#!/usr/bin/env python3
import os
from base64 import b64encode
from mimetypes import guess_type
from pathlib import Path
#def MinifyJs(Js):
# New = ''
# Js = Js.replace('\\\n', '\n')
# BlockOpen = False
# for Line in Js.splitlines():
# if '/*' in Line: BlockOpen = True
# if '*/' in Line: BlockOpen = False
# if '//' in Line and not BlockOpen:
# Line = Line.replace('//', '/*') + '*/'
# New += Line
# return New.replace('\n', ' ')
os.makedirs('./Dist', exist_ok=True)
with open(f'./Friendiiverse.html', 'r') as Base:
Base = Base.read()
def FragReplace(Find, Replace, Pattern='*.*'):
global Base
for File in Path('./').rglob(Pattern):
File = str(File)
with open(File, 'r') as Frag:
Frag = Frag.read()
#if Pattern.endswith('*.js') and not File.startswith('Lib/'):
# Frag = MinifyJs(Frag)
Frag = Replace.format(File=File, Frag=Frag)
for Prefix in ('', './'):
Name = Prefix + File
Base = Base.replace(Find.format(File=Name), Frag)
BaseNew = ''
Split = ''
Frags = Frags[1].split(Split)
for File in Path('./Assets').rglob('*.*'):
File = str(File)
Mime = guess_type(File)
Mime = (Mime[0] if Mime else 'application/octet-stream')
with open(File, 'rb') as Frag:
Frag = b64encode(Frag.read()).decode()
for Prefix in ('', './'):
Name = Prefix + '/'.join(File.split('/')[1:])
Frags[0] = Frags[0].replace(f'"{Name}"', f'"data:{Mime};base64,{Frag}"')
BaseNew += Split.join(Frags)
Base = BaseNew
FragReplace('', '', '*.css')
FragReplace('', '', '*.js')
ScriptFrags = ''
for File in Path('./Polyfill').rglob('*.js'):
File = str(File)
#Folder = '/'.join(File.split('/')[:-1])
#File = File.split('/')[-1]
ScriptFrags += f''
Base = Base.replace('', ScriptFrags)
with open('./Dist/Friendiiverse.html', 'w') as Build: