const fs = require('fs'); const request = require('sync-request'); const dom = require('@xmldom/xmldom').DOMParser; const xpath = require('xpath'); const FormatMacrosInText = (Text) => { //console.log('`' + Text.replaceAll('{', '${Macros.').replaceAll('}', '({})}') + '`'); return ('`' + Text.replaceAll('{', '${Macros.').replaceAll('}', '({})}') + '`'); }; const GetStepValues = (Step, Parent, Reqs) => { let StepFinal = {}; let Macros = Reqs.Macros; let Values ='./*', Step); for (let Value of Values) { // if '${Step.getAttribute('source').toLowerCase()}' === 'body' if (Value.tagName.toLowerCase() === 'value') { StepFinal[Value.getAttribute('name')] ='path'))), Reqs.Html/*HtmlDom*/).toString(); } else if (Value.tagName.toLowerCase() === 'items') { StepFinal = {...StepFinal, ...GetStepValues(Value, Step, Reqs)}; }; }; return StepFinal; }; const LoadBeesText = (Xml) => { let [Final, Macros] = [{}, {}]; let Parsed = new dom().parseFromString(Xml, 'text/xml'); let Bees ='/bees/bee', Parsed); for (let Bee of Bees) { let Name = Bee.getAttribute('name'); Final[Name] = { ApiUrl: Bee.getAttribute('apiurl'), Functions: {}, }; let Sets ='//set', Bee); for (let Set_ of Sets) { //let ArgsList = Set_.getAttribute('').split(' '); //if (ArgsList[0]) { Macros[Set_.getAttribute('name')] = (Args) => { //console.log(eval('`' + Set_.getAttribute('value').replaceAll('{', '${Args.') + '`')); eval('`' + Set_.getAttribute('value').replaceAll('{', '${Args.') + '`'); }; //}; }; let Functs ='./function', Bee); for (let Funct of Functs) { let FuncName = Funct.getAttribute('name'); let SubFuncts = []; let Steps ='./*', Funct); for (let Step of Steps) { SubFuncts = [...SubFuncts, (Args) => { let StepFinal = {}; for (let Arg in Args) { Macros[Arg] = () => Args[Arg]; }; if (Step.tagName.toLowerCase() === 'request') { let Res = request(Step.getAttribute('method'), Final[Name].ApiUrl + eval(FormatMacrosInText(Step.getAttribute('path')))); // if '${Step.getAttribute('format').toLowerCase()}' === 'html' let Body = Res.getBody('utf-8'); let HtmlDom = new dom().parseFromString(Body); //let Values ='./value', Step); StepFinal = GetStepValues(Step, null, {Html: HtmlDom, Macros: Macros}); }; return StepFinal; }]; }; Final[Name].Functions[FuncName] = (Args) => { let FuncFinal = {}; for (SubFunct of SubFuncts) { FuncFinal = {...FuncFinal, ...SubFunct(Args)}; }; return FuncFinal; }; }; }; return Final; }; const LoadBeesFile = (Path) => LoadBeesText(fs.readFileSync(Path, 'utf8')); module.exports = { LoadBeesText: LoadBeesText, LoadBeesFile: LoadBeesFile, };