fastlane_version "2.173.0" skip_docs ensure_env_vars( env_vars: ["TOOOT_ENVIRONMENT", "SENTRY_ORGANIZATION", "SENTRY_PROJECT", "SENTRY_AUTH_TOKEN"] ) VERSIONS = read_json( json_path: "./package.json" )[:versions] ENVIRONMENT = ENV["TOOOT_ENVIRONMENT"] VERSION = "#{VERSIONS[:major]}.#{VERSIONS[:minor]}" RELEASE_CHANNEL = "#{VERSIONS[:major]}-#{VERSIONS[:minor]}-#{ENVIRONMENT}" BUILD_NUMBER = ENV["GITHUB_RUN_NUMBER"] GITHUB_REPO = "tooot-app/app" case ENVIRONMENT when "development" GITHUB_RELEASE= "" when "staging" GITHUB_RELEASE = "v#{VERSION}-#{VERSIONS[:patch]}" when "production" GITHUB_RELEASE = "v#{VERSION}" end XCODEPROJ = "./ios/tooot.xcodeproj" INFO_PLIST = "./ios/tooot/Info.plist" EXPO_PLIST = "./ios/tooot/Supporting/Expo.plist" desc "IOS: Prepare app store" private_lane :prepare_appstore_ios do set_info_plist_value( path: INFO_PLIST, key: "CFBundleShortVersionString", value: VERSION ) set_info_plist_value( path: INFO_PLIST, key: "NSAppTransportSecurity", value: { "NSAllowsArbitraryLoads" => false } ) increment_build_number( xcodeproj: XCODEPROJ, build_number: BUILD_NUMBER ) app_store_connect_api_key end desc 'IOS: Update expo information' private_lane :update_expo_ios do set_info_plist_value( path: EXPO_PLIST, key: "EXUpdatesSDKVersion", value: VERSIONS[:expo] ) set_info_plist_value( path: EXPO_PLIST, key: "EXUpdatesReleaseChannel", value: RELEASE_CHANNEL ) end desc "ANDROID: Prepare play store" private_lane :prepare_playstore_android do android_set_version_name( version_name: VERSION, gradle_file: "./android/app/build.gradle" ) android_set_version_code( version_code: BUILD_NUMBER, gradle_file: "./android/app/build.gradle" ) end desc "Create new GitHub release" private_lane :github_release do |options| set_github_release( repository_name: GITHUB_REPO, name: GITHUB_RELEASE, tag_name: GITHUB_RELEASE, description: "No changelog provided", commitish: git_branch, is_prerelease: options[:prerelease] ) end desc "Expo release" private_lane :expo_release do yarn( package_path: "./package.json", flags: "release", command: RELEASE_CHANNEL ) end desc "Build and deploy iOS app" private_lane :build_ios do BUILD_DIRECTORY = "./ios/build" update_expo_ios setup_ci case ENVIRONMENT when "development" match( type: "development", readonly: true ) if !is_ci build_ios_app( export_method: "development", output_directory: BUILD_DIRECTORY ) install_on_device( skip_wifi: true ) end when "staging" prepare_appstore_ios match( type: "appstore", readonly: true ) build_ios_app( export_method: "app-store", include_symbols: true, include_bitcode: true ) upload_to_testflight( demo_account_required: true, distribute_external: true, groups: "内测用户", changelog: "Ready for testing" ) when "production" prepare_appstore_ios match( type: "appstore", readonly: true ) build_ios_app( export_method: "app-store" ) end end desc "Build and deploy Android app" private_lane :build_android do sh("echo #{ENV["ANDROID_KEYSTORE"]} | base64 -d | tee #{File.expand_path('..', Dir.pwd)}/android/tooot.jks >/dev/null", log: false) case ENVIRONMENT when "development" if !is_ci build_android_app( task: 'assemble', build_type: 'release', project_dir: "./android" ) adb( command: "install #{lane_context[SharedValues::GRADLE_APK_OUTPUT_PATH]}" ) end when "staging" prepare_playstore_android build_android_app( task: 'clean bundle', build_type: 'release', project_dir: "./android", print_command: false, print_command_output: false, properties: { "expoSDK" => VERSIONS[:expo], "releaseChannel" => RELEASE_CHANNEL, "" => "#{File.expand_path('..', Dir.pwd)}/android/tooot.jks", "" => ENV["ANDROID_KEYSTORE_PASSWORD"], "android.injected.signing.key.alias" => ENV["ANDROID_KEYSTORE_ALIAS"], "android.injected.signing.key.password" => ENV["ANDROID_KEYSTORE_KEY_PASSWORD"], } ) upload_to_play_store( track: "beta", skip_upload_metadata: true, skip_upload_changelogs: true, skip_upload_images: true, skip_upload_screenshots: true ) when "production" end end lane :build do releaseExists = get_github_release(url: GITHUB_REPO, version: GITHUB_RELEASE, api_token: ENV['GH_PAT_GET_RELEASE']) if releaseExists puts("Release #{GITHUB_RELEASE} exists. Continue with building React Native only.") else puts("Release #{GITHUB_RELEASE} does not exist. Create new release as well as new native build.") build_ios build_android case ENVIRONMENT when "staging" github_release(prerelease: true) when "production" github_release(prerelease: false) end end expo_release rocket end