680 lines
1.9 MiB
Raw Normal View History

<!DOCTYPE html>
2022-09-05 16:29:51 +02:00
This is an unaffiliated fork of the Ecoji v1 webapp.
2022-09-07 20:25:23 +02:00
| Last updated: 2022-09-07.
Original Ecoji project info:
2022-09-05 16:29:51 +02:00
| https://github.com/keith-turner/ecoji
Changes in this Web build (directly edited from the gh-pages branch):
| Simplified the CSS,
| handling decode URIs with "#d=" instead of "?d=",
2022-09-07 20:25:23 +02:00
| automatically ignore whitespace in decode box,
| added JavaScript notice,
| made the app a self-contained AHTML bundle and added notice.
License: Apache-2.0
| (https://github.com/keith-turner/ecoji/blob/main/LICENSE)
2022-09-05 16:29:51 +02:00
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8"/>
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, shrink-to-fit=no">
<link rel="manifest" href="manifest.json">
@Media (Prefers-Color-Scheme: Light) {
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Padding: 16px;
Max-Height: 100vh;
Font-Family: Sans-Serif;
Font-Size: Large;
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Main, P {
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2022-09-07 20:25:23 +02:00
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2022-09-05 16:29:51 +02:00
Font-Size: XX-Large;
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Font-Size: Small;
/*** Start golang wasm-exec code. ***/
2022-09-05 16:29:51 +02:00
// Copyright 2018 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
(() => {
if (typeof global !== "undefined") {
// global already exists
} else if (typeof window !== "undefined") {
window.global = window;
} else if (typeof self !== "undefined") {
self.global = self;
} else {
throw new Error("cannot export Go (neither global, window nor self is defined)");
if (!global.require && typeof require !== "undefined") {
global.require = require;
if (!global.fs && global.require) {
global.fs = require("fs");
if (!global.fs) {
let outputBuf = "";
global.fs = {
constants: { O_WRONLY: -1, O_RDWR: -1, O_CREAT: -1, O_TRUNC: -1, O_APPEND: -1, O_EXCL: -1 }, // unused
writeSync(fd, buf) {
outputBuf += decoder.decode(buf);
const nl = outputBuf.lastIndexOf("\n");
if (nl != -1) {
console.log(outputBuf.substr(0, nl));
outputBuf = outputBuf.substr(nl + 1);
return buf.length;
write(fd, buf, offset, length, position, callback) {
if (offset !== 0 || length !== buf.length || position !== null) {
throw new Error("not implemented");
const n = this.writeSync(fd, buf);
callback(null, n);
open(path, flags, mode, callback) {
const err = new Error("not implemented");
err.code = "ENOSYS";
read(fd, buffer, offset, length, position, callback) {
const err = new Error("not implemented");
err.code = "ENOSYS";
fsync(fd, callback) {
if (!global.crypto) {
const nodeCrypto = require("crypto");
global.crypto = {
getRandomValues(b) {
if (!global.performance) {
global.performance = {
now() {
const [sec, nsec] = process.hrtime();
return sec * 1000 + nsec / 1000000;
if (!global.TextEncoder) {
global.TextEncoder = require("util").TextEncoder;
if (!global.TextDecoder) {
global.TextDecoder = require("util").TextDecoder;
const encoder = new TextEncoder("utf-8");
const decoder = new TextDecoder("utf-8");
global.Go = class {
constructor() {
this.argv = ["js"];
this.env = {};
this.exit = (code) => {
if (code !== 0) {
console.warn("exit code:", code);
this._exitPromise = new Promise((resolve) => {
this._resolveExitPromise = resolve;
this._pendingEvent = null;
this._scheduledTimeouts = new Map();
this._nextCallbackTimeoutID = 1;
const mem = () => {
