import { displayMessage } from '@components/Message' import { getPushPath, getPushendpoint } from '@screens/Tabs/Me/Push' import * as Sentry from '@sentry/react-native' import { useQuery } from '@tanstack/react-query' import apiGeneral from '@utils/api/general' import apiInstance from '@utils/api/instance' import apiTooot from '@utils/api/tooot' import navigationRef from '@utils/navigation/navigationRef' import { generateAccountKey, getAccountDetails, getGlobalStorage, setAccountStorage, setGlobalStorage, useGlobalStorage } from '@utils/storage/actions' import { AxiosError } from 'axios' import * as Notifications from 'expo-notifications' import { useEffect, useRef } from 'react' import { useTranslation } from 'react-i18next' import { AppState } from 'react-native' import { toRawExpoToken, updateExpoToken } from './updateExpoToken' const pushUseConnect = () => { const { t } = useTranslation('screens') const startupChecked = useRef(false) const [expoToken] = useGlobalStorage.string('app.expo_token') const accounts = getGlobalStorage.object('accounts') const pushEnabled = accounts ?.map(account => { const details = getAccountDetails(['push', 'auth.domain', ''], account) if (details?.push?.global) { return { accountKey: generateAccountKey({ domain: details['auth.domain'], id: details[''] }), push: details.push, domain: details['auth.domain'], accountId: details[''] } } }) .filter(d => !!d) const connectQuery = useQuery<{ accounts: string[] } | undefined, AxiosError>( ['tooot', { endpoint: 'push/connect' }], () => apiTooot<{ accounts: string[] } | undefined>({ method: 'get', url: `push/connect/${expoToken}` }).then(res => res.body), { enabled: false, retry: (failureCount, error) => { if (error.status == 404) return false return failureCount < 10 }, retryOnMount: false, refetchOnMount: false, refetchOnWindowFocus: false, refetchOnReconnect: false, onSettled: () => Notifications.setBadgeCountAsync(0), onSuccess: data => { if (!startupChecked.current && data?.accounts) { startupChecked.current = true for (const acct of data.accounts) { const matchedAcct = pushEnabled?.find(p => p?.accountKey === acct) if (matchedAcct && ! { setAccountStorage([{ key: 'push', value: { ...matchedAcct.push, global: true } }]) } } } }, onError: error => { if (error?.status == 404) { displayMessage({ type: 'danger', duration: 'long', message: t('pushError.message'), description: t('pushError.description'), onPress: () => { navigationRef.navigate('Screen-Tabs', { screen: 'Tab-Me', params: { screen: 'Tab-Me-Root' } }) navigationRef.navigate('Screen-Tabs', { screen: 'Tab-Me', params: { screen: 'Tab-Me-Settings' } }) } }) getGlobalStorage.object('accounts')?.forEach(account => { const accountDetails = getAccountDetails(['push', 'auth.domain', 'auth.token'], account) if (!accountDetails) return if ( { apiGeneral<{}>({ method: 'delete', domain: accountDetails['auth.domain'], url: 'api/v1/push/subscription', headers: { Authorization: `Bearer ${accountDetails['auth.token']}` } }).catch(() => console.log('error!!!')) } setAccountStorage( [{ key: 'push', value: { ...accountDetails?.push, global: false } }], account ) }) } } } ) useEffect(() => { updateExpoToken().then(async token => { const badgeCount = await Notifications.getBadgeCountAsync() if (token && !token.startsWith('ExponentPushToken') && (pushEnabled?.length || badgeCount)) { connectQuery.refetch() } if (expoToken?.startsWith('ExponentPushToken')) { const newToken = toRawExpoToken(expoToken) if (pushEnabled) { for (const account of pushEnabled) { if (account) { const oldSub = await apiInstance({ account: account.accountKey, method: 'get', url: 'push/subscription' }) if ( { const body: { subscription: any data: { alerts: Mastodon.PushSubscription['alerts'] } } = { subscription: { endpoint: getPushendpoint( getPushPath({ expoToken: newToken, domain: account.domain, accountId: account.accountId }) ), keys: { p256dh: 'BMn2PLpZrMefG981elzG6SB1EY9gU7QZwmtZ/a/J2vUeWG+zXgeskMPwHh4T/bxsD4l7/8QT94F57CbZqYRRfJo=', auth: account.push.key } }, data: { alerts: account.push.alerts } } console.log(body) await apiInstance({ account: account?.accountKey, method: 'post', url: 'push/subscription', body }) } } } } else { setGlobalStorage('app.expo_token', newToken) } await apiTooot({ method: 'post', url: `push/migrate/${expoToken}` }) } }) }, []) useEffect(() => { Sentry.setTags({ expoToken, pushEnabledCount: pushEnabled?.length }) const appStateListener = AppState.addEventListener('change', state => { if (expoToken && pushEnabled?.length && state === 'active') { Notifications.getBadgeCountAsync().then(count => { if (count > 0) connectQuery.refetch() }) } }) return () => { appStateListener.remove() } }, [expoToken, pushEnabled?.length]) } export default pushUseConnect