Allows some implementations to avoid completely zeroing out the internal buffer of the optional, and instead only set the validity byte within the structure. This also makes it consistent how we return empty optionals.
277 lines
8.6 KiB
277 lines
8.6 KiB
// Copyright 2018 yuzu emulator team
// Licensed under GPLv2 or any later version
// Refer to the license.txt file included.
#include <algorithm>
#include <optional>
#include "common/assert.h"
#include "common/logging/log.h"
#include "common/microprofile.h"
#include "common/scope_exit.h"
#include "common/thread.h"
#include "core/core.h"
#include "core/core_timing.h"
#include "core/core_timing_util.h"
#include "core/hardware_properties.h"
#include "core/hle/kernel/kernel.h"
#include "core/hle/kernel/readable_event.h"
#include "core/hle/service/nvdrv/devices/nvdisp_disp0.h"
#include "core/hle/service/nvdrv/nvdrv.h"
#include "core/hle/service/nvflinger/buffer_queue.h"
#include "core/hle/service/nvflinger/nvflinger.h"
#include "core/hle/service/vi/display/vi_display.h"
#include "core/hle/service/vi/layer/vi_layer.h"
#include "core/perf_stats.h"
#include "core/settings.h"
#include "video_core/renderer_base.h"
namespace Service::NVFlinger {
constexpr auto frame_ns = std::chrono::nanoseconds{1000000000 / 60};
void NVFlinger::VSyncThread(NVFlinger& nv_flinger) {
void NVFlinger::SplitVSync() {
std::string name = "yuzu:VSyncThread";
s64 delay = 0;
while (is_running) {
const s64 time_start = system.CoreTiming().GetGlobalTimeNs().count();
const auto ticks = GetNextTicks();
const s64 time_end = system.CoreTiming().GetGlobalTimeNs().count();
const s64 time_passed = time_end - time_start;
const s64 next_time = std::max<s64>(0, ticks - time_passed - delay);
if (next_time > 0) {
delay = (system.CoreTiming().GetGlobalTimeNs().count() - time_end) - next_time;
NVFlinger::NVFlinger(Core::System& system) : system(system) {
displays.emplace_back(0, "Default", system);
displays.emplace_back(1, "External", system);
displays.emplace_back(2, "Edid", system);
displays.emplace_back(3, "Internal", system);
displays.emplace_back(4, "Null", system);
guard = std::make_shared<std::mutex>();
// Schedule the screen composition events
composition_event = Core::Timing::CreateEvent(
"ScreenComposition", [this](std::uintptr_t, std::chrono::nanoseconds ns_late) {
const auto guard = Lock();
const auto ticks = std::chrono::nanoseconds{GetNextTicks()};
const auto ticks_delta = ticks - ns_late;
const auto future_ns = std::max(std::chrono::nanoseconds::zero(), ticks_delta);
this->system.CoreTiming().ScheduleEvent(future_ns, composition_event);
if (system.IsMulticore()) {
is_running = true;
wait_event = std::make_unique<Common::Event>();
vsync_thread = std::make_unique<std::thread>(VSyncThread, std::ref(*this));
} else {
system.CoreTiming().ScheduleEvent(frame_ns, composition_event);
NVFlinger::~NVFlinger() {
if (system.IsMulticore()) {
is_running = false;
} else {
system.CoreTiming().UnscheduleEvent(composition_event, 0);
void NVFlinger::SetNVDrvInstance(std::shared_ptr<Nvidia::Module> instance) {
nvdrv = std::move(instance);
std::optional<u64> NVFlinger::OpenDisplay(std::string_view name) {
LOG_DEBUG(Service, "Opening \"{}\" display", name);
// TODO(Subv): Currently we only support the Default display.
