import analytics from '@components/analytics' import Icon from '@components/Icon' import { displayMessage } from '@components/Message' import { useNavigation } from '@react-navigation/native' import { MutationVarsTimelineUpdateStatusProperty, QueryKeyTimeline, useTimelineMutation } from '@utils/queryHooks/timeline' import { StyleConstants } from '@utils/styles/constants' import { useTheme } from '@utils/styles/ThemeManager' import React, { useCallback, useMemo } from 'react' import { useTranslation } from 'react-i18next' import { Pressable, StyleSheet, Text, View } from 'react-native' import { useQueryClient } from 'react-query' export interface Props { queryKey: QueryKeyTimeline rootQueryKey?: QueryKeyTimeline highlighted: boolean status: Mastodon.Status accts: Mastodon.Account['acct'][] // When replying to conversations reblog: boolean } const TimelineActions: React.FC = ({ queryKey, rootQueryKey, highlighted, status, accts, reblog }) => { const navigation = useNavigation() const { t } = useTranslation('componentTimeline') const { colors, theme } = useTheme() const iconColor = colors.secondary const queryClient = useQueryClient() const mutation = useTimelineMutation({ onMutate: true, onSuccess: (_, params) => { const theParams = params as MutationVarsTimelineUpdateStatusProperty if ( // Un-bookmark from bookmarks page (queryKey[1].page === 'Bookmarks' && === 'bookmarked') || // Un-favourite from favourites page (queryKey[1].page === 'Favourites' && === 'favourited') || // Un-reblog from following page (queryKey[1].page === 'Following' && === 'reblogged' && theParams.payload.currentValue === true) ) { queryClient.invalidateQueries(queryKey) } else if ( === 'reblogged' && queryKey[1].page !== 'Following' ) { // When reblogged, update cache of following page const tempQueryKey: QueryKeyTimeline = [ 'Timeline', { page: 'Following' } ] queryClient.invalidateQueries(tempQueryKey) } else if ( === 'favourited') { // When favourited, update favourited page const tempQueryKey: QueryKeyTimeline = [ 'Timeline', { page: 'Favourites' } ] queryClient.invalidateQueries(tempQueryKey) } else if ( === 'bookmarked') { // When bookmarked, update bookmark page const tempQueryKey: QueryKeyTimeline = [ 'Timeline', { page: 'Bookmarks' } ] queryClient.invalidateQueries(tempQueryKey) } }, onError: (err: any, params, oldData) => { const correctParam = params as MutationVarsTimelineUpdateStatusProperty displayMessage({ theme, type: 'error', message: t('common:message.error.message', { function: t( `shared.actions.${}.function` ) }), ...(err.status && typeof err.status === 'number' && && && typeof === 'string' && { description: }) }) queryClient.invalidateQueries(queryKey) } }) const onPressReply = useCallback(() => { analytics('timeline_shared_actions_reply_press', { page: queryKey[1].page, count: status.replies_count }) navigation.navigate('Screen-Compose', { type: 'reply', incomingStatus: status, accts, queryKey }) }, [status.replies_count]) const onPressReblog = useCallback(() => { analytics('timeline_shared_actions_reblog_press', { page: queryKey[1].page, count: status.reblogs_count, current: status.reblogged }) mutation.mutate({ type: 'updateStatusProperty', queryKey, rootQueryKey, id:, reblog, payload: { property: 'reblogged', currentValue: status.reblogged, propertyCount: 'reblogs_count', countValue: status.reblogs_count } }) }, [status.reblogged, status.reblogs_count]) const onPressFavourite = useCallback(() => { analytics('timeline_shared_actions_favourite_press', { page: queryKey[1].page, count: status.favourites_count, current: status.favourited }) mutation.mutate({ type: 'updateStatusProperty', queryKey, rootQueryKey, id:, reblog, payload: { property: 'favourited', currentValue: status.favourited, propertyCount: 'favourites_count', countValue: status.favourites_count } }) }, [status.favourited, status.favourites_count]) const onPressBookmark = useCallback(() => { analytics('timeline_shared_actions_bookmark_press', { page: queryKey[1].page, current: status.bookmarked }) mutation.mutate({ type: 'updateStatusProperty', queryKey, rootQueryKey, id:, reblog, payload: { property: 'bookmarked', currentValue: status.bookmarked, propertyCount: undefined, countValue: undefined } }) }, [status.bookmarked]) const childrenReply = useMemo( () => ( <> {status.replies_count > 0 ? ( {status.replies_count} ) : null} ), [status.replies_count] ) const childrenReblog = useMemo(() => { const color = (state: boolean) => (state ? : colors.secondary) return ( <> {status.reblogs_count > 0 ? ( {status.reblogs_count} ) : null} ) }, [status.reblogged, status.reblogs_count]) const childrenFavourite = useMemo(() => { const color = (state: boolean) => (state ? : colors.secondary) return ( <> {status.favourites_count > 0 ? ( {status.favourites_count} ) : null} ) }, [status.favourited, status.favourites_count]) const childrenBookmark = useMemo(() => { const color = (state: boolean) => (state ? colors.yellow : colors.secondary) return ( ) }, [status.bookmarked]) return ( ) } const styles = StyleSheet.create({ actions: { flexDirection: 'row' }, action: { flex: 1, flexDirection: 'row', justifyContent: 'center', alignItems: 'center', minHeight: StyleConstants.Font.Size.L + StyleConstants.Spacing.S * 3, marginHorizontal: StyleConstants.Spacing.S } }) export default TimelineActions