import { Context, DefaultState } from 'koa'; import Router from 'koa-router'; import { signIn, api, i, notesShow, usersShowByName } from './misskey'; import { Note } from './models/Note'; import { die } from './die'; export const router = new Router(); const staticRouting = [ [ 'about', 'About Simpkey' ], [ 'terms', 'Terms of Use' ], [ 'privacy-policy', 'Privacy Policy' ], [ 'settings', 'Settings' ], [ 'help', 'Help' ], ]; for (const [ name, title ] of staticRouting) { router.get('/' + name, async ctx => { await ctx.render(name, { title }); }); } async function timeline(ctx: Context, host: string, endpoint: string, timelineName: string, token: string) { const user = await i(host, token); const notes = await api(host, endpoint, { i: token }); const myself = await i(host, token); await ctx.render('timeline', { title: timelineName + ' - Simpkey', user, notes, timelineName, canRenote: (note: Note) => note.userId === || note.visibility === 'public' || note.visibility === 'home', canReact: (note: Note) => note.userId !==, }); } router.get('/', async ctx => { const token = ctx.cookies.get('i'); const host = ctx.cookies.get('host'); if (!token || !host) { console.log('no session so show top page'); await ctx.render('index', { title: 'Simpkey' }); return; } await timeline(ctx, host, 'notes/timeline', 'Home Timeline', token); }); router.get('/ltl', async ctx => { const token = ctx.cookies.get('i'); const host = ctx.cookies.get('host'); if (!token || !host) { await die(ctx, 'Please login'); return; } const meta = await api(host, 'meta', { i: token }); if (meta.disableLocalTimeline) { await die(ctx, 'Local timeline has been disabled'); } else { await timeline(ctx, host, 'notes/local-timeline', 'Local Timeline', token); } }); router.get('/stl', async ctx => { const token = ctx.cookies.get('i'); const host = ctx.cookies.get('host'); if (!token || !host) { await die(ctx, 'Please login'); return; } const meta = await api(host, 'meta', { i: token }); if (meta.disableLocalTimeline) { await die(ctx, 'Social timeline has been disabled'); } else { await timeline(ctx, host, 'notes/hybrid-timeline', 'Social Timeline', token); } }); router.get('/gtl', async ctx => { const token = ctx.cookies.get('i'); const host = ctx.cookies.get('host'); if (!token || !host) { await die(ctx, 'Please login'); return; } const meta = await api(host, 'meta', { i: token }); if (meta.disableGlobalTimeline) { await die(ctx, 'Global timeline has been disabled'); } else { await timeline(ctx, host, 'notes/global-timeline', 'Global Timeline', token); } }); router.get('/notifications', async ctx => { const token = ctx.cookies.get('i'); const host = ctx.cookies.get('host'); if (!token || !host) { await die(ctx, 'Please login'); return; } const myself = await i(host, token); const notifications = await api(host, 'i/notifications', { i: token }); await ctx.render('notifications', { notifications, canRenote: (note: Note) => note.userId === || note.visibility === 'public' || note.visibility === 'home', canReact: (note: Note) => note.userId !==, }); }); router.get('/renote/:noteId', async ctx => { const token = ctx.cookies.get('i'); const host = ctx.cookies.get('host'); if (!token || !host) { await die(ctx, 'Please login'); return; } try { const myself = await i(host, token); const note = await notesShow(host, ctx.params.noteId); await ctx.render('renote', { note, canRenote: note.userId === || note.visibility === 'public' || note.visibility === 'home' }); } catch(e) { await die(ctx, e.message); } }); router.get('/reply/:noteId', async ctx => { const token = ctx.cookies.get('i'); const host = ctx.cookies.get('host'); if (!token || !host) { await die(ctx, 'Please login'); return; } try { const note = await notesShow(host, ctx.params.noteId); await ctx.render('reply', { note }); } catch(e) { await die(ctx, e.message); } }); router.get('/react/:noteId', async ctx => { const token = ctx.cookies.get('i'); const host = ctx.cookies.get('host'); if (!token || !host) { await die(ctx, 'Please login'); return; } try { const note = await notesShow(host, ctx.params.noteId); const myself = await i(host, token); await ctx.render('react', { note, reactions: myself.clientData?.reactions, canReact: note.userId !== && !note.myReaction }); } catch(e) { await die(ctx, e.message); } }); router.get('/@:acct', async ctx => { const token = ctx.cookies.get('i'); const host = ctx.cookies.get('host'); if (!token || !host) { await die(ctx, 'Please login'); return; } const acct = ctx.params.acct.split('@'); const username = acct[0]; const remoteHost = acct[1]; const myself = await i(host, token); const user = await usersShowByName(host, username, remoteHost); const notes = await api(host, 'users/notes', { i: token, userId: }); await ctx.render('user', { user, notes, canRenote: (note: Note) => note.userId === || note.visibility === 'public' || note.visibility === 'home', canReact: (note: Note) => note.userId !==, }); });'/', async ctx => { const { host, username, password, token } = ctx.request.body; if (!host || !username || !password) { await die(ctx, 'Some parameters are missing. Please retry.'); return; } try { const { id, i } = await signIn(host, username, password, token); ctx.cookies.set('id', id); ctx.cookies.set('host', host); ctx.cookies.set('i', i); console.log('login as ' + username); ctx.redirect('/'); } catch (err) { await die(ctx, err.message); console.error(err); } });'/action/:action', async ctx => { const i = ctx.cookies.get('i'); const host = ctx.cookies.get('host'); if (!i || !host) { await die(ctx, 'Please login'); return; } const action = ctx.params.action as string; try { switch (action) { case 'create-note': { const { text, renoteId, replyId, useCw, cw, visibility } = ctx.request.body; const opts = { i } as Record; if (text) opts.text = text; if (renoteId) opts.renoteId = renoteId; if (replyId) opts.replyId = replyId; if (useCw) = cw || ''; if (visibility) opts.visibility = visibility; await api(host, 'notes/create', opts); break; } case 'react': { const { noteId, reaction, customReaction } = ctx.request.body; if (!noteId) throw new Error('noteId required'); if (!reaction) throw new Error('No emoji was specified'); await api(host, 'notes/reactions/create', { i, noteId, reaction: reaction === 'custom' ? customReaction : reaction }); break; } case 'unreact': { const { noteId } = ctx.request.body; if (!noteId) throw new Error('noteId required'); await api(host, 'notes/reactions/delete', { i, noteId }); break; } } } catch (e) { await die(ctx, e.message); return; } ctx.redirect('/'); });'/logout', ctx => { ctx.cookies.set('id'); ctx.cookies.set('host'); ctx.cookies.set('i'); ctx.redirect('/'); }); // Return 404 for other pages router.all('(.*)', async ctx => { ctx.status = 404; await die(ctx, 'Resource not found'); });