return new DataView(this._inst.exports.mem.buffer);
const setInt64 = (addr, v) => {
mem().setUint32(addr + 0, v, true);
mem().setUint32(addr + 4, Math.floor(v / 4294967296), true);
const getInt64 = (addr) => {
const low = mem().getUint32(addr + 0, true);
const high = mem().getInt32(addr + 4, true);
return low + high * 4294967296;
const loadValue = (addr) => {
const f = mem().getFloat64(addr, true);
if (f === 0) {
return undefined;
if (!isNaN(f)) {
return f;
const id = mem().getUint32(addr, true);
return this._values[id];
const storeValue = (addr, v) => {
const nanHead = 0x7FF80000;
if (typeof v === "number") {
if (isNaN(v)) {
mem().setUint32(addr + 4, nanHead, true);
mem().setUint32(addr, 0, true);
if (v === 0) {
mem().setUint32(addr + 4, nanHead, true);
mem().setUint32(addr, 1, true);
mem().setFloat64(addr, v, true);
switch (v) {
case undefined:
mem().setFloat64(addr, 0, true);
case null:
mem().setUint32(addr + 4, nanHead, true);
mem().setUint32(addr, 2, true);
case true:
mem().setUint32(addr + 4, nanHead, true);
mem().setUint32(addr, 3, true);
case false:
mem().setUint32(addr + 4, nanHead, true);
mem().setUint32(addr, 4, true);
let ref = this._refs.get(v);
if (ref === undefined) {
ref = this._values.length;
this._refs.set(v, ref);
let typeFlag = 0;
switch (typeof v) {
case "string":
typeFlag = 1;
case "symbol":
typeFlag = 2;
case "function":
typeFlag = 3;
mem().setUint32(addr + 4, nanHead | typeFlag, true);
mem().setUint32(addr, ref, true);
const loadSlice = (addr) => {
const array = getInt64(addr + 0);
const len = getInt64(addr + 8);
return new Uint8Array(this._inst.exports.mem.buffer, array, len);
const loadSliceOfValues = (addr) => {
const array = getInt64(addr + 0);
const len = getInt64(addr + 8);
const a = new Array(len);
for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) {
a[i] = loadValue(array + i * 8);
return a;
const loadString = (addr) => {
const saddr = getInt64(addr + 0);
const len = getInt64(addr + 8);
return decoder.decode(new DataView(this._inst.exports.mem.buffer, saddr, len));
const timeOrigin = Date.now() - performance.now();
this.importObject = {
go: {
"runtime.wasmExit": (sp) => {
const code = mem().getInt32(sp + 8, true);
this.exited = true;
delete this._inst;
delete this._values;
delete this._refs;
"runtime.wasmWrite": (sp) => {
const fd = getInt64(sp + 8);
const p = getInt64(sp + 16);
const n = mem().getInt32(sp + 24, true);
fs.writeSync(fd, new Uint8Array(this._inst.exports.mem.buffer, p, n));
"runtime.nanotime": (sp) => {
setInt64(sp + 8, (timeOrigin + performance.now()) * 1000000);
"runtime.walltime": (sp) => {
const msec = (new Date).getTime();
setInt64(sp + 8, msec / 1000);
mem().setInt32(sp + 16, (msec % 1000) * 1000000, true);
"runtime.scheduleTimeoutEvent": (sp) => {
const id = this._nextCallbackTimeoutID;
this._scheduledTimeouts.set(id, setTimeout(
() => {
while (this._scheduledTimeouts.has(id)) {
console.warn("scheduleTimeoutEvent: missed timeout event");
getInt64(sp + 8) + 1,
2022-09-05 16:29:51 +02:00
mem().setInt32(sp + 16, id, true);
"runtime.clearTimeoutEvent": (sp) => {
const id = mem().getInt32(sp + 8, true);
"runtime.getRandomData": (sp) => {
crypto.getRandomValues(loadSlice(sp + 8));
"syscall/js.stringVal": (sp) => {
storeValue(sp + 24, loadString(sp + 8));
"syscall/js.valueGet": (sp) => {
const result = Reflect.get(loadValue(sp + 8), loadString(sp + 16));
sp = this._inst.exports.getsp();
2022-09-05 16:29:51 +02:00
storeValue(sp + 32, result);
"syscall/js.valueSet": (sp) => {
Reflect.set(loadValue(sp + 8), loadString(sp + 16), loadValue(sp + 32));
