import { handleError } from '@api/helpers' import { ComponentEmojis } from '@components/Emojis' import { EmojisState } from '@components/Emojis/helpers/EmojisContext' import { HeaderLeft, HeaderRight } from '@components/Header' import { createNativeStackNavigator } from '@react-navigation/native-stack' import haptics from '@root/components/haptics' import { useAppDispatch } from '@root/store' import ComposeRoot from '@screens/Compose/Root' import { formatText } from '@screens/Compose/utils/processText' import { RootStackScreenProps } from '@utils/navigation/navigators' import { useTimelineMutation } from '@utils/queryHooks/timeline' import { updateStoreReview } from '@utils/slices/contextsSlice' import { getInstanceAccount, getInstanceConfigurationStatusMaxChars, removeInstanceDraft, updateInstanceDraft } from '@utils/slices/instancesSlice' import { StyleConstants } from '@utils/styles/constants' import { useTheme } from '@utils/styles/ThemeManager' import { filter } from 'lodash' import React, { useCallback, useEffect, useMemo, useReducer, useState } from 'react' import { useTranslation } from 'react-i18next' import { Alert, Keyboard, Platform } from 'react-native' import { useQueryClient } from '@tanstack/react-query' import { useSelector } from 'react-redux' import ComposeDraftsList from './Compose/DraftsList' import ComposeEditAttachment from './Compose/EditAttachment' import { uploadAttachment } from './Compose/Root/Footer/addAttachment' import ComposeContext from './Compose/utils/createContext' import composeInitialState from './Compose/utils/initialState' import composeParseState from './Compose/utils/parseState' import composePost from './Compose/utils/post' import composeReducer from './Compose/utils/reducer' const Stack = createNativeStackNavigator() const ScreenCompose: React.FC> = ({ route: { params }, navigation }) => { const { t } = useTranslation('screenCompose') const { colors } = useTheme() const queryClient = useQueryClient() const [hasKeyboard, setHasKeyboard] = useState(false) useEffect(() => { const keyboardShown = Keyboard.addListener('keyboardWillShow', () => setHasKeyboard(true)) const keyboardHidden = Keyboard.addListener('keyboardWillHide', () => setHasKeyboard(false)) return () => { keyboardShown.remove() keyboardHidden.remove() } }, []) const localAccount = useSelector(getInstanceAccount, (prev, next) => prev?.preferences && next?.preferences ? prev?.preferences['posting:default:visibility'] === next?.preferences['posting:default:visibility'] : true ) const initialReducerState = useMemo(() => { if (params) { return composeParseState(params) } else { return { ...composeInitialState, timestamp:, attachments: { ...composeInitialState.attachments, sensitive: localAccount?.preferences && localAccount?.preferences['posting:default:sensitive'] ? localAccount?.preferences['posting:default:sensitive'] : false }, visibility: localAccount?.preferences && localAccount.preferences['posting:default:visibility'] ? localAccount.preferences['posting:default:visibility'] : 'public' } } }, []) const [composeState, composeDispatch] = useReducer(composeReducer, initialReducerState) const maxTootChars = useSelector(getInstanceConfigurationStatusMaxChars, () => true) const totalTextCount = ( ? composeState.spoiler.count : 0) + composeState.text.count // If compose state is dirty, then disallow add back drafts useEffect(() => { composeDispatch({ type: 'dirty', payload: totalTextCount !== 0 || composeState.attachments.uploads.length !== 0 || ( === true && filter(composeState.poll.options, o => { return o !== undefined && o.length > 0 }).length > 0) }) }, [ totalTextCount, composeState.attachments.uploads.length,, composeState.poll.options ]) useEffect(() => { switch (params?.type) { case 'share': if (params.text) { formatText({ textInput: 'text', composeDispatch, content: params.text, disableDebounce: true }) } if ( { for (const m of { uploadAttachment({ composeDispatch, media: { uri: m.uri, fileName: 'temp.jpg', type: m.mime } }) } } break case 'edit': case 'deleteEdit': if (params.incomingStatus.spoiler_text) { formatText({ textInput: 'spoiler', composeDispatch, content: params.incomingStatus.spoiler_text, disableDebounce: true }) } formatText({ textInput: 'text', composeDispatch, content: params.incomingStatus.text!, disableDebounce: true }) break case 'reply': const actualStatus = params.incomingStatus.reblog || params.incomingStatus if (actualStatus.spoiler_text) { formatText({ textInput: 'spoiler', composeDispatch, content: actualStatus.spoiler_text, disableDebounce: true }) } params.accts.length && // When replying to myself only, do not add space