# BloccSpacc BloccSpacc is a portable isometric voxel sandbox game, mainly focused on building. ### Development status / roadmap: - [ ] Breaking/placing blocks - [ ] View mode / Edit mode - [ ] Moving cursor in all 3 axis - [ ] Rotating view - [ ] "Layer view" (showing and moving only on 2 axis at a time, hiding other layers) for complex buildings - [ ] Saving+Loading maps - [ ] Zooming in/out on the map - [ ] Water+Lava physics - [ ] Random terrain generation - [ ] Day/Night cycle - [ ] Infinite maps (?) - [ ] Sounds - [ ] Screenshots - [ ] Survival mode (?) - [ ] Electrical circuits (?) - [ ] Map compression/decompression - [ ] Script for converting Minecraft worlds into our map format - [ ] Fully optimized rendering - [ ] Refined inputs - [ ] Customize memory allocation - [ ] Customize controls