{ "accessibilityHint": "Actions for this toot, such as its posted user, toot itself", "account": { "title": "User actions", "mute": { "action_false": "Mute user", "action_true": "Unmute user" }, "block": { "action_false": "Block user", "action_true": "Unblock user" }, "reports": { "action": "Report and block" } }, "copy": { "action": "Copy toot", "succeed": "Copied" }, "instance": { "title": "Instance action", "block": { "action": "Block instance {{instance}}", "alert": { "title": "Confirm blocking instance {{instance}} ?", "message": "Mostly you can mute or block certain user.\n\nAfter blocking instance, all its content including followers from this instance will be removed!", "buttons": { "confirm": "Confirm" } } } }, "share": { "status": { "action": "Share toot" }, "account": { "action": "Share user" } }, "status": { "title": "Toot actions", "edit": { "action": "Edit toot" }, "delete": { "action": "Delete toot", "alert": { "title": "Confirm deleting?", "message": "All boosts and favourites will be cleared, including all replies.", "buttons": { "confirm": "Confirm" } } }, "deleteEdit": { "action": "Delete toot and repost", "alert": { "title": "Confirm deleting and repost?", "message": "All boosts and favourites will be cleared, including all replies.", "buttons": { "confirm": "Confirm" } } }, "mute": { "action_false": "Mute toot and replies", "action_true": "Unmute toot and replies" }, "pin": { "action_false": "Pin toot", "action_true": "Unpin toot" } } }