p>
Copyright notice: MBViewer uses code borrowed from <a href="https://t.me">t.me</a>,
specially modified to handle customized data visualizations in an MB-style.
@ -249,21 +277,34 @@ async function MbViewerInit () {
} else {
MbState.lastMustScroll = true;
function MakeMoreWrapperHtml (postOffset, wrapType) {
if (postOffset >= 0) {
MbState.lastPostOffset = (postOffset + 1);
function MakeMoreWrapperHtml (wrapType) {
let offset, order, relativeOpts;
switch (wrapType) {
case 'after':
offset = MbState.lastPostOffsetAfter;
order = 'asc';
case 'before':
offset = MbState.lastPostOffsetBefore;
order = 'desc';
if (MbState.startingPost) {
relativeOpts = { order: order, exclude: (MbState.startingPost.id || MbState.startingPost.ID) };
relativeOpts[wrapType] = MbState.startingPost.date;
return `<div class="tgme_widget_message_centered js-messages_more_wrap">
<a href="${MbState.siteUrl && MakeSiteRestUrl(MakeApiEndpoint('posts', { offset: postOffset, count: 1 }))}" data-${wrapType}="" class="tme_messages_more js-messages_more"></a>
<a href="${MbState.siteUrl && MakeSiteRestUrl(MakeApiEndpoint('posts', { count: 1, offset: offset, orderBy: "date", ...(MbState.startingPost && relativeOpts) }))}" data-${wrapType}="" class="tme_messages_more js-messages_more"></a>
async function MakeMbHtml (postData) {
async function MakeMbHtml (postData, makeMoreWrap) {
postData = (typeof(postData) === 'string' ? JSON.parse(postData) : postData);
let html = (MbState.siteUrl ? MakeMoreWrapperHtml(MbState.lastPostOffset, 'before') : '');
let html = '';
const siteLink = (MbState.siteData.url || MbState.siteData.URL || MbState.siteLink);
const siteHref = (siteLink ? `href="${siteLink}"` : '');
for (postData of (postData.posts ? postData.posts : SureArray(postData))) {
@ -280,7 +321,7 @@ async function MakeMbHtml (postData) {
const iconUrl = (Object.values(authorData?.avatar_urls || {}).slice(-1)[0] || authorData?.avatar_URL || MbState.siteData.iconUrl);
html += `
<div class="tgme_widget_message_wrap js-widget_message_wrap date_visible">
<div class="tgme_widget_message text_not_supported_wrap js-widget_message" data-post="">
<div class="tgme_widget_message text_not_supported_wrap js-widget_message" data-post="${postData.id || postData.ID}">
<div class="tgme_widget_message_user">
<a ${authorHref || siteHref}>
<i class="tgme_widget_message_user_photo ${iconUrl ? '' : `bgcolor${MbState.siteData.bgColor}`}" style="background-color: unset;" data-content="${MbState.siteData.acroName}">
@ -329,6 +370,18 @@ async function MakeMbHtml (postData) {
if (!html) {
// no more messages?
