diff --git a/Lib.sh b/Lib.sh
index fd57d31..337f58a 100644
--- a/Lib.sh
+++ b/Lib.sh
@@ -36,11 +36,14 @@ CpSufx(){
-    echo "$1"
-    rm -rf "./$1" && \
-    mkdir -p "./$1" && \
-    rm -rf "./$1" && \
-	cp --no-target-directory "${ScopePath}$1" "./$1"
+	if [ -f "${ScopePath}$1" ]
+	then
+		echo "$1"
+		rm -rf "./$1" && \
+		mkdir -p "./$1" && \
+		rm -rf "./$1" && \
+		cp --no-target-directory "${ScopePath}$1" "./$1"
+	fi
diff --git a/Server/Repo.Update.sh b/Server/Repo.Update.sh
index 509b349..9ce00e0 100755
--- a/Server/Repo.Update.sh
+++ b/Server/Repo.Update.sh
@@ -21,11 +21,13 @@ mkcd ./Root
 	CpItem etc/nginx/nginx.conf
 	CpSufx "etc/nginx/sites-available/*." conf old
 	CpItem etc/tor/torrc
-	CpSufx "Server/Scripts/Backup/*." sh cfg
-	CpItem Server/Scripts/OneShot.AfterBoot.sh
+	CpSufx "Main/Server/Scripts/Backup/*." sh cfg
+	CpSufx "Main/Server/Scripts/Interactive/*." sh
+	CpItem Main/Server/Scripts/OneShot.AfterBoot.sh
+	CpItem Main/Server/Scripts/RenewCerts.sh
-	CpItem Server/Start/bittorrentd
-	CpItem Transfers/aria2/Conf
+	CpItem Main/Server/Start/bittorrentd
+	CpItem Main/Transfers/aria2/Conf
 cd ..
diff --git a/Server/Root/Server/Scripts/Backup/BackupGlobals.cfg b/Server/Root/Main/Server/Scripts/Backup/BackupGlobals.cfg
old mode 100644
new mode 100755
similarity index 92%
rename from Server/Root/Server/Scripts/Backup/BackupGlobals.cfg
rename to Server/Root/Main/Server/Scripts/Backup/BackupGlobals.cfg
index 7e5df38..378513b
--- a/Server/Root/Server/Scripts/Backup/BackupGlobals.cfg
+++ b/Server/Root/Main/Server/Scripts/Backup/BackupGlobals.cfg
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 # ScriptDir="$( dirname "$( realpath "$0" )" )"
 # cd "$ScriptDir"
diff --git a/Server/Root/Server/Scripts/Backup/CloudBackup.sh b/Server/Root/Main/Server/Scripts/Backup/CloudBackup.sh
similarity index 86%
rename from Server/Root/Server/Scripts/Backup/CloudBackup.sh
rename to Server/Root/Main/Server/Scripts/Backup/CloudBackup.sh
index ee7d6f3..b489191 100755
--- a/Server/Root/Server/Scripts/Backup/CloudBackup.sh
+++ b/Server/Root/Main/Server/Scripts/Backup/CloudBackup.sh
@@ -24,27 +24,28 @@ BackPathCrypt() {
-	cd ./Server-Backup-Limited
+	EchoExec cd ./Server-Backup-Limited
 	#BackPathCrypt "Invidious-User" "${BackupKey_Git_Invidious}" ".7z"
 	#BackPathCrypt "wallabag-data" "${BackupKey_Git_wallabag}"
 	BackPathCrypt FreshRSS "${BackupKey_Git_FreshRSS}"
 	#BackPathCrypt "FreshRSS-data" "${BackupKey_Git_FreshRSS}"
 	#BackPathCrypt "shiori-data" "${BackupKey_Git_Shiori}"
+	BackPathCrypt n8n-data "${BackupKey_Git_n8n}"
 	# "${BackupKey_Git_aria2}" ".7z"
-	cd ..
