#include #include #include #include "SDL/SDL.h" #include "SDL/SDL_image.h" #include "SDL/SDL_ttf.h" #include "TargetsConfigs.h" #include "Blocks.h" #include "Keys.h" #include "Util.h" #define AppName "BloccSpacc" SDL_Surface * Screen = NULL; SDL_Event Event; #define GameTick 30 SDL_Surface * Cursorset = NULL; #define CursorsNum 2 SDL_Rect Cursors[CursorsNum]; SDL_Surface * BlocksImg = NULL; SDL_Surface * DebugMsg = NULL; TTF_Font * DebugFont = NULL; SDL_Color DebugTextColor = { 80, 80, 80 }; int SelectedBlock; bool InGame, InTitleMenu, InInventory; bool Quit, Recalc, DebugMode; // static Uint32 NextTickTime; Uint32 CalcTimeLeft() { Uint32 Now; Now = SDL_GetTicks(); if ( NextTickTime <= Now ) { return 0; } else { return NextTickTime - Now; } } struct UsedKeys { bool Up, Down, Left, Right, Above, Below; bool Place, Break; } UsedKeys; struct xyz CursorPos, Camera, ChunksNum; // TODO: Proper map memory management lol int BlocksNum = ChunkSize*ChunkSize*ChunkSize; int Map[ChunkSize][ChunkSize][ChunkSize] = {}; struct xyz GetBlocksOnScreenNum() { struct xyz Num; Num.x = ScreenWidth / BlockSize; Num.z = ScreenHeight / BlockSize/2; return Num; } bool SysInit() { if ( SDL_Init ( SDL_INIT_EVERYTHING ) != 0 ) { printf("[E] Error initializing SDL.\n"); return false; } Screen = ScreenSet ( ScreenWidth, ScreenHeight, ScreenBits, Screen ); if ( Screen == NULL ) { printf("[E] Error initializing screen.\n"); return false; } if( TTF_Init() != 0 ) { printf("[E] Error initializing SDL_TTF.\n"); return false; } SDL_WM_SetCaption ( AppName, "Assets/Icon.png" ); return true; } bool LoadAssets() { bool Error = false; Cursorset = LoadImage ( "Assets/Cursorset.png" ); if ( Cursorset == NULL ) { Error = true; } BlocksImg = LoadImage ( "Assets/Blocks.png" ); if ( BlocksImg == NULL ) { Error = true; } DebugFont = TTF_OpenFont ( "Assets/LiberationMono-Regular.ttf", 12 ); if ( DebugFont == NULL ) { Error = true; } if ( Error ) { printf("[E] Error loading assets.\n"); return false; } return true; } void MoveCursor (int Direction) { if ( Direction == 0 && CursorPos.z > 0 ) { // Up CursorPos.z -= BlockSize; } else if ( Direction == 2 && CursorPos.x < BlockSize * (ChunksNum.x - 1) ) { // Right CursorPos.x += BlockSize; } else if ( Direction == 4 && CursorPos.z < BlockSize * (ChunksNum.z - 1) ) { // Down CursorPos.z += BlockSize; } else if ( Direction == 6 && CursorPos.x > 0 ) { // Left CursorPos.x -= BlockSize; } else if ( Direction == 8 && CursorPos.y < BlockSize * (ChunksNum.y - 1) ) { // Above CursorPos.y += BlockSize; } else if ( Direction == 9 && CursorPos.y > 0 ) { // Below CursorPos.y -= BlockSize; } } void EventHandle() { if ( UsedKeys.Up ) { MoveCursor( 0 ); } if ( UsedKeys.Right ) { MoveCursor( 2 ); } if ( UsedKeys.Down ) { MoveCursor( 4 ); } if ( UsedKeys.Left ) { MoveCursor( 6 ); } if ( UsedKeys.Above) { MoveCursor( 8 ); } if ( UsedKeys.Below ) { MoveCursor( 9 ); } if ( UsedKeys.Place ) { Map[CursorPos.y/BlockSize][CursorPos.z/BlockSize][CursorPos.x/BlockSize] = SelectedBlock; } if ( UsedKeys.Break ) { Map[CursorPos.y/BlockSize][CursorPos.z/BlockSize][CursorPos.x/BlockSize] = 0; } UsedKeys.Up = false; UsedKeys.Down = false; UsedKeys.Left = false; UsedKeys.Right = false; UsedKeys.Above = false; UsedKeys.Below = false; UsedKeys.Place = false; UsedKeys.Break = false; } void DrawInventory() { } void DrawMap() { // TODO: Reoptimize this to draw only visible blocks for ( int y = 0; y < ChunksNum.y; y++ ) { for ( int z = 0; z < ChunksNum.z; z++ ) { for ( int x = 0; x < ChunksNum.x; x++ ) { struct xyz MapCoords = OrthoToIso ( x, y, z, BlockSize ); DrawSurf( MapCoords.x - Camera.x - BlockSize/2, MapCoords.z - Camera.z - y*BlockSize/2, BlocksImg, & Blocks[Map[y][z][x]].Img, Screen ); } } } } void SetCamera() { int x = ( CursorPos.x + BlockSize/2 ); int y = ( CursorPos.y + BlockSize/2 ); int z = ( CursorPos.z + BlockSize/2 ); struct xyz xyz = OrthoToIso ( x, y, z, 1 ); Camera.x = xyz.x - ScreenWidth/2; Camera.z = xyz.z - ScreenHeight*0.80; } int GetCursorState() { /* if ( CursorPos.y < BlockSize * (ChunksNum.y - 1) ) { return -1; } */ return 1; } void DrawCursor() { struct xyz CursorCoords = OrthoToIso ( CursorPos.x, CursorPos.y, CursorPos.z, 