import * as tslib_1 from "tslib"; import { Matcher } from "./matcher"; import { alphaNumericAndMarksCharsStr, domainNameCharRegex } from "../regex-lib"; import { EmailMatch } from "../match/email-match"; import { throwUnhandledCaseError } from '../utils'; import { tldRegex } from "./tld-regex"; // For debugging: search for other "For debugging" lines // import CliTable from 'cli-table'; // RegExp objects which are shared by all instances of EmailMatcher. These are // here to avoid re-instantiating the RegExp objects if `` is // called multiple times, thus instantiating EmailMatcher and its RegExp // objects each time (which is very expensive - see // See descriptions of the properties where they are used for details about them var localPartCharRegex = new RegExp("[" + alphaNumericAndMarksCharsStr + "!#$%&'*+/=?^_`{|}~-]"); var strictTldRegex = new RegExp("^" + tldRegex.source + "$"); /** * @class Autolinker.matcher.Email * @extends Autolinker.matcher.Matcher * * Matcher to find email matches in an input string. * * See this class's superclass ({@link Autolinker.matcher.Matcher}) for more details. */ var EmailMatcher = /** @class */ (function (_super) { tslib_1.__extends(EmailMatcher, _super); function EmailMatcher() { var _this = _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this; /** * Valid characters that can be used in the "local" part of an email address, * i.e. the "name" part of "" */ _this.localPartCharRegex = localPartCharRegex; /** * Stricter TLD regex which adds a beginning and end check to ensure * the string is a valid TLD */ _this.strictTldRegex = strictTldRegex; return _this; } /** * @inheritdoc */ EmailMatcher.prototype.parseMatches = function (text) { var tagBuilder = this.tagBuilder, localPartCharRegex = this.localPartCharRegex, strictTldRegex = this.strictTldRegex, matches = [], len = text.length, noCurrentEmailMatch = new CurrentEmailMatch(); // for matching a 'mailto:' prefix var mailtoTransitions = { 'm': 'a', 'a': 'i', 'i': 'l', 'l': 't', 't': 'o', 'o': ':', }; var charIdx = 0, state = 0 /* NonEmailMatch */, currentEmailMatch = noCurrentEmailMatch; // For debugging: search for other "For debugging" lines // const table = new CliTable( { // head: [ 'charIdx', 'char', 'state', 'charIdx', 'currentEmailAddress.idx', 'hasDomainDot' ] // } ); while (charIdx < len) { var char = text.charAt(charIdx); // For debugging: search for other "For debugging" lines // table.push( // [ charIdx, char, State[ state ], charIdx, currentEmailAddress.idx, currentEmailAddress.hasDomainDot ] // ); switch (state) { case 0 /* NonEmailMatch */: stateNonEmailAddress(char); break; case 1 /* Mailto */: stateMailTo(text.charAt(charIdx - 1), char); break; case 2 /* LocalPart */: stateLocalPart(char); break; case 3 /* LocalPartDot */: stateLocalPartDot(char); break; case 4 /* AtSign */: stateAtSign(char); break; case 5 /* DomainChar */: stateDomainChar(char); break; case 6 /* DomainHyphen */: stateDomainHyphen(char); break; case 7 /* DomainDot */: stateDomainDot(char); break; default: throwUnhandledCaseError(state); } // For debugging: search for other "For debugging" lines // table.push( // [ charIdx, char, State[ state ], charIdx, currentEmailAddress.idx, currentEmailAddress.hasDomainDot ] // ); charIdx++; } // Capture any valid match at the end of the string captureMatchIfValidAndReset(); // For debugging: search for other "For debugging" lines //console.log( '\n' + table.toString() ); return matches; // Handles the state when we're not in an email address function stateNonEmailAddress(char) { if (char === 'm') { beginEmailMatch(1 /* Mailto */); } else if (localPartCharRegex.test(char)) { beginEmailMatch(); } else { // not an email address character, continue } } // Handles if we're reading a 'mailto:' prefix on the string function stateMailTo(prevChar, char) { if (prevChar === ':') { // We've reached the end of the 'mailto:' prefix if (localPartCharRegex.test(char)) { state = 2 /* LocalPart */; currentEmailMatch = new CurrentEmailMatch(tslib_1.__assign({}, currentEmailMatch, { hasMailtoPrefix: true })); } else { // we've matched 'mailto:' but didn't get anything meaningful // immediately afterwards (for example, we encountered a // space character, or an '@' character which formed 'mailto:@' resetToNonEmailMatchState(); } } else if (mailtoTransitions[prevChar] === char) { // We're currently reading the 'mailto:' prefix, stay in // Mailto state } else if (localPartCharRegex.test(char)) { // We we're reading a prefix of 'mailto:', but encountered a // different character that didn't continue the prefix state = 2 /* LocalPart */; } else if (char === '.') { // We we're reading a prefix of 'mailto:', but encountered a // dot character state = 3 /* LocalPartDot */; } else if (char === '@') { // We we're reading a prefix of 'mailto:', but encountered a // an @ character state = 4 /* AtSign */; } else { // not an email address character, return to "NonEmailAddress" state resetToNonEmailMatchState(); } } // Handles the state when we're currently in the "local part" of an // email address (as opposed to the "domain part") function stateLocalPart(char) { if (char === '.') { state = 3 /* LocalPartDot */; } else if (char === '@') { state = 4 /* AtSign */; } else if (localPartCharRegex.test(char)) { // stay in the "local part" of the email address } else { // not an email address character, return to "NonEmailAddress" state resetToNonEmailMatchState(); } } // Handles the state where we've read function stateLocalPartDot(char) { if (char === '.') { // We read a second '.' in a row, not a valid email address // local part resetToNonEmailMatchState(); } else if (char === '@') { // We read the '@' character immediately after a dot ('.'), not // an email address resetToNonEmailMatchState(); } else if (localPartCharRegex.test(char)) { state = 2 /* LocalPart */; } else { // Anything else, not an email address resetToNonEmailMatchState(); } } function stateAtSign(char) { if (domainNameCharRegex.test(char)) { state = 5 /* DomainChar */; } else { // Anything else, not an email address resetToNonEmailMatchState(); } } function stateDomainChar(char) { if (char === '.') { state = 7 /* DomainDot */; } else if (char === '-') { state = 6 /* DomainHyphen */; } else if (domainNameCharRegex.test(char)) { // Stay in the DomainChar state } else { // Anything else, we potentially matched if the criteria has // been met captureMatchIfValidAndReset(); } } function stateDomainHyphen(char) { if (char === '-' || char === '.') { // Not valid to have two hyphens ("--") or hypen+dot ("-.") captureMatchIfValidAndReset(); } else if (domainNameCharRegex.test(char)) { state = 5 /* DomainChar */; } else { // Anything else captureMatchIfValidAndReset(); } } function stateDomainDot(char) { if (char === '.' || char === '-') { // not valid to have two dots ("..") or dot+hypen (".-") captureMatchIfValidAndReset(); } else if (domainNameCharRegex.test(char)) { state = 5 /* DomainChar */; // After having read a '.' and then a valid domain character, // we now know that the domain part of the email is valid, and // we have found at least a partial EmailMatch (however, the // email address may have additional characters from this point) currentEmailMatch = new CurrentEmailMatch(tslib_1.__assign({}, currentEmailMatch, { hasDomainDot: true })); } else { // Anything else captureMatchIfValidAndReset(); } } function beginEmailMatch(newState) { if (newState === void 0) { newState = 2 /* LocalPart */; } state = newState; currentEmailMatch = new CurrentEmailMatch({ idx: charIdx }); } function resetToNonEmailMatchState() { state = 0 /* NonEmailMatch */; currentEmailMatch = noCurrentEmailMatch; } /* * Captures the current email address as an EmailMatch if it's valid, * and resets the state to read another email address. */ function captureMatchIfValidAndReset() { if (currentEmailMatch.hasDomainDot) { // we need at least one dot in the domain to be considered a valid email address var matchedText = text.slice(currentEmailMatch.idx, charIdx); // If we read a '.' or '-' char that ended the email address // (valid domain name characters, but only valid email address // characters if they are followed by something else), strip // it off now if (/[-.]$/.test(matchedText)) { matchedText = matchedText.slice(0, -1); } var emailAddress = currentEmailMatch.hasMailtoPrefix ? matchedText.slice('mailto:'.length) : matchedText; // if the email address has a valid TLD, add it to the list of matches if (doesEmailHaveValidTld(emailAddress)) { matches.push(new EmailMatch({ tagBuilder: tagBuilder, matchedText: matchedText, offset: currentEmailMatch.idx, email: emailAddress })); } } resetToNonEmailMatchState(); /** * Determines if the given email address has a valid TLD or not * @param {string} emailAddress - email address * @return {Boolean} - true is email have valid TLD, false otherwise */ function doesEmailHaveValidTld(emailAddress) { var emailAddressTld = emailAddress.split('.').pop() || ''; var emailAddressNormalized = emailAddressTld.toLowerCase(); var isValidTld = strictTldRegex.test(emailAddressNormalized); return isValidTld; } } }; return EmailMatcher; }(Matcher)); export { EmailMatcher }; var CurrentEmailMatch = /** @class */ (function () { function CurrentEmailMatch(cfg) { if (cfg === void 0) { cfg = {}; } this.idx = cfg.idx !== undefined ? cfg.idx : -1; this.hasMailtoPrefix = !!cfg.hasMailtoPrefix; this.hasDomainDot = !!cfg.hasDomainDot; } return CurrentEmailMatch; }()); //#