+	EchoExec cd ..
-	cd ./Articles-Backup-Private
+	EchoExec cd ./Articles-Backup-Private
 	EchoExec rm -rf ./shiori-data
 	EchoExec cp -rp "../shiori-data/Latest.d" "./shiori-data"
-	cd ..
+	EchoExec cd ..
-	cd ./SpaccBBS-Backup-phpBB-2023
+	EchoExec cd ./SpaccBBS-Backup-phpBB-2023
 	EchoExec rm -rf ./SpaccBBS || true
 	EchoExec cp -rp ../SpaccBBS/Latest.d ./SpaccBBS
 	EchoExec cp ../SpaccBBS/Db.Latest.sql.tar.xz ./Db.sql.tar.xz
@@ -55,14 +56,15 @@ SpaccBbsBackup(){
 	; do ccencryptNow "$File" "$BackupKey_Git_SpaccBBS"
-	cd ..
+	EchoExec cd ..
-	DestPath="${BackupsBase}/${McServer}/${McGit}"
+	DestPath="${BackupsBase}/${McGit}"
+	#DestPath="${BackupsBase}/${McServer}/${McGit}"
 	if [ -d "${DestPath}" ]
 		#cd "/Server/${McServer}"
@@ -76,9 +78,9 @@ SpaccBbsBackup(){
-GitPullPushPath "/Cloud/Repos/Personal-Game-Saves"
+#GitPullPushPath "/Cloud/Repos/Personal-Game-Saves"
 #GitPullPushPath "/media/Disk/Configs"
diff --git a/Server/Root/Server/Scripts/Backup/ExternalDataBackup.sh b/Server/Root/Main/Server/Scripts/Backup/ExternalDataBackup.sh
similarity index 100%
rename from Server/Root/Server/Scripts/Backup/ExternalDataBackup.sh
rename to Server/Root/Main/Server/Scripts/Backup/ExternalDataBackup.sh
diff --git a/Server/Root/Server/Scripts/Backup/ServerDataBackup.sh b/Server/Root/Main/Server/Scripts/Backup/ServerDataBackup.sh
similarity index 73%
rename from Server/Root/Server/Scripts/Backup/ServerDataBackup.sh
rename to Server/Root/Main/Server/Scripts/Backup/ServerDataBackup.sh
index 709db02..ae9ef72 100755
--- a/Server/Root/Server/Scripts/Backup/ServerDataBackup.sh
+++ b/Server/Root/Main/Server/Scripts/Backup/ServerDataBackup.sh
@@ -16,23 +16,30 @@ SimpleBackup(){
 	#cp "./$1/${RunDate}.tar.xz" "./$1/Latest.tar.xz"
 	EchoExec rm "./$1/Latest.tar.xz" || true
 	EchoExec rm -rf "./$1/Latest.d" || true
-	EchoExec cp -rp "/Server/$2/$1" "./$1/Latest.d"
+	EchoExec cp -rp "/Main/Server/$2/$1" "./$1/Latest.d"
 	SimpleCompress "./$1/${RunDate}" "./$1/Latest.d"
 	#cp -v "./$1/${RunDate}.tar.xz" "./$1/Latest.tar.xz"
 	EchoExec ln -s "./${RunDate}.tar.xz" "./$1/Latest.tar.xz"
+	SimpleBackup shiori-data Shiori
+	rm -v ./shiori-data/Latest.d/archive/* || true
+	SimpleBackup SpaccBBS www
+	lxc-attach Debian2023 -- sh -c "mariadb-dump phpBB > ${PWD}/SpaccBBS/Db.Latest.sql"
+	SimpleCompress "./SpaccBBS/Db.${RunDate}.sql" ./SpaccBBS/Db.Latest.sql
+	EchoExec ln -s "./Db.${RunDate}.sql.tar.xz" ./SpaccBBS/Db.Latest.sql.tar.xz
 #SimpleBackup "wallabag-data"
 #SimpleBackup "FreshRSS-data"
 SimpleBackup FreshRSS www
-SimpleBackup shiori-data Shiori
-rm -v ./shiori-data/Latest.d/archive/* || true
-SimpleBackup SpaccBBS www
