
200 lines
6.3 KiB

/* SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later */
import type AjaxResponse from "./AjaxResponse.js";
import type AjaxSettings from "./AjaxSettings.js";
import type Pod from "./Pod.js";
import PodsClassName from "./podsClassName.js";
import type State from "./State.js";
import type SubPod from "./SubPod.js";
export default (
AjaxSettings: AjaxSettings,
AjaxResponse: AjaxResponse
): string =>
<div class="${PodsClassName}">
// Wolfram Alpha does have some limitations when it comes to processing certain types of input.
// When "input" is an empty string,
// the "pods" property will not be present in the "queryresult" object.
// To see an example of an empty input string,
// visit the following URL:
// https://www.wolframalpha.com/input?i=
Object.freeze(AjaxResponse) === undefined
? (console.warn({ AjaxResponse }), "")
: AjaxResponse.queryresult === undefined
? (console.warn({ AjaxResponse }), "")
: AjaxResponse.queryresult.pods === undefined
? "" // console.warn
: AjaxResponse.queryresult.pods.map(buildPod).join("")
Technical information
<div> </div>
If you have programming knowledge, feel free to explore the technical information provided below:
<textarea name="technical-information">${
Object.freeze(AjaxSettings) === undefined
? (console.warn({ AjaxSettings }), "")
: Object.freeze(AjaxResponse) === undefined
? (console.warn({ AjaxResponse }), "")
: escapeHTML(tryStringify(AjaxSettings, AjaxResponse))
<div> </div>
const buildPod = (pod: Pod): string =>
pod.title === undefined
? (console.warn({ pod }), "")
: `<h2>${escapeHTML(pod.title)}</h2>`
// In most cases, pods are stateless and do not have specific states.
// As a result, the "states" property of "pod" is typically undefined.
pod.states === undefined
? "" // console.warn
: pod.states.map(buildSelectElement).join("")
<div> </div>
pod.subpods === undefined
? (console.warn({ pod }), "")
: pod.subpods.map(buildSubpod).join("")
const buildSelectElement = (state: State): string =>
// Although it is possible to handle the scenario where the "states" property is undefined,
// implementing the necessary logic may result in a cluttered user interface.
// This challenge is primarily due to my limited expertise in front-end design.
// Consequently, the current implementation of the parsing logic is still insufficient in addressing the situation where the "states" property is undefined.
state.states === undefined
? "" // console.warn
: `
<select name="pod-states">
state.value === undefined
? (console.warn({ state }), "")
: `
const buildOption = (state: { name?: string }): string =>
state.name === undefined
? (console.warn({ state }), "")
: `
const buildSubpod = (subpod: SubPod): string =>
subpod.img === undefined
? (console.warn({ subpod }), "")
: `
subpod.img.src === undefined
? (console.warn({ subpod }), "")
: subpod.img.src
subpod.img.alt === undefined
? (console.warn({ subpod }), "")
: subpod.img.alt
subpod.plaintext === undefined
? (console.warn({ subpod }), "")
: `
<div style="font-family: monospace; overflow: auto;">
<summary style="direction: rtl;"></summary>
<br />
const tryStringify = (
AjaxSettings: AjaxSettings,
AjaxResponse: AjaxResponse
): string => {
try {
return JSON.stringify(
} catch (error) {
console.warn({ error });
return error instanceof TypeError ? error.message + "\n" + error.stack : "";
// JSON.stringify() - JavaScript | MDN
// https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/JSON/stringify#exceptions
const escapeHTML = (unsafeHTML: string): string =>
.replace(/&/g, "&amp;")
.replace(/</g, "&lt;")
.replace(/>/g, "&gt;")
.replace(/"/g, "&quot;")
.replace(/'/g, "&#039;");
// Can I escape HTML special chars in JavaScript? - Stack Overflow
// https://stackoverflow.com/questions/6234773/can-i-escape-html-special-chars-in-javascript
// test case:
// https://www.wolframalpha.com/input?i=solve+%7By%27%28x%29+%3D+-2+y%2C+y%280%29%3D1%7D+from+0+to+10+using+r+k+f+algorithm