# [tooot](https://tooot.app/) app for Mastodon [](LICENSE)    [](https://crowdin.tooot.app/project/tooot)    ## Contribute to translation Please **do not** create a pull request to update translation. tooot's translation is managed through [https://crowdin.tooot.app/](https://crowdin.tooot.app/) and Crowdin struggles to properly sync two ways. If there is a minor update and you do not want to register an account on Crowdin, please open an issue. ## Special thanks [@forenta](https://github.com/forenta) for German translation [@andrigamerita](https://github.com/andrigamerita) for Italian translation [@Hikaru](https://github.com/Hikali-47041) and [@la_la](https://mstdn.jp/@la_la_la) for Japanese translation [@hellojaccc](https://github.com/hellojaccc) for Korean translation [@luizpicolo](https://github.com/luizpicolo) for Brazilian Portuguese [@duy@mas.to](https://mas.to/@duy) for Vietnamese translation [@jk@mastodon.social](https://mastodon.social/@jk) for the famous Mastodon boop sound