# LibMultiSpacc LibMultiSpacc is a library aiming to provide cross-platform abstractions for a number of less-cross-platform libraries. The idea is simple: to build an universal abstraction layer on top of other existing libraries, that developers can use in their code instead of the platform-specific calls, to make it possible for an application to get build-time support for a major number of previously incompatible platforms. The list of supported (or planned) backend libraries follows: - Current PC platforms, modern mobile platforms and game consoles, the Web, ... via SDL 2.0 (WIP) (and 3.0?[^1]) - Old PC and embedded platforms, ... via SDL 1.2 (WIP) - MS-DOS (?) - NDS (WIP) - GBA (Planned) - NES (WIP) SDL is used as the main cross-platform library everywhere possible as stated above, for convenience. Specific platform that require special code are handled separately via other base abstraction layers. [^1]: I just discovered that SDL 3.0 exists, I'm so tired, why would they make a new major, now I have to support 3 versions... or just drop 2.0 and only support 1.2 + 3.0.