mirror of
synced 2025-03-13 01:00:21 +01:00
197 lines
7.3 KiB
Executable File
197 lines
7.3 KiB
Executable File
#!/usr/bin/env zx
let BackupsBase = '/Main/Backup';
let Time = new Date();
Time.Stamp = `${Time.getFullYear()}-${(Time.getMonth() + 1).toString().padStart(2, '0')}-${Time.getDate().toString().padStart(2, '0')}`;
const GenericBrowserUserAgent = 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:120.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/120.0';
let [Jobs, Secrets] = [{}, {}];
// Import secrets from sh-formatted file
for (let line of (await fs.readFile('./.BackupSecrects.sec', 'utf8')).split('\n')) {
line = line.split('#')[0].trim();
const key = line.split('=')[0];
let val = line.split('=').slice(1).join('=');
if ((val.startsWith('"') && val.endsWith('"')) || (val.startsWith("'") && val.endsWith("'"))) {
val = val.slice(1, -1);
Secrets[key] = val;
const Hash2 = async (BaseKey, Salt) => (await $`echo "${BaseKey}$(echo ${Salt} | sha512sum | base64 -w0)" | sha512sum | base64 -w0`).toString().trim();
const ccencryptNow = async (File, BaseKey) => {
await $`ccrypt -e -f -K"${await Hash2(BaseKey, Time.Stamp)}" ${File}`;
$`echo ${Time.Stamp} > ${File}.info`;
//const ExecAs = async (cmdline, user) => {
// //return await $`${user ? ('sudo -u ' + user) : ''} sh -c '${cmdline}'`;
//const GitPullPush = async (user) => await ExecAs(`git pull; git add . && git commit -m "Auto-Backup ${Time}" && git push || true`, user);
const GitReclone = async (path, url) => await $`rm -rf ${path}.old || true; mv ${path} ${path}.old; git clone --depth 1 ${url}`;
const GitPullPush = async () => await $`git pull; git add .; git commit -m "Auto-Backup ${Time}" || true; git push || true`;
const BackPathCrypt = async (Folder, Key, Ext) => {
Ext ||= '.tar.xz';
const File = `${Folder}${Ext}`;
await $`cp "../${Folder}/Latest${Ext}" "./${File}"`;
await ccencryptNow(`./${File}`, Key);
const SimpleCompress = async (dst, src) => await $`rm ${dst}.tar.xz || true; tar cJSf "${dst}.tar.xz" ${dst || src}`;
const SimpleBackup = async (Folder, Prefix) => {
await $`mkdir -vp ./${Folder}`;
await $`rm ./${Folder}/Latest.tar.xz || true`;
await $`rm -rf ./${Folder}/Latest.d || true`;
await $`cp -rp /Main/Server/${Prefix || ''}/${Folder} ./${Folder}/Latest.d`;
await SimpleCompress(`./${Folder}/${Time.Stamp}`, `./${Folder}/Latest.d`);
await $`ln -s ./${Time.Stamp}.tar.xz ./${Folder}/Latest.tar.xz`;
const AltervistaFullBackup = async (domain) => {
const [user, pass, key] = Secrets[`${domain.replaceAll('.', '_')}_Backup_Tokens`].split(':');
await $`rclone sync ${domain}:/ ./www/wp-content/ --progress || true`;
await $`curl -u ${user}:${pass} https://${domain}/wp-json/octt-export-rest/v1/xrss-export?token=${key} > ./WordPress.xml || true`;
await GitPullPush();
const LampBackup = async (folder, table) => {
await SimpleBackup(folder, 'www');
await $`lxc-attach Debian2023 -- mariadb-dump ${table || folder} > ./${folder}/Db.Latest.sql`;
await SimpleCompress(`./${folder}/Db.${Time.Stamp}.sql`, `./${folder}/Db.Latest.sql`);
await $`rm ./${folder}/Db.Latest.sql.tar.xz || true`;
await $`ln -s "./Db.${Time.Stamp}.sql.tar.xz" ./${folder}/Db.Latest.sql.tar.xz`;
const Work = async (job) => await within(Jobs[job]);
Jobs.Local_MiscSimpleBackups = async()=>{
await SimpleBackup('FreshRSS', 'www');
await SimpleBackup('n8n-data');
await SimpleBackup('script-server');
await SimpleBackup('docker-mailserver');
Jobs.Local_Shiori = async()=>{
await SimpleBackup('shiori-data', 'Shiori');
await $`rm -v ./shiori-data/Latest.d/archive/* || true`;
Jobs.Local_SpaccBBS = async()=>{
// ... await LampBackup('SpaccBBS', 'phpBB');
await SimpleBackup('SpaccBBS', 'www');
await $`lxc-attach Debian2023 -- mariadb-dump phpBB > ./SpaccBBS/Db.Latest.sql`;
await SimpleCompress(`./SpaccBBS/Db.${Time.Stamp}.sql`, './SpaccBBS/Db.Latest.sql');
await $`rm ./SpaccBBS/Db.Latest.sql.tar.xz || true`;
await $`ln -s "./Db.${Time.Stamp}.sql.tar.xz" ./SpaccBBS/Db.Latest.sql.tar.xz`;
Jobs.Local_liminalgici = async()=>{
await LampBackup('pixelfed_liminalgici');
Jobs.Mixed_OctospaccAltervista = async()=>{
await AltervistaFullBackup('octospacc.altervista.org');
// TODO: setup FTP access and Cookie
Jobs.Mixed_SpacccraftAltervista = async()=>{
await AltervistaFullBackup('spacccraft.altervista.org', Secrets.SpacccraftAltervista_Backup_Cookie);
// TODO: everything
Jobs.Exter_WikiSpacc = async()=>{
// ...
