from bs4 import BeautifulSoup # type: ignore from fastapi import APIRouter from fastapi import Depends from fastapi import HTTPException from fastapi import Request from fastapi.responses import JSONResponse from loguru import logger from sqlalchemy import select from app import models from app.boxes import get_outbox_object_by_ap_id from app.database import AsyncSession from app.database import get_db_session from app.utils import microformats from app.utils.url import check_url from app.utils.url import is_url_valid router = APIRouter() def is_source_containing_target(source_html: str, target_url: str) -> bool: soup = BeautifulSoup(source_html, "html5lib") for link in soup.find_all("a"): h = link.get("href") if not is_url_valid(h): continue if h == target_url: return True return False"/webmentions") async def webmention_endpoint( request: Request, db_session: AsyncSession = Depends(get_db_session), ) -> JSONResponse: form_data = await request.form() try: source = form_data["source"] target = form_data["target"] if source == target: raise ValueError("source URL is the same as target") check_url(source) check_url(target) except Exception: logger.exception("Invalid webmention request") raise HTTPException(status_code=400, detail="Invalid payload")"Received webmention {source=} {target=}") existing_webmention_in_db = ( await db_session.execute( select(models.Webmention).where( models.Webmention.source == source, == target, ) ) ).scalar_one_or_none() if existing_webmention_in_db:"Found existing Webmention, will try to update or delete") mentioned_object = await get_outbox_object_by_ap_id(db_session, target) if not mentioned_object:"Invalid target {target=}") if existing_webmention_in_db:"Deleting existing Webmention") existing_webmention_in_db.is_deleted = True await db_session.commit() raise HTTPException(status_code=400, detail="Invalid target") maybe_data_and_html = await microformats.fetch_and_parse(source) if not maybe_data_and_html:"failed to fetch source") if existing_webmention_in_db:"Deleting existing Webmention") mentioned_object.webmentions_count = mentioned_object.webmentions_count - 1 existing_webmention_in_db.is_deleted = True await db_session.commit() raise HTTPException(status_code=400, detail="failed to fetch source") data, html = maybe_data_and_html if not is_source_containing_target(html, target): logger.warning("target not found in source") if existing_webmention_in_db:"Deleting existing Webmention") mentioned_object.webmentions_count = mentioned_object.webmentions_count - 1 existing_webmention_in_db.is_deleted = True await db_session.commit() raise HTTPException(status_code=400, detail="target not found in source") if existing_webmention_in_db: existing_webmention_in_db.is_deleted = False existing_webmention_in_db.source_microformats = data else: new_webmention = models.Webmention( source=source, target=target, source_microformats=data,, ) db_session.add(new_webmention) mentioned_object.webmentions_count = mentioned_object.webmentions_count + 1 await db_session.commit() return JSONResponse(content={}, status_code=200)