1 ); int CursorState = GetCursorState(); if ( CursorState != -1 ) { DrawSurf( CursorCoords.x - Camera.x - BlockSize/2, CursorCoords.z - Camera.z - BlockSize/2 - CursorPos.y/2, Cursorset, & Cursors [CursorState], Screen ); } } void DrawDebug() { // There's a memory leak somewhere here char Str[127]; snprintf( Str, sizeof(Str), "CursorPos: x:%d y:%d z:%d", CursorPos.x, CursorPos.y, CursorPos.z ); DebugMsg = TTF_RenderText_Blended( DebugFont, Str, DebugTextColor ); DrawSurf( 8, 8, DebugMsg, NULL, Screen ); snprintf( Str, sizeof(Str), "Camera: x:%d y:%d z:%d", Camera.x, Camera.y, Camera.z ); DebugMsg = TTF_RenderText_Blended( DebugFont, Str, DebugTextColor ); DrawSurf( 8, 20, DebugMsg, NULL, Screen ); struct xyz CursorCoords = OrthoToIso ( CursorPos.x, CursorPos.y, CursorPos.z, 1 ); snprintf( Str, sizeof(Str), "CursorCoords: x:%d y:%d z:%d", CursorCoords.x, CursorCoords.y, CursorCoords.z ); DebugMsg = TTF_RenderText_Blended( DebugFont, Str, DebugTextColor ); DrawSurf( 8, 32, DebugMsg, NULL, Screen ); } void SetSuperflatMap() { for ( int z = 0; z < ChunksNum.z; z++ ) { for ( int x = 0; x < ChunksNum.x; x++ ) { Map[0][z][x] = 4; } } for ( int y = 1; y < ChunksNum.y; y++ ) { for ( int z = 0; z < ChunksNum.z; z++ ) { for ( int x = 0; x < ChunksNum.x; x++ ) { Map[y][z][x] = 0; } } } } void SetRandomNoiseMap() { for ( int y = 0; y < ChunksNum.y; y++ ) { for ( int z = 0; z < ChunksNum.z; z++ ) { for ( int x = 0; x < ChunksNum.x; x++ ) { int r = rand() % BlocksetNum; if ( r == 1 ) { // Avoid block 1 (all white, hard to see) for testing r = 2; } Map[y][z][x] = r; } } } } void GameInit() { for ( int i = 0; i < CursorsNum; i++ ) { Cursors [i].x = BlockSize * i; Cursors [i].y = 0; Cursors [i].w = BlockSize; Cursors [i].h = BlockSize; } for ( int i = 0; i < BlocksetNum; i++ ) { Blocks[i].Img.x = BlockSize * i; Blocks[i].Img.y = 0; Blocks[i].Img.w = BlockSize; Blocks[i].Img.h = BlockSize; } ChunksNum.x = ChunkSize; ChunksNum.y = ChunkSize; ChunksNum.z = ChunkSize; SetRandomNoiseMap(); CursorPos.x = BlockSize * (ChunksNum.x - 1); CursorPos.y = BlockSize * (ChunksNum.y - 1); CursorPos.z = BlockSize * (ChunksNum.z - 1); SelectedBlock = 2; Recalc = true; InGame = true; } int main( int argc, char* args[] ) { printf("[I] Starting!\n"); srand( time( NULL ) ); if ( !SysInit() ) { printf("[E] Error initializing SDL.\n"); return 1; } if ( !LoadAssets() ) { printf("[E] Error loading assets.\n"); return 1; } GameInit(); while ( !Quit ) { NextTickTime = SDL_GetTicks() + GameTick; while ( SDL_PollEvent( & Event ) ) { Recalc = true; if ( Event.type == SDL_QUIT ) { Quit = true; } else if ( Event.type == SDL_KEYUP ) { if ( Event.key.keysym.sym == KeyEsc ) { if ( InGame && !InInventory ) { Quit = true; } if ( InInventory ) { InInventory = false; } } else if ( Event.key.keysym.sym == KeyDebug ) { DebugMode = !DebugMode; } else if ( Event.key.keysym.sym == KeyInventory ) { if ( InInventory ) { InInventory = false; } else { InInventory = true; } } else if ( Event.key.keysym.sym == KeyGenFlatMap ) { SetSuperflatMap(); } else if ( Event.key.keysym.sym == KeyGenNoiseMap ) { SetRandomNoiseMap(); } else if ( Event.key.keysym.sym == KeyUp ) { UsedKeys.Up = true; } else if ( Event.key.keysym.sym == KeyRight ) { UsedKeys.Right = true; } else if ( Event.key.keysym.sym == KeyDown ) { UsedKeys.Down = true; } else if ( Event.key.keysym.sym == KeyLeft ) { UsedKeys.Left = true; } else if ( Event.key.keysym.sym == KeyAbove ) { UsedKeys.Above = true; } else if ( Event.key.keysym.sym == KeyBelow ) { UsedKeys.Below = true; } else if ( Event.key.keysym.sym == KeyPlace ) { UsedKeys.Place = true; } else if ( Event.key.keysym.sym == KeyBreak ) { UsedKeys.Break = true; } } } if ( Recalc ) { EventHandle(); SDL_FillRect( Screen, &Screen->clip_rect, SDL_MapRGB( Screen->format, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF ) ); if ( InGame && !InInventory ) { SetCamera(); DrawMap(); DrawCursor(); if ( DebugMode ) { DrawDebug(); } } if ( InInventory ) { DrawInventory(); } if ( !FlipScreen( Screen ) ) { return 1; } Recalc = false; } SDL_Delay( CalcTimeLeft() ); NextTickTime += GameTick; } printf("[I] Exiting!\n"); SDL_Quit(); return 0; }