/** * Copyright (c) JOB TODAY S.A. and its affiliates. * * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. * */ import React from "react"; import { GestureResponderEvent } from "react-native"; import { ImageSource } from "../@types"; declare type Props = { imageSrc: ImageSource; onRequestClose: () => void; onZoom: (isZoomed: boolean) => void; onLongPress: (image: ImageSource) => void; delayLongPress: number; swipeToCloseEnabled?: boolean; doubleTapToZoomEnabled?: boolean; }; declare const _default: React.MemoExoticComponent<({ imageSrc, onZoom, onRequestClose, onLongPress, delayLongPress, swipeToCloseEnabled, }: Props) => JSX.Element>; export default _default;