-EchoExec mariadb-dump phpBB > ./SpaccBBS/Db.Latest.sql
-SimpleCompress "./SpaccBBS/Db.${RunDate}.sql" ./SpaccBBS/Db.Latest.sql
-EchoExec ln -s "./Db.${RunDate}.sql.tar.xz" ./SpaccBBS/Db.Latest.sql.tar.xz
+SimpleBackup n8n-data
 # GoToSocial
diff --git a/Server/Root/Server/Scripts/OneShot.AfterBoot.sh b/Server/Root/Main/Server/Scripts/OneShot.AfterBoot.sh
similarity index 100%
rename from Server/Root/Server/Scripts/OneShot.AfterBoot.sh
rename to Server/Root/Main/Server/Scripts/OneShot.AfterBoot.sh
diff --git a/Server/Root/Server/Scripts/RenewCerts.sh b/Server/Root/Main/Server/Scripts/RenewCerts.sh
similarity index 100%
rename from Server/Root/Server/Scripts/RenewCerts.sh
rename to Server/Root/Main/Server/Scripts/RenewCerts.sh
diff --git a/Server/Root/Server/Start/bittorrentd b/Server/Root/Main/Server/Start/bittorrentd
similarity index 100%
rename from Server/Root/Server/Start/bittorrentd
rename to Server/Root/Main/Server/Start/bittorrentd
diff --git a/Server/Root/Transfers/aria2/Conf/Server.conf b/Server/Root/Main/Transfers/aria2/Conf/Server.conf
similarity index 100%
rename from Server/Root/Transfers/aria2/Conf/Server.conf
rename to Server/Root/Main/Transfers/aria2/Conf/Server.conf
diff --git a/Server/Root/etc/diycron b/Server/Root/etc/diycron
index 95a7487..6f09820 100755
--- a/Server/Root/etc/diycron
+++ b/Server/Root/etc/diycron
@@ -2,13 +2,15 @@
 # diycron: Script to be running (as a root daemon) as a (non-conflicting) cron alternative which simply works.
 # Note: Except when required by the shell, we use 0=false, 1=true for internal commands, for consistency.
-If() { test "$1" = 1 && return 0 || return 1; }
-Ifn() { test "$1" = 0 && return 0 || return 1; }
+If(){ test "$1" = 1 && return 0 || return 1 ;}
+Ifn(){ test "$1" = 0 && return 0 || return 1 ;}
-GetDaySeconds() { echo "$(date -d "1970-01-01 UTC $(date +%T)" +%s)"; }
-IsDayMin() { test $(($(GetDaySeconds)>$1)) = 1 && test $(($(GetDaySeconds)<$1+60)) = 1 && echo 1 || echo 0; }
-IsHourMin() { test "$1" = "$(date +%M)" && echo 1 || echo 0; }
-hm2s() { echo $((($1*60*60) + ($2*60))); }
+GetDaySeconds(){ echo "$(date -d "1970-01-01 UTC $(date +%T)" +%s)" ;}
+IsDayMin(){ [ "$(GetDaySeconds)" -gt "$1" ]  && [ "$(GetDaySeconds)" -lt "$(($1 + 60))" ] && echo 1 || echo 0 ;}
+IsHourMin(){ [ "$1" = "$(date +%M)" ] && echo 1 || echo 0 ;}
+hm2s(){ echo $((($1*60*60) + ($2*60))) ;}
+Do(){ echo "Running: $@" && $@ ;}
 # Setting variables (that always have a "Job" prefix) for each job, to prevent multiple execution.
 ResetJobs() {
@@ -21,7 +23,7 @@ ResetJobs() {
 echo "------------------------------------------"
 echo "[ $(date "+%F | %T") ] diycron started."