Jobs.Cloud_ServerBackupLimited = async()=>{
await GitReclone('Server-Backup-Limited', 'https://gitlab.com/octospacc/Server-Backup-Limited/');
await BackPathCrypt('FreshRSS', Secrets.BackupKey_Git_FreshRSS);
await BackPathCrypt('n8n-data', Secrets.BackupKey_Git_n8n);
await BackPathCrypt('script-server', Secrets.BackupKey_Git_scriptserver);
await BackPathCrypt('docker-mailserver', Secrets.BackupKey_Git_dockermailserver);
await GitPullPush();
Jobs.Cloud_ArticlesBackupPrivate = async()=>{
await $`rm -rf ./shiori-data || true`;
await $`cp -rp ../shiori-data/Latest.d ./shiori-data`;
await GitPullPush();
Jobs.Cloud_SpaccBBS = async()=>{
await $`rm -rf ./SpaccBBS || true`;
await $`cp -rp ../SpaccBBS/Latest.d ./SpaccBBS`;
await $`cp ../SpaccBBS/Db.Latest.sql.tar.xz ./Db.sql.tar.xz`;
for (let File of ['Db.sql.tar.xz', 'SpaccBBS/config.php', 'SpaccBBS/arrowchat/includes/config.php']) {
await ccencryptNow(`./${File}`, Secrets.BackupKey_Git_SpaccBBS);
await GitPullPush();
Jobs.Cloud_liminalgici = async()=>{
await $`rm -rf ./pixelfed_liminalgici || true`;
await $`cp -rp ../pixelfed_liminalgici/Latest.d ./pixelfed_liminalgici`;
await $`cp ../pixelfed_liminalgici/Db.Latest.sql.tar.xz ./Db.sql.tar.xz`;
await SimpleCompress('./pixelfed_liminalgici/config');
await $`rm -rf ./pixelfed_liminalgici/config || true`;
for (let File of ['Db.sql.tar.xz', './pixelfed_liminalgici/.env', './pixelfed_liminalgici/config.tar.xz']) {
await ccencryptNow(`./${File}`, Secrets.BackupKey_Git_liminalgici);
await GitPullPush();
Jobs.Cloud_SpaccCraft = async()=>{
const McServer="SpaccCraft";
const McEdition="Beta-1.7.3";
const McGit="spacccraft-b1.7.3-backup4";
const DestPath=`${BackupsBase}/${McGit}`;
if (fs.existsSync(DestPath)) {
await $`rm -rf "${DestPath}/${McEdition}" || true`;
await $`cp ./*.sh "${DestPath}/" || true`;
await $`cp -r "./${McEdition}/Latest.d" "${DestPath}/${McEdition}"`;
await GitPullPush();
Jobs.Cloud_Private = async()=> await $`sudo -u tux rclone sync /Main/Clouds/octt GDrive-Uni-Crypt:/Clouds.octt --progress`;
await Work('Local_MiscSimpleBackups');
await Work('Local_Shiori');
await Work('Local_SpaccBBS');
await Work('Local_liminalgici');
//await Work('Local_Doku');
await Work('Mixed_OctospaccAltervista');
//await Work('Mixed_SpacccraftAltervista');
//await Work('Exter_WikiSpacc');
await Work('Cloud_ServerBackupLimited');
await Work('Cloud_ArticlesBackupPrivate');
await Work('Cloud_SpaccBBS');
await Work('Cloud_liminalgici');
//await Work('Cloud_Doku');
await Work('Cloud_SpaccCraft');
await Work('Cloud_Private');
$`echo ${Time.Stamp} > ${BackupsBase}/Last.log`;