if (makeMoreWrap && MbState.siteUrl) {
const wrapHtml = MakeMoreWrapperHtml(makeMoreWrap);
switch (makeMoreWrap) {
case 'after': html = `${html}${wrapHtml}`; break;
case 'before': html = `${wrapHtml}${html}`; break;
MbState.lastMoreWrap = makeMoreWrap;
return html;
@ -337,10 +390,11 @@ function ReformatPostHtml (html) {
// bypass Altervista's anti-hotlinking protection by hiding our HTTP Referer header
// TODO: only do this for altervista sites maybe
for (const videoElem of content.find('video').toArray()) {
videoElem.preload = 'none';
const frameElem = document.createElement('iframe');
frameElem.style = 'border: none; width: 100%;';
frameElem.allow = 'fullscreen';
frameElem.src = `data:text/html;utf8,
frameElem.src = `data:text/html;utf8,<!DOCTYPE html><body>
html, body { margin: 0; overflow: hidden; }
video { max-width: 100%; }
@ -348,23 +402,26 @@ function ReformatPostHtml (html) {
var videoElem = document.querySelector('video');
var oldVideoHeight = getComputedStyle(videoElem).height;
var newVideoHeight = getComputedStyle(videoElem).height;
if (newVideoHeight !== oldVideoHeight) {
top.postMessage((videoElem.src + ' ' + newVideoHeight), '*');
oldVideoHeight = oldVideoHeight;
}, 750);
videoElem.onloadedmetadata = function(){
top.postMessage((videoElem.src + ' ' + getComputedStyle(videoElem).height), '*');
var buttonElem = document.createElement('button');
buttonElem.style = 'position: absolute; top: 0; right: 0; z-index: 1;';
buttonElem.innerHTML = 'Fullscreen';
buttonElem.onclick = function(){ videoElem.requestFullscreen(); };
return content.html();
function HideMobileRightColumn () {
$('body')[0].style.overflow = '';
$('main.tgme_main')[0].style.visibility = '';
$('.tgme_header_search')[0].style.display = '';
$('.tgme_header_right_column')[0].style.display = '';
$('.tgme_header_right_column')[0].style.width = '';
$('.tgme_header_right_column .tgme_channel_info')[0].style.height = '';
@ -381,7 +438,7 @@ function ResizeLayouts () {
$('a[name="goBack"]')[0].onclick = function(){
ArgsRewrite({ siteurl: null, postid: null });
ArgsRewrite({ siteurl: null, postid: null, /*postslug: null*/ });
window.onmessage = function(event){
@ -285,8 +285,14 @@ var TWeb = {
if (loading) {
return false;
var before = $moreEl.attr('data-before');
var wrapType = '';
var after = $moreEl.attr('data-after');
var before = $moreEl.attr('data-before');
if (after !== undefined) {
wrapType = 'after';
} else if (before !== undefined) {
wrapType = 'before';
var url = $moreEl.attr('href');
$moreEl.data('loading', true);
@ -304,9 +310,10 @@ var TWeb = {
async function _loadContinue(data) {
var _loadContinue = async function(data) {
var messageHistoryCountBefore = $('section.tgme_channel_history.js-message_history .tgme_widget_message_wrap.js-widget_message_wrap').length;
var [initialHtmlScroll, initialHtmlHeight] = [$('html').scrollTop(), $('html').height()];
var $data = $(await MakeMbHtml(data));
var $data = $(await MakeMbHtml(data, wrapType));
var $helper = $('<div class="tgme_widget_messages_helper"></div>');
@ -332,6 +339,7 @@ var TWeb = {
// load more messages if the current viewport is not tall enough to be scrolled
if (!IsScrollableY($('html')[0])) {
MbState.wasEverNonScrollable = true;
MbState.lastMustScroll = true;
@ -339,19 +347,32 @@ var TWeb = {
if (MbState.lastMustScroll) {
MbState.lastMustScroll = false;
return _scrollToLastMessage();
if (MbState.wasEverNonScrollable) {
MbState.wasEverNonScrollable = false;
return _scrollToLastMessage();
if (wrapType === 'before') {
$('html').scrollTop(initialHtmlScroll + $('html').height() - initialHtmlHeight);
if (MbState.startingPost && messageHistoryCountBefore === 1) {
TWeb.highlightPost(MbState.startingPost?.id || MbState.startingPost?.ID);
$('html').scrollTop(initialHtmlScroll + $('html').height() - initialHtmlHeight);
var _scrollToLastMessage = function() {
var lastMessageElem = $('.tgme_widget_message_wrap').last()[0];
// scroll a bit more to show the message nicely if it's taller than viewport
if (lastMessageElem.clientHeight > ($('html')[0].clientHeight - 48)) {
$('html')[0].scrollTop -= 48;
MbState.lastMustScroll = false;
// avoid automatic infinite upscrolling
if ($('html')[0].scrollTop === 0) {
$('html')[0].scrollTop = 16;
_load(url, before, after);
Reference in New Issue
Block a user