var Persist = {Servers: {}, Sources: {}, Identities: {},}; var Present = CopyObj(Persist); var Tasker = {}; var ApiCache = {Urls: {},}; Assets._ = function _(Name) { if (Name in Assets) { if (Assets[Name].startsWith('data:')) { return Assets[Name]; } else { return `./Assets/${Assets[Name]}`; }; }; }; function DoAsync(First, Then, Data) { var Job = RndId(); Tasker[Job] = { Remains: 0, Return(Data) { this.Remains -= 1; this.Result = Data; }, }; // Call all First functs ForceList(First).forEach(function(Fun, Data){ var Task = RndId(); var Proc = [Job, Task]; Tasker[Job][Task] = {}; Tasker[Job].Remains += 1; //Fun(Proc, Data); Data ? Fun(Data, Proc) : Fun(Proc); }); // Continuosly check when First functs completed Tasker[Job].Interval = setInterval(function(Job, Then){ if (Tasker[Job].Remains <= 0) { clearInterval(Tasker[Job].Interval); // Call all Then functs ForceList(Then).forEach(function(Fun){ Fun(Tasker[Job].Result); }); delete Tasker[Job]; }; }, 50, Job, Then); return Job; }; function DisplayProfile(Profile) { var Window = MakeWindow({className: "Profile"}); Window.innerHTML += `
`; DoAsync(FetchMastodon, FillTimeline, Profile); }; function FetchNotes(Profile, Proc) { }; function FetchMastodon(Proc) { if (UseFakeApi) { ResFetchMastodon({responseJson: [FakeApi.Mastodon.Status], Proc: Proc}); } else { ApiCall({Target: "Mastodon", Method: "timelines/public", CallFine: ResFetchMastodon}, Proc); }; }; function ResFetchMastodon(Res) { var Notes = ApiTransform(Res.responseJson, 'Mastodon', 'Note'); LogDebug(Notes, 'l'); Tasker[Res.Proc[0]].Return(Notes); }; function FillTimeline(Notes) { Notes.forEach(function(Note){ Root.lastChild.innerHTML += `Posting in: [Channel]
`; }; function PostNote(Text) { Obj = ExtrimObj(ApiSchema.Note); Obj.Content = Text; // Find out current profile and destination channel to do a proper net request }; function ManageSettings() { MakeWindow().innerHTML = `
Language: ${Dropdown()}
`; }; DoAsync(FetchFeatured, FillFeatured); CoverView.remove();