or even format text formatText({ textInput: 'text', composeDispatch, content: => `@${acct}`).join(' ') + ' ', disableDebounce: true }) break case 'conversation': formatText({ textInput: 'text', composeDispatch, content: (params.text ? `${params.text}\n` : '') + => `@${acct}`).join(' ') + ' ', disableDebounce: true }) break } }, [params?.type]) const saveDraft = () => { dispatch( updateInstanceDraft({ timestamp: composeState.timestamp, spoiler: composeState.spoiler.raw, text: composeState.text.raw, poll: composeState.poll, attachments: composeState.attachments, visibility: composeState.visibility, visibilityLock: composeState.visibilityLock, replyToStatus: composeState.replyToStatus }) ) } const removeDraft = useCallback(() => { dispatch(removeInstanceDraft(composeState.timestamp)) }, [composeState.timestamp]) useEffect(() => { const autoSave = composeState.dirty ? setInterval(() => { saveDraft() }, 1000) : removeDraft() return () => autoSave && clearInterval(autoSave) }, [composeState]) const headerLeft = useCallback( () => ( { if (!composeState.dirty) { navigation.goBack() return } else { Alert.alert(t('heading.left.alert.title'), undefined, [ { text: t('heading.left.alert.buttons.delete'), style: 'destructive', onPress: () => { removeDraft() navigation.goBack() } }, { text: t(''), onPress: () => { saveDraft() navigation.goBack() } }, { text: t('common:buttons.cancel'), style: 'cancel' } ]) } }} /> ), [composeState] ) const dispatch = useAppDispatch() const headerRightDisabled = useMemo(() => { if (totalTextCount > maxTootChars) { return true } if (composeState.attachments.uploads.filter(upload => upload.uploading).length > 0) { return true } if (composeState.attachments.uploads.length === 0 && composeState.text.raw.length === 0) { return true } return false }, [totalTextCount, composeState.attachments.uploads, composeState.text.raw]) const mutateTimeline = useTimelineMutation({ onMutate: true }) const headerRight = useCallback( () => ( { composeDispatch({ type: 'posting', payload: true }) composePost(params, composeState) .then(res => { haptics('Success') if (Platform.OS === 'ios' && Platform.constants.osVersion === '13.3') { // } else { dispatch(updateStoreReview(1)) } switch (params?.type) { case 'edit': mutateTimeline.mutate({ type: 'editItem', queryKey: params.queryKey, rootQueryKey: params.rootQueryKey, status: res }) break case 'deleteEdit': case 'reply': if (params?.queryKey && params.queryKey[1].page === 'Toot') { queryClient.invalidateQueries(params.queryKey) } break } removeDraft() navigation.goBack() }) .catch(error => { if (error?.removeReply) { Alert.alert( t('heading.right.alert.removeReply.title'), t('heading.right.alert.removeReply.description'), [ { text: t('common:buttons.cancel'), onPress: () => { composeDispatch({ type: 'posting', payload: false }) }, style: 'destructive' }, { text: t('heading.right.alert.removeReply.confirm'), onPress: () => { composeDispatch({ type: 'removeReply' }) composeDispatch({ type: 'posting', payload: false }) }, style: 'default' } ] ) } else { haptics('Error') handleError({ message: 'Posting error', captureResponse: true }) composeDispatch({ type: 'posting', payload: false }) Alert.alert(t('heading.right.alert.default.title'), undefined, [ { text: t('heading.right.alert.default.button') } ]) } }) }} loading={composeState.posting} disabled={headerRightDisabled} /> ), [totalTextCount, composeState] ) const headerContent = useMemo(() => { return `${totalTextCount} / ${maxTootChars}` }, [totalTextCount, maxTootChars, composeState.dirty]) const inputProps: EmojisState['inputProps'] = [ { value: [ composeState.text.raw, content => { formatText({ textInput: 'text', composeDispatch, content }) } ], selection: [ composeState.text.selection, selection => composeDispatch({ type: 'text', payload: { selection } }) ], isFocused: composeState.textInputFocus.isFocused.text, maxLength: maxTootChars - ( ? composeState.spoiler.count : 0), ref: composeState.textInputFocus.refs.text }, { value: [ composeState.spoiler.raw, content => formatText({ textInput: 'spoiler', composeDispatch, content }) ], selection: [ composeState.spoiler.selection, selection => composeDispatch({ type: 'spoiler', payload: { selection } }) ], isFocused: composeState.textInputFocus.isFocused.spoiler, maxLength: maxTootChars - composeState.text.count, ref: composeState.textInputFocus.refs.spoiler } ] return ( maxTootChars ? StyleConstants.Font.Weight.Bold : StyleConstants.Font.Weight.Normal, fontSize: StyleConstants.Font.Size.M }, headerTintColor: totalTextCount > maxTootChars ? : colors.secondary, headerLeft, headerRight }} /> ) } export default ScreenCompose