import i18n from '@i18n/index' import { featureCheck } from '@utils/helpers/featureCheck' import { checkPermission, PERMISSION_MANAGE_REPORTS, PERMISSION_MANAGE_USERS } from '@utils/helpers/permissions' import queryClient from '@utils/queryHooks' import { QueryKeyProfile } from '@utils/queryHooks/profile' import { getAccountDetails, getGlobalStorage } from '@utils/storage/actions' import * as Notifications from 'expo-notifications' export const PUSH_DEFAULT = [ 'follow', 'follow_request', 'favourite', 'reblog', 'mention', 'poll', 'update', 'status' ].filter(type => { switch (type) { case 'status': return featureCheck('notification_type_status') case 'update': return featureCheck('notification_type_update') default: return true } }) as ['follow', 'follow_request', 'favourite', 'reblog', 'mention', 'poll', 'update', 'status'] export const PUSH_ADMIN = [ { type: 'admin.sign_up', permission: PERMISSION_MANAGE_USERS }, { type: '', permission: PERMISSION_MANAGE_REPORTS } ].filter(({ type, permission }) => { const queryKeyProfile: QueryKeyProfile = ['Profile'] const permissions = queryClient.getQueryData(queryKeyProfile)?.role?.permissions switch (type) { case 'admin.sign_up': return ( featureCheck('notification_type_admin_signup') && checkPermission(permission, permissions) ) case '': return ( featureCheck('notification_type_admin_report') && checkPermission(permission, permissions) ) } }) as { type: 'admin.sign_up' | ''; permission: number }[] export const setChannels = async (reset: boolean | undefined = false, specificAccount?: string) => { const account = specificAccount || getGlobalStorage.string('') const accountDetails = getAccountDetails(['version', 'push']) if (!account || !accountDetails) return null const deleteChannel = async (type: string) => Notifications.deleteNotificationChannelAsync(`${account}_${type}`) const setChannel = async (type: string) => Notifications.setNotificationChannelAsync(`${account}_${type}`, { groupId: account, name: i18n.t(`screenTabs:me.push.${type}.heading` as any), importance: Notifications.AndroidImportance.DEFAULT, bypassDnd: false, showBadge: true, enableLights: true, enableVibrate: true }) const channelGroup = await Notifications.getNotificationChannelGroupAsync(account) if (channelGroup && !reset) { return } if (!channelGroup) { await Notifications.setNotificationChannelGroupAsync(account, { name: account }) } if (!accountDetails.push.decode) { await setChannel('default') for (const push of PUSH_DEFAULT) { await deleteChannel(push) } for (const { type } of PUSH_ADMIN) { await deleteChannel(type) } } else { await deleteChannel('default') for (const push of PUSH_DEFAULT) { await setChannel(push) } for (const { type } of PUSH_ADMIN) { await setChannel(type) } } }