ASSERT(name == "Default");
const auto itr =
std::find_if(displays.begin(), displays.end(),
[&](const VI::Display& display) { return display.GetName() == name; });
if (itr == displays.end()) {
return std::nullopt;
return itr->GetID();
std::optional<u64> NVFlinger::CreateLayer(u64 display_id) {
auto* const display = FindDisplay(display_id);
if (display == nullptr) {
return std::nullopt;
const u64 layer_id = next_layer_id++;
const u32 buffer_queue_id = next_buffer_queue_id++;
buffer_queues.emplace_back(system.Kernel(), buffer_queue_id, layer_id);
display->CreateLayer(layer_id, buffer_queues.back());
return layer_id;
void NVFlinger::CloseLayer(u64 layer_id) {
for (auto& display : displays) {
std::optional<u32> NVFlinger::FindBufferQueueId(u64 display_id, u64 layer_id) const {
const auto* const layer = FindLayer(display_id, layer_id);
if (layer == nullptr) {
return std::nullopt;
return layer->GetBufferQueue().GetId();
std::shared_ptr<Kernel::ReadableEvent> NVFlinger::FindVsyncEvent(u64 display_id) const {
auto* const display = FindDisplay(display_id);
if (display == nullptr) {
return nullptr;
return display->GetVSyncEvent();
BufferQueue& NVFlinger::FindBufferQueue(u32 id) {
const auto itr = std::find_if(buffer_queues.begin(), buffer_queues.end(),
[id](const auto& queue) { return queue.GetId() == id; });
ASSERT(itr != buffer_queues.end());
return *itr;
const BufferQueue& NVFlinger::FindBufferQueue(u32 id) const {
const auto itr = std::find_if(buffer_queues.begin(), buffer_queues.end(),
[id](const auto& queue) { return queue.GetId() == id; });
ASSERT(itr != buffer_queues.end());
return *itr;
VI::Display* NVFlinger::FindDisplay(u64 display_id) {
const auto itr =
std::find_if(displays.begin(), displays.end(),
[&](const VI::Display& display) { return display.GetID() == display_id; });
if (itr == displays.end()) {
return nullptr;
return &*itr;
const VI::Display* NVFlinger::FindDisplay(u64 display_id) const {
const auto itr =
std::find_if(displays.begin(), displays.end(),
[&](const VI::Display& display) { return display.GetID() == display_id; });
if (itr == displays.end()) {
return nullptr;
return &*itr;
VI::Layer* NVFlinger::FindLayer(u64 display_id, u64 layer_id) {
auto* const display = FindDisplay(display_id);
if (display == nullptr) {
return nullptr;
return display->FindLayer(layer_id);
const VI::Layer* NVFlinger::FindLayer(u64 display_id, u64 layer_id) const {
const auto* const display = FindDisplay(display_id);
if (display == nullptr) {
return nullptr;
return display->FindLayer(layer_id);
void NVFlinger::Compose() {
for (auto& display : displays) {
// Trigger vsync for this display at the end of drawing
SCOPE_EXIT({ display.SignalVSyncEvent(); });
// Don't do anything for displays without layers.
if (!display.HasLayers())
// TODO(Subv): Support more than 1 layer.
VI::Layer& layer = display.GetLayer(0);
auto& buffer_queue = layer.GetBufferQueue();
// Search for a queued buffer and acquire it
auto buffer = buffer_queue.AcquireBuffer();
if (!buffer) {
const auto& igbp_buffer = buffer->get().igbp_buffer;
auto& gpu = system.GPU();
const auto& multi_fence = buffer->get().multi_fence;
for (u32 fence_id = 0; fence_id < multi_fence.num_fences; fence_id++) {
const auto& fence = multi_fence.fences[fence_id];
gpu.WaitFence(, fence.value);
// Now send the buffer to the GPU for drawing.
// TODO(Subv): Support more than just disp0. The display device selection is probably based
// on which display we're drawing (Default, Internal, External, etc)
auto nvdisp = nvdrv->GetDevice<Nvidia::Devices::nvdisp_disp0>("/dev/nvdisp_disp0");
nvdisp->flip(igbp_buffer.gpu_buffer_id, igbp_buffer.offset, igbp_buffer.format,
igbp_buffer.width, igbp_buffer.height, igbp_buffer.stride,
buffer->get().transform, buffer->get().crop_rect);
swap_interval = buffer->get().swap_interval;
s64 NVFlinger::GetNextTicks() const {
constexpr s64 max_hertz = 120LL;
return (1000000000 * (1LL << swap_interval)) / max_hertz;
} // namespace Service::NVFlinger