"syscall/js.valueIndex": (sp) => {
storeValue(sp + 24, Reflect.get(loadValue(sp + 8), getInt64(sp + 16)));
"syscall/js.valueSetIndex": (sp) => {
Reflect.set(loadValue(sp + 8), getInt64(sp + 16), loadValue(sp + 24));
"syscall/js.valueCall": (sp) => {
try {
const v = loadValue(sp + 8);
const m = Reflect.get(v, loadString(sp + 16));
const args = loadSliceOfValues(sp + 32);
const result = Reflect.apply(m, v, args);
sp = this._inst.exports.getsp();
2022-09-05 16:29:51 +02:00
storeValue(sp + 56, result);
mem().setUint8(sp + 64, 1);
} catch (err) {
storeValue(sp + 56, err);
mem().setUint8(sp + 64, 0);
"syscall/js.valueInvoke": (sp) => {
try {
const v = loadValue(sp + 8);
const args = loadSliceOfValues(sp + 16);
const result = Reflect.apply(v, undefined, args);
sp = this._inst.exports.getsp();
2022-09-05 16:29:51 +02:00
storeValue(sp + 40, result);
mem().setUint8(sp + 48, 1);
} catch (err) {
storeValue(sp + 40, err);
mem().setUint8(sp + 48, 0);
"syscall/js.valueNew": (sp) => {
try {
const v = loadValue(sp + 8);
const args = loadSliceOfValues(sp + 16);
const result = Reflect.construct(v, args);
sp = this._inst.exports.getsp();
2022-09-05 16:29:51 +02:00
storeValue(sp + 40, result);
mem().setUint8(sp + 48, 1);
} catch (err) {
storeValue(sp + 40, err);
mem().setUint8(sp + 48, 0);
"syscall/js.valueLength": (sp) => {
setInt64(sp + 16, parseInt(loadValue(sp + 8).length));
"syscall/js.valuePrepareString": (sp) => {
const str = encoder.encode(String(loadValue(sp + 8)));
storeValue(sp + 16, str);
setInt64(sp + 24, str.length);
"syscall/js.valueLoadString": (sp) => {
const str = loadValue(sp + 8);
loadSlice(sp + 16).set(str);
"syscall/js.valueInstanceOf": (sp) => {
mem().setUint8(sp + 24, loadValue(sp + 8) instanceof loadValue(sp + 16));
"syscall/js.copyBytesToGo": (sp) => {
const dst = loadSlice(sp + 8);
const src = loadValue(sp + 32);
if (!(src instanceof Uint8Array)) {
mem().setUint8(sp + 48, 0);
const toCopy = src.subarray(0, dst.length);
setInt64(sp + 40, toCopy.length);
mem().setUint8(sp + 48, 1);
"syscall/js.copyBytesToJS": (sp) => {
const dst = loadValue(sp + 8);
const src = loadSlice(sp + 16);
if (!(dst instanceof Uint8Array)) {
mem().setUint8(sp + 48, 0);
const toCopy = src.subarray(0, dst.length);
setInt64(sp + 40, toCopy.length);
mem().setUint8(sp + 48, 1);
"debug": (value) => {
async run(instance) {
this._inst = instance;
this._values = [
2022-09-05 16:29:51 +02:00
this._refs = new Map();
this.exited = false;
const mem = new DataView(this._inst.exports.mem.buffer)
let offset = 4096;
const strPtr = (str) => {
const ptr = offset;
const bytes = encoder.encode(str + "\0");
new Uint8Array(mem.buffer, offset, bytes.length).set(bytes);
offset += bytes.length;
if (offset % 8 !== 0) {
offset += 8 - (offset % 8);
return ptr;
const argc = this.argv.length;
const argvPtrs = [];
this.argv.forEach((arg) => {
const keys = Object.keys(this.env).sort();
keys.forEach((key) => {
const argv = offset;
argvPtrs.forEach((ptr) => {
mem.setUint32(offset, ptr, true);
mem.setUint32(offset + 4, 0, true);
offset += 8;
this._inst.exports.run(argc, argv);
if (this.exited) {
await this._exitPromise;
_resume() {
if (this.exited) {
throw new Error("Go program has already exited");
if (this.exited) {
_makeFuncWrapper(id) {
const go = this;
return function () {
const event = { id: id, this: this, args: arguments };
go._pendingEvent = event;
return event.result;
if (
global.require &&
global.require.main === module &&
global.process &&
global.process.versions &&
) {
if (process.argv.length < 3) {
console.error("usage: go_js_wasm_exec [wasm binary] [arguments]");