-set -x # Enable command echo
+#set -x # Enable command echo
 while true
@@ -29,19 +31,19 @@ do
 	# Inside here, declaration of all cronjobs like normal shell commands, made easy thanks to integrated functions.
 	# Trinity rotation backup system: each of the following scripts is executed every 3 days, in a rotation where at least 1 script runs every night at 3:00
-		Ifn $Job2 && If $(IsDayMin $(hm2s 3 0)) && test $(($(date +%s) / 86400 % 3)) = 0 && Job2=1 && sleep 60 && /Server/Scripts/Backup/ExternalDataBackup.sh #& # Local backup of external data
-		Ifn $Job2 && If $(IsDayMin $(hm2s 3 0)) && test $(($(date +%s) / 86400 % 3)) = 1 && Job2=1 && sleep 60 && /Server/Scripts/Backup/ServerDataBackup.sh #& # Big backup of local services data
-		Ifn $Job2 && If $(IsDayMin $(hm2s 3 0)) && test $(($(date +%s) / 86400 % 3)) = 2 && Job2=1 && sleep 60 && /Server/Scripts/Backup/CloudBackup.sh #& # Cloud backup of the locally backed-up data
+		Ifn $Job2 && If $(IsDayMin $(hm2s 3 0)) && test $(($(date +%s) / 86400 % 3)) = 0 && Job2=1 && sleep 60 && Do sh /Main/Server/Scripts/Backup/ExternalDataBackup.sh #& # Local backup of external data
+		Ifn $Job2 && If $(IsDayMin $(hm2s 3 0)) && test $(($(date +%s) / 86400 % 3)) = 1 && Job2=1 && sleep 60 && Do sh /Main/Server/Scripts/Backup/ServerDataBackup.sh #& # Big backup of local services data
+		Ifn $Job2 && If $(IsDayMin $(hm2s 3 0)) && test $(($(date +%s) / 86400 % 3)) = 2 && Job2=1 && sleep 60 && Do sh /Main/Server/Scripts/Backup/CloudBackup.sh #& # Cloud backup of the locally backed-up data
 	# System reboot every X days at 4:30 AM
 		#If $(IsDayMin $(hm2s 4 30)) && test $(($(date +%s) / 86400 % 2)) = 0 && sleep 60 && reboot # System reboot every 2 days (every even day)
-		If $(IsDayMin $(hm2s 4 30)) && sleep 60 && reboot # System reboot every night
+	#	If $(IsDayMin $(hm2s 4 30)) && sleep 60 && reboot # System reboot every night
 	# Try to renew SSL certs every 5 days at 4 AM
-		Ifn $JobCerts && If $(IsDayMin $(hm2s 4 0)) && test $(($(date +%s) / 86400 % 9)) = 0 && JobCerts=1 && sleep 60 && /Server/Scripts/RenewCerts.sh
+		Ifn $JobCerts && If $(IsDayMin $(hm2s 4 0)) && test $(($(date +%s) / 86400 % 9)) = 0 && JobCerts=1 && sleep 60 && Do lxc-attach Debian2023 sh /Main/Server/Scripts/RenewCerts.sh
 	# Status of all jobs is reset at one time of the day, before or after all execute or have executed (in time).
-		If $(IsDayMin $(hm2s 0 0)) && ResetJobs
+		If $(IsDayMin $(hm2s 0 0)) && Do ResetJobs
 	# Cooldown to wait at each cycle, to save on resources (Should always be less than 60 seconds!).
 		sleep 5
diff --git a/Server/Root/etc/systemd/system/diycron.service b/Server/Root/etc/systemd/system/diycron.service
index 3b09875..cd624d5 100644
--- a/Server/Root/etc/systemd/system/diycron.service
+++ b/Server/Root/etc/systemd/system/diycron.service
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@