
287 lines
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// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright 2019 yuzu Emulator Project
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
#pragma once
#include <array>
#include <type_traits>
#include "common/bit_field.h"
#include "common/common_types.h"
#include "video_core/engines/maxwell_3d.h"
#include "video_core/surface.h"
#include "video_core/transform_feedback.h"
namespace Vulkan {
using Maxwell = Tegra::Engines::Maxwell3D::Regs;
struct DynamicFeatures {
bool has_extended_dynamic_state;
bool has_extended_dynamic_state_2;
bool has_extended_dynamic_state_2_extra;
bool has_extended_dynamic_state_3_blend;
bool has_extended_dynamic_state_3_enables;
bool has_dynamic_vertex_input;
struct FixedPipelineState {
static u32 PackComparisonOp(Maxwell::ComparisonOp op) noexcept;
static Maxwell::ComparisonOp UnpackComparisonOp(u32 packed) noexcept;
static u32 PackStencilOp(Maxwell::StencilOp::Op op) noexcept;
static Maxwell::StencilOp::Op UnpackStencilOp(u32 packed) noexcept;
static u32 PackCullFace(Maxwell::CullFace cull) noexcept;
static Maxwell::CullFace UnpackCullFace(u32 packed) noexcept;
static u32 PackFrontFace(Maxwell::FrontFace face) noexcept;
static Maxwell::FrontFace UnpackFrontFace(u32 packed) noexcept;
static u32 PackPolygonMode(Maxwell::PolygonMode mode) noexcept;
static Maxwell::PolygonMode UnpackPolygonMode(u32 packed) noexcept;
static u32 PackLogicOp(Maxwell::LogicOp::Op op) noexcept;
static Maxwell::LogicOp::Op UnpackLogicOp(u32 packed) noexcept;
static u32 PackBlendEquation(Maxwell::Blend::Equation equation) noexcept;
static Maxwell::Blend::Equation UnpackBlendEquation(u32 packed) noexcept;
static u32 PackBlendFactor(Maxwell::Blend::Factor factor) noexcept;
static Maxwell::Blend::Factor UnpackBlendFactor(u32 packed) noexcept;
struct BlendingAttachment {
union {
u32 raw;
BitField<0, 1, u32> mask_r;
BitField<1, 1, u32> mask_g;
BitField<2, 1, u32> mask_b;
BitField<3, 1, u32> mask_a;
BitField<4, 3, u32> equation_rgb;
BitField<7, 3, u32> equation_a;
BitField<10, 5, u32> factor_source_rgb;
BitField<15, 5, u32> factor_dest_rgb;
BitField<20, 5, u32> factor_source_a;
BitField<25, 5, u32> factor_dest_a;
BitField<30, 1, u32> enable;
void Refresh(const Maxwell& regs, size_t index);
std::array<bool, 4> Mask() const noexcept {
return {mask_r != 0, mask_g != 0, mask_b != 0, mask_a != 0};
Maxwell::Blend::Equation EquationRGB() const noexcept {
return UnpackBlendEquation(equation_rgb.Value());
Maxwell::Blend::Equation EquationAlpha() const noexcept {
return UnpackBlendEquation(equation_a.Value());
Maxwell::Blend::Factor SourceRGBFactor() const noexcept {
return UnpackBlendFactor(factor_source_rgb.Value());
Maxwell::Blend::Factor DestRGBFactor() const noexcept {
return UnpackBlendFactor(factor_dest_rgb.Value());
Maxwell::Blend::Factor SourceAlphaFactor() const noexcept {
return UnpackBlendFactor(factor_source_a.Value());
Maxwell::Blend::Factor DestAlphaFactor() const noexcept {
return UnpackBlendFactor(factor_dest_a.Value());
union VertexAttribute {
u32 raw;
BitField<0, 1, u32> enabled;
BitField<1, 5, u32> buffer;
BitField<6, 14, u32> offset;
BitField<20, 3, u32> type;
BitField<23, 6, u32> size;
Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Type Type() const noexcept {
return static_cast<Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Type>(type.Value());
Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size Size() const noexcept {
return static_cast<Maxwell::VertexAttribute::Size>(size.Value());
template <size_t Position>
union StencilFace {
BitField<Position + 0, 3, u32> action_stencil_fail;
BitField<Position + 3, 3, u32> action_depth_fail;
BitField<Position + 6, 3, u32> action_depth_pass;
BitField<Position + 9, 3, u32> test_func;
Maxwell::StencilOp::Op ActionStencilFail() const noexcept {
return UnpackStencilOp(action_stencil_fail);
Maxwell::StencilOp::Op ActionDepthFail() const noexcept {
return UnpackStencilOp(action_depth_fail);
Maxwell::StencilOp::Op ActionDepthPass() const noexcept {
return UnpackStencilOp(action_depth_pass);
