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This is a demo toot😊. You can choose from several options from below.

This setting only affects the main content of toots, but not other font sizes.

", "sizes": { "S": "S", "M": "M - Default", "L": "L", "XL": "XL", "XXL": "XXL" } }, "listAccounts": { "heading": "Manage users", "error": "Delete user from list", "empty": "No user added in this list" }, "listEdit": { "heading": "Edit list details", "title": "Title", "repliesPolicy": { "heading": "Show replies to:", "options": { "none": "No one", "list": "Members of the list", "followed": "Any followed user" } } }, "listDelete": { "heading": "Delete list", "confirm": { "title": "Delete list \"{{list}}\"?", "message": "This action is not recoverable." } }, "profile": { "feedback": { "succeed": "{{type}} updated", "failed": "{{type}} update failed, please try again" }, "root": { "name": { "title": "Display Name" }, "avatar": { "title": "Avatar", "description": "Will be downscaled to 400x400px" }, "header": { "title": "Banner", "description": "Will be downscaled to 1500x500px" }, "note": { "title": "Description" }, "fields": { "title": "Metadata", "total_one": "{{count}} field", "total_other": "{{count}} fields" }, "visibility": { "title": "Posting Visibility", "options": { "public": "Public", "unlisted": "Unlisted", "private": "Followers only" } }, "sensitive": { "title": "Posting Media Sensitive" }, "lock": { "title": "Lock Account", "description": "Requires you to manually approve followers" }, "bot": { "title": "Bot account", "description": "This account mainly performs automated actions and might not be monitored" } }, "fields": { "group": "Group {{index}}", "label": "Label", "content": "Content" }, "mediaSelectionFailed": "Image processing failed. Please try again." }, "push": { "notAvailable": "Your phone does not support tooot's push notification", "enable": { "direct": "Enable push notification", "settings": "Enable in settings" }, "global": { "heading": "Enable for {{acct}}", "description": "Messages are routed through tooot's server" }, "decode": { "heading": "Show message details", "description": "Messages routed through tooot's server are encrypted, but you can choose to decode the message on the server. Our server source code is open source, and no log policy." }, "default": { "heading": "Default" }, "follow": { "heading": "New follower" }, "follow_request": { "heading": "Follow request" }, "favourite": { "heading": "Favourited" }, "reblog": { "heading": "Boosted" }, "mention": { "heading": "Mentioned you" }, "poll": { "heading": "Poll updates" }, "status": { "heading": "Toot from subscribed users" }, "howitworks": "Learn how routing works" }, "root": { "announcements": { "content": { "unread": "{{amount}} unread", "read": "All read", "empty": "None" } }, "push": { "content": { "enabled": "Enabled", "disabled": "Disabled" } }, "update": { "title": "Update to latest version" }, "logout": { "button": "Log out", "alert": { "title": "Logging out?", "message": "After logging out, you need to log in again", "buttons": { "logout": "Logout" } } } }, "settings": { "fontsize": { "heading": "$t(me.stacks.fontSize.name)", "content": { "S": "$t(me.fontSize.sizes.S)", "M": "$t(me.fontSize.sizes.M)", "L": "$t(me.fontSize.sizes.L)", "XL": "$t(me.fontSize.sizes.XL)", "XXL": "$t(me.fontSize.sizes.XXL)" } }, "language": { "heading": "$t(me.stacks.language.name)" }, "theme": { "heading": "Appearance", "options": { "auto": "As system", "light": "Light mode", "dark": "Dark mode" } }, "darkTheme": { "heading": "Dark theme", "options": { "lighter": "Lighter", "darker": "Darker" } }, "browser": { "heading": "Opening Link", "options": { "internal": "Inside app", "external": "Use system browser" } }, "staticEmoji": { "heading": "Use static emoji", "description": "If you encounter frequent app crash when viewing emoji list, you can try to use static emoji instead." }, "feedback": { "heading": "Feature Requests" }, "support": { "heading": "Support tooot" }, "review": { "heading": "Review tooot" }, "contact": { "heading": "Contact tooot" }, "version": "Version v{{version}}", "instanceVersion": "Mastodon version v{{version}}" }, "switch": { "existing": "Choose from logged in", "new": "Log in to instance" } }, "shared": { "account": { "actions": { "accessibilityLabel": "Actions for user {{user}}", "accessibilityHint": "You can mute, block, report or share this user" }, "followed_by": " is following you", "moved": "User moved", "created_at": "Joined: {{date}}", "summary": { "statuses_count": "{{count}} toots", "following_count": "$t(shared.users.accounts.following)", "followers_count": "$t(shared.users.accounts.followers)" }, "toots": { "default": "Toots", "all": "Toots and replies" }, "suspended": "Account suspended by the moderators of your server" }, "attachments": { "name": "<0 /><1>\"s media" }, "hashtag": { "follow": "Follow", "unfollow": "Unfollow" }, "history": { "name": "Edit History" }, "search": { "header": { "prefix": "Searching", "placeholder": "for..." }, "empty": { "general": "Enter keyword to search for $t(screenTabs:shared.search.sections.accounts)$t(screenTabs:shared.search.sections.hashtags) or $t(screenTabs:shared.search.sections.statuses)", "advanced": { "header": "Advanced search", "example": { "account": "$t(shared.search.header.prefix) $t(shared.search.sections.accounts)", "hashtag": "$t(shared.search.header.prefix) $t(shared.search.sections.hashtags)", "statusLink": "$t(shared.search.header.prefix) $t(shared.search.sections.statuses)", "accountLink": "$t(shared.search.header.prefix) $t(shared.search.sections.accounts)" } } }, "sections": { "accounts": "User", "hashtags": "Hashtag", "statuses": "Toot" }, "notFound": "Cannot find {{searchTerm}} related {{type}}" }, "toot": { "name": "Discussions" }, "users": { "accounts": { "following": "Following {{count}}", "followers": "{{count}} followers" }, "statuses": { "reblogged_by": "{{count}} boosted", "favourited_by": "{{count}} favourited" } } } }