import haptics from '@components/haptics' import { displayMessage } from '@components/Message' import { useNavigation } from '@react-navigation/native' import { NativeStackNavigationProp } from '@react-navigation/native-stack' import { useQueryClient } from '@tanstack/react-query' import { TabSharedStackParamList, useNavState } from '@utils/navigation/navigators' import { useAccountQuery } from '@utils/queryHooks/account' import { QueryKeyRelationship, useRelationshipMutation, useRelationshipQuery } from '@utils/queryHooks/relationship' import { MutationVarsTimelineUpdateAccountProperty, useTimelineMutation } from '@utils/queryHooks/timeline' import { useAccountStorage } from '@utils/storage/actions' import { useEffect, useState } from 'react' import { useTranslation } from 'react-i18next' import { Alert, Platform } from 'react-native' const menuAccount = ({ type, openChange, account, status }: { type: 'status' | 'account' // Where the action is coming from openChange: boolean account?: Partial & Pick status?: Mastodon.Status }): ContextMenu[][] => { const navigation = useNavigation>() const navState = useNavState() const { t } = useTranslation(['common', 'componentContextMenu', 'componentRelationship']) const menus: ContextMenu[][] = [[]] const [enabled, setEnabled] = useState(openChange) useEffect(() => { if (!ownAccount && enabled === false && openChange === true) { setEnabled(true) } }, [openChange, enabled]) const { data: fetchedAccount } = useAccountQuery({ account, _local: true, options: { enabled } }) const actualAccount = status?._remote ? fetchedAccount : account const { data, isFetched } = useRelationshipQuery({ id: actualAccount?.id, options: { enabled: !!actualAccount?.id && enabled } }) const ownAccount = useAccountStorage.string('')['0'] === actualAccount?.id const queryClient = useQueryClient() const timelineMutation = useTimelineMutation({ onSuccess: (_, params) => { queryClient.refetchQueries(['Relationship', { id: actualAccount?.id }]) const theParams = params as MutationVarsTimelineUpdateAccountProperty displayMessage({ type: 'success', message: t('common:message.success.message', { function: t( `componentContextMenu:account.${}.action`, !== 'reports' ? { defaultValue: 'false', context: (theParams.payload.currentValue || false).toString() } : { defaultValue: 'false' } ) }) }) }, onError: (err: any, params) => { const theParams = params as MutationVarsTimelineUpdateAccountProperty displayMessage({ type: 'danger', message: t('common:message.error.message', { function: t( `componentContextMenu:account.${}.action`, !== 'reports' ? { defaultValue: 'false', context: (theParams.payload.currentValue || false).toString() } : { defaultValue: 'false' } ) }), ...(err.status && typeof err.status === 'number' && && && typeof === 'string' && { description: }) }) }, onSettled: () => { for (const key of navState) { queryClient.invalidateQueries(key) } } }) const queryKeyRelationship: QueryKeyRelationship = ['Relationship', { id: actualAccount?.id }] const relationshipMutation = useRelationshipMutation({ onSuccess: (res, { payload: { action } }) => { haptics('Success') queryClient.setQueryData(queryKeyRelationship, [res]) if (action === 'block') { queryClient.invalidateQueries({ queryKey: ['Timeline', { page: 'Following' }], exact: false }) } }, onError: (err: any, { payload: { action } }) => { displayMessage({ type: 'danger', message: t('common:message.error.message', { function: t(`componentContextMenu:${action}.function` as any) }), ...(err.status && typeof err.status === 'number' && && && typeof === 'string' && { description: }) }) } }) if (!account) return [] if (!ownAccount && Platform.OS !== 'android' && type !== 'account') { menus[0].push({ key: 'account-following', item: { onSelect: () => data && actualAccount && relationshipMutation.mutate({ id:, type: 'outgoing', payload: { action: 'follow', state: !data?.requested ? data.following : true } }), disabled: !data || !isFetched, destructive: false, hidden: false }, title: !data?.requested ? t('componentContextMenu:account.following.action', { defaultValue: 'false', context: (data?.following || false).toString() }) : t('componentRelationship:button.requested'), icon: !data?.requested ? data?.following ? 'person.badge.minus' : '' : 'person.badge.minus' }) } if (!ownAccount) { menus[0].push({ key: 'account-list', item: { onSelect: () => navigation.navigate('Tab-Shared-Account-In-Lists', { account }), disabled: Platform.OS !== 'android' ? !data || !isFetched : false, destructive: false, hidden: !isFetched || !data?.following }, title: t('componentContextMenu:account.inLists'), icon: 'checklist' }) menus[0].push({ key: 'account-show-boosts', item: { onSelect: () => actualAccount && relationshipMutation.mutate({ id:, type: 'outgoing', payload: { action: 'follow', state: false, reblogs: !data?.showing_reblogs } }), disabled: Platform.OS !== 'android' ? !data || !isFetched : false, destructive: false, hidden: !isFetched || !data?.following }, title: t('componentContextMenu:account.showBoosts.action', { defaultValue: 'false', context: (data?.showing_reblogs || false).toString() }), icon: data?.showing_reblogs ? 'rectangle.on.rectangle.slash' : 'rectangle.on.rectangle' }) menus[0].push({ key: 'account-mute', item: { onSelect: () => actualAccount && timelineMutation.mutate({ type: 'updateAccountProperty', id:, payload: { property: 'mute', currentValue: data?.muting } }), disabled: Platform.OS !== 'android' ? !data || !isFetched : false, destructive: false, hidden: false }, title: t('componentContextMenu:account.mute.action', { defaultValue: 'false', context: (data?.muting || false).toString() }), icon: data?.muting ? 'eye' : 'eye.slash' }) menus.push([ { key: 'account-block', item: { onSelect: () => Alert.alert( t('componentContextMenu:account.block.alert.title', { username: actualAccount?.username }), undefined, [ { text: t('common:buttons.confirm'), style: 'destructive', onPress: () => actualAccount && timelineMutation.mutate({ type: 'updateAccountProperty', id:, payload: { property: 'block', currentValue: data?.blocking } }) }, { text: t('common:buttons.cancel') } ] ), disabled: Platform.OS !== 'android' ? !data || !isFetched : false, destructive: !data?.blocking, hidden: false }, title: t('componentContextMenu:account.block.action', { defaultValue: 'false', context: (data?.blocking || false).toString() }), icon: data?.blocking ? '' : '' }, { key: 'account-reports', item: { onSelect: () => actualAccount && navigation.navigate('Tab-Shared-Report', { account: actualAccount, status }), disabled: Platform.OS !== 'android' ? !data || !isFetched : false, destructive: true, hidden: false }, title: t('componentContextMenu:account.reports.action'), icon: 'flag' } ]) } return menus } export default menuAccount