Maxwell::ComparisonOp TestFunc() const noexcept {
return UnpackComparisonOp(test_func);
struct DynamicState {
union {
u32 raw1;
BitField<0, 2, u32> cull_face;
BitField<2, 1, u32> cull_enable;
BitField<3, 1, u32> primitive_restart_enable;
BitField<4, 1, u32> depth_bias_enable;
BitField<5, 1, u32> rasterize_enable;
BitField<6, 4, u32> logic_op;
BitField<10, 1, u32> logic_op_enable;
BitField<11, 1, u32> depth_clamp_disabled;
union {
u32 raw2;
StencilFace<0> front;
StencilFace<12> back;
BitField<24, 1, u32> stencil_enable;
BitField<25, 1, u32> depth_write_enable;
BitField<26, 1, u32> depth_bounds_enable;
BitField<27, 1, u32> depth_test_enable;
BitField<28, 1, u32> front_face;
BitField<29, 3, u32> depth_test_func;
void Refresh(const Maxwell& regs);
void Refresh2(const Maxwell& regs, Maxwell::PrimitiveTopology topology,
bool base_features_supported);
void Refresh3(const Maxwell& regs);
Maxwell::ComparisonOp DepthTestFunc() const noexcept {
return UnpackComparisonOp(depth_test_func);
Maxwell::CullFace CullFace() const noexcept {
return UnpackCullFace(cull_face.Value());
Maxwell::FrontFace FrontFace() const noexcept {
return UnpackFrontFace(front_face.Value());
union {
u32 raw1;
BitField<0, 1, u32> extended_dynamic_state;
BitField<1, 1, u32> extended_dynamic_state_2;
BitField<2, 1, u32> extended_dynamic_state_2_extra;
BitField<3, 1, u32> extended_dynamic_state_3_blend;
BitField<4, 1, u32> extended_dynamic_state_3_enables;
BitField<5, 1, u32> dynamic_vertex_input;
BitField<6, 1, u32> xfb_enabled;
BitField<7, 1, u32> ndc_minus_one_to_one;
BitField<8, 2, u32> polygon_mode;
BitField<10, 2, u32> tessellation_primitive;
BitField<12, 2, u32> tessellation_spacing;
BitField<14, 1, u32> tessellation_clockwise;
BitField<15, 5, u32> patch_control_points_minus_one;
BitField<24, 4, Maxwell::PrimitiveTopology> topology;
BitField<28, 4, Tegra::Texture::MsaaMode> msaa_mode;
union {
u32 raw2;
BitField<1, 3, u32> alpha_test_func;
BitField<4, 1, u32> early_z;
BitField<5, 1, u32> depth_enabled;
BitField<6, 5, u32> depth_format;
BitField<11, 1, u32> y_negate;
BitField<12, 1, u32> provoking_vertex_last;
BitField<13, 1, u32> conservative_raster_enable;
BitField<14, 1, u32> smooth_lines;
BitField<15, 1, u32> alpha_to_coverage_enabled;
BitField<16, 1, u32> alpha_to_one_enabled;
BitField<17, 3, Tegra::Engines::Maxwell3D::EngineHint> app_stage;
std::array<u8, Maxwell::NumRenderTargets> color_formats;
u32 alpha_test_ref;
u32 point_size;
std::array<u16, Maxwell::NumViewports> viewport_swizzles;
union {
u64 attribute_types; // Used with VK_EXT_vertex_input_dynamic_state
u64 enabled_divisors;
DynamicState dynamic_state;
std::array<BlendingAttachment, Maxwell::NumRenderTargets> attachments;
std::array<VertexAttribute, Maxwell::NumVertexAttributes> attributes;
std::array<u32, Maxwell::NumVertexArrays> binding_divisors;
// Vertex stride is a 12 bits value, we have 4 bits to spare per element
std::array<u16, Maxwell::NumVertexArrays> vertex_strides;
VideoCommon::TransformFeedbackState xfb_state;
void Refresh(Tegra::Engines::Maxwell3D& maxwell3d, DynamicFeatures& features);
size_t Hash() const noexcept;
bool operator==(const FixedPipelineState& rhs) const noexcept;
bool operator!=(const FixedPipelineState& rhs) const noexcept {
return !operator==(rhs);
size_t Size() const noexcept {
if (xfb_enabled) {
// When transform feedback is enabled, use the whole struct
return sizeof(*this);
if (dynamic_vertex_input && extended_dynamic_state_3_blend) {
// Exclude dynamic state and attributes
return offsetof(FixedPipelineState, dynamic_state);
if (dynamic_vertex_input) {
// Exclude dynamic state
return offsetof(FixedPipelineState, attributes);
if (extended_dynamic_state) {
// Exclude dynamic state
return offsetof(FixedPipelineState, vertex_strides);
// Default
return offsetof(FixedPipelineState, xfb_state);
u32 DynamicAttributeType(size_t index) const noexcept {
return (attribute_types >> (index * 2)) & 0b11;
} // namespace Vulkan
namespace std {
template <>
struct hash<Vulkan::FixedPipelineState> {
size_t operator()(const Vulkan::FixedPipelineState& k) const noexcept {
return k.Hash();
} // namespace std