import { HeaderLeft } from '@components/Header' import Icon from '@components/Icon' import ComponentSeparator from '@components/Separator' import CustomText from '@components/Text' import TimelineDefault from '@components/Timeline/Default' import { useQuery } from '@tanstack/react-query' import apiGeneral from '@utils/api/general' import apiInstance from '@utils/api/instance' import { getHost } from '@utils/helpers/urlMatcher' import { TabSharedStackScreenProps } from '@utils/navigation/navigators' import { QueryKeyTimeline } from '@utils/queryHooks/timeline' import { getAccountStorage } from '@utils/storage/actions' import { StyleConstants } from '@utils/styles/constants' import { useTheme } from '@utils/styles/ThemeManager' import React, { useEffect, useRef, useState } from 'react' import { useTranslation } from 'react-i18next' import { Alert, FlatList, Pressable, View } from 'react-native' import { Circle } from 'react-native-animated-spinkit' import { Path, Svg } from 'react-native-svg' const TabSharedToot: React.FC> = ({ navigation, route: { params: { toot, rootQueryKey } } }) => { const { colors } = useTheme() const { t } = useTranslation(['componentTimeline', 'screenTabs']) const [hasRemoteContent, setHasRemoteContent] = useState(false) useEffect(() => { navigation.setOptions({ headerTitle: () => ( Alert.alert( t('screenTabs:shared.toot.remoteFetch.title'), t('screenTabs:shared.toot.remoteFetch.message') ) } > {hasRemoteContent ? ( ) : null} ), headerLeft: () => navigation.goBack()} /> }) }, [hasRemoteContent]) const flRef = useRef(null) const scrolled = useRef(false) const finalData = useRef<(Mastodon.Status & { key?: string })[]>([ { ...toot, _level: 0, key: 'cached' } ]) const highlightIndex = useRef(0) const queryKey: { local: QueryKeyTimeline; remote: QueryKeyTimeline } = { local: ['Timeline', { page: 'Toot', toot:, remote: false }], remote: ['Timeline', { page: 'Toot', toot:, remote: true }] } const queryLocal = useQuery( queryKey.local, async () => { const context = await apiInstance<{ ancestors: Mastodon.Status[] descendants: Mastodon.Status[] }>({ method: 'get', url: `statuses/${}/context` }) const statuses: (Mastodon.Status & { _level?: number })[] = [ ...context.body.ancestors, { ...toot }, ...context.body.descendants ] const highlight = context.body.ancestors.length highlightIndex.current = highlight for (const [index, status] of statuses.entries()) { if (index < highlight || === { statuses[index]._level = 0 continue } const repliedLevel = statuses.find(s => === status.in_reply_to_id)?._level statuses[index]._level = (repliedLevel || 0) + 1 } return { pages: [{ body: statuses }] } }, { enabled: !toot._remote, staleTime: 0, refetchOnMount: true, onSuccess: data => { if (data.pages[0].body.length < 1) { navigation.goBack() return } if (finalData.current[0].key === 'cached') { finalData.current = data.pages[0].body if (!scrolled.current) { scrolled.current = true const pointer = data.pages[0].body.findIndex(({ id }) => id === if (pointer < 1) return const length = flRef.current? if (!length) return try { setTimeout(() => { try { flRef.current?.scrollToIndex({ index: pointer, viewOffset: 100 }) } catch {} }, 500) } catch (error) { return } } } } } ) useQuery( queryKey.remote, async () => { const domain = getHost(toot.url || toot.uri) if (!domain?.length) { return Promise.reject('Cannot parse remote doamin') } const id = (toot.url || toot.uri).match(new RegExp(/\/([0-9]+)$/))?.[1] if (!id?.length) { return Promise.reject('Cannot parse remote toot id') } const context = await apiGeneral<{ ancestors: Mastodon.Status[] descendants: Mastodon.Status[] }>({ method: 'get', domain, url: `api/v1/statuses/${id}/context` }).then(res => res.body) if (!context) { return Promise.reject('Cannot retrieve remote context') } const statuses: (Mastodon.Status & { _level?: number })[] = [ ...context.ancestors, { ...toot }, ...context.descendants ] const highlight = context.ancestors.length highlightIndex.current = highlight for (const [index, status] of statuses.entries()) { if (index < highlight || === { statuses[index]._level = 0 continue } const repliedLevel = statuses.find(s => === status.in_reply_to_id)?._level statuses[index]._level = (repliedLevel || 0) + 1 } return { pages: [{ body: statuses }] } }, { enabled: ['public', 'unlisted'].includes(toot.visibility) && getHost(toot.uri) !== getAccountStorage.string('auth.domain'), staleTime: 0, refetchOnMount: true, onSuccess: data => { if (finalData.current.length < 1 && data.pages[0].body.length < 1) { navigation.goBack() return } if (finalData.current.length < data.pages[0].body.length) { finalData.current = data.pages[0] => { const localMatch = finalData.current.find(local => local.uri === remote.uri) if (localMatch) { delete localMatch.key return localMatch } else { remote._remote = true remote.account._remote = true remote.mentions = => ({ ...mention, _remote: true })) if (remote.reblog) { remote.reblog.account._remote = true remote.reblog.mentions = => ({ ...mention, _remote: true })) } return remote } }) setHasRemoteContent(true) } scrolled.current = true const pointer = data.pages[0].body.findIndex(({ id }) => id === if (pointer < 1) return const length = flRef.current? if (!length) return try { setTimeout(() => { try { flRef.current?.scrollToIndex({ index: pointer, viewOffset: 100 }) } catch {} }, 500) } catch (error) { return } } } ) const heights = useRef<(number | undefined)[]>([]) const MAX_LEVEL = 10 const ARC = StyleConstants.Avatar.XS / 4 return ( { const prev = finalData.current[index - 1]?._level || 0 const curr = item._level const next = finalData.current[index + 1]?._level || 0 return ( highlightIndex.current ? Math.min(item._level - 1, MAX_LEVEL) * StyleConstants.Spacing.S : undefined }} onLayout={({ nativeEvent: { layout: { height } } }) => (heights.current[index] = height)} > {curr > 1 || next > 1 ? [ Array(curr)].map((_, i) => { if (i > MAX_LEVEL) return null const lastLine = curr === i + 1 if (lastLine) { if (curr === prev + 1 || curr === next - 1) { if (curr > next) { return null } return ( ) } else { if (i >= curr - 2) return null return ( ) } } else { if (i >= next - 1) { return ( ) } else { return ( ) } } }) : null} {/* */} ) }} initialNumToRender={6} maxToRenderPerBatch={3} ItemSeparatorComponent={({ leadingItem }) => { return ( <> {leadingItem._level > 1 ? [ Array(leadingItem._level - 1)].map((_, i) => ( )) : null} ) }} onScrollToIndexFailed={error => { const offset = error.averageItemLength * error.index flRef.current?.scrollToOffset({ offset }) try { error.index < finalData.current.length && setTimeout( () => flRef.current?.scrollToIndex({ index: error.index, viewOffset: 100 }), 500 ) } catch {} }} ListFooterComponent={ {queryLocal.isFetching ? ( ) : null} } /> ) } export default TabSharedToot