const go = new Go();
go.argv = process.argv.slice(2);
go.env = Object.assign({ TMPDIR: require("os").tmpdir() }, process.env);
go.exit = process.exit;
WebAssembly.instantiate(fs.readFileSync(process.argv[2]), go.importObject).then((result) => {
process.on("exit", (code) => {
2022-09-05 16:29:51 +02:00
if (code === 0 && !go.exited) {
go._pendingEvent = { id: 0 };
return go.run(result.instance);
}).catch((err) => {
/*** End golang wasm-exec code; Start ecoji code. ***/
2022-09-05 16:29:51 +02:00
const go = new Go();
// Using embedded "main.wasm" from "https://ecoji.io/"
2022-09-05 16:29:51 +02:00
function doEncode(){
var data = document.getElementById('plain').value
var encoded = ecojiEncode(data)
document.getElementById('encoded').value = encoded
function doDecode(){
var data = document.getElementById('encoded').value
2022-09-07 20:25:23 +02:00
.replaceAll("\n", "").replaceAll("\r", "").replaceAll("\t", "").replaceAll(" ", "")
2022-09-05 16:29:51 +02:00
var decoded = ecojiDecode(data)
document.getElementById('plain').value = decoded
function doPopulate(ep) {
if(ep) {
document.getElementById('encoded').value = ep
var decoded = ecojiDecode(ep)
document.getElementById('plain').value = decoded
// https://stackoverflow.com/questions/400212/how-do-i-copy-to-the-clipboard-in-javascript
function copyTextToClipboard(text) {
var textArea = document.createElement("textarea");
textArea.style.position = 'fixed';
textArea.style.top = 0;
textArea.style.left = 0;
textArea.style.width = '2em';
textArea.style.height = '2em';
textArea.style.padding = 0;
textArea.style.border = 'none';
textArea.style.outline = 'none';
textArea.style.boxShadow = 'none';
textArea.style.background = 'transparent';
textArea.value = text;
try {
var successful = document.execCommand('copy');
var msg = successful ? 'successful' : 'unsuccessful';
console.log('Copying text command was ' + msg);
} catch (err) {
console.log('Oops, unable to copy');
function doLinkCopy(){
var data = document.getElementById('plain').value
var encoded = ecojiEncode(data)
if(encoded) {
encoded = "https://hub.octt.eu.org/Ecoji/#d="+encoded
2022-09-05 16:29:51 +02:00
<meta name="description" content="Encode and Decode data as emojis!">
<meta property="og:title" content="Ecoji">
<meta property="og:description" content="Encode and Decode data as emojis!">
2022-09-05 16:29:51 +02:00
<h5>[<a href="..">🔼 Home</a>]</h5>
<h3><a href="https://github.com/keith-turner/ecoji">Ecoji</a> v1 webapp fork | <a href="https://github.com/keith-turner/ecoji">🏣🔉🦐🔼</a></h3>
2022-09-05 16:29:51 +02:00
<h5><button type="button" onclick="doLinkCopy()">Copy Link</button></h5>
This is an actual app, not a badly-made website.
It needs JavaScript and WASM to work, so you need to enable them.
The code is fully open, and you can review the HTML5 parts of this fork with "View Page Source".
The Go parts are not modified, and you can review them at the <a href="https://github.com/keith-turner/ecoji">official repo</a>.
2022-09-05 16:29:51 +02:00
<p>🔑 Decode</p>
<textarea id="encoded" class="form-control" rows="5" oninput="doDecode()" placeholder="🧾 Paste Ecoji here to 🔑 Decode..."></textarea>
<p>🔒 Encode</p>
<textarea id="plain" class="form-control" rows="5" oninput="doEncode()" placeholder="📝 Write Text here to 🔒 Encode..."></textarea>
The app is self-contained - you can simply "Save Page As" to get an offline copy.
2022-09-05 16:29:51 +02:00
<script>ecojiPromise.then(() => {doPopulate(new URLSearchParams(window.location.hash).get("#d"))})</script>
2022-09-05 16:29:51 +02:00