import enum import json import mimetypes from typing import TYPE_CHECKING from typing import Any import httpx from markdown import markdown from app import config from app.config import AP_CONTENT_TYPE # noqa: F401 from app.httpsig import auth from app.key import get_pubkey_as_pem from app.utils.url import check_url if TYPE_CHECKING: from import Actor RawObject = dict[str, Any] AS_CTX = "" AS_PUBLIC = "" ACTOR_TYPES = ["Application", "Group", "Organization", "Person", "Service"] AS_EXTENDED_CTX = [ "", "", { # AS ext "Hashtag": "as:Hashtag", "sensitive": "as:sensitive", "manuallyApprovesFollowers": "as:manuallyApprovesFollowers", "alsoKnownAs": {"@id": "as:alsoKnownAs", "@type": "@id"}, # toot "toot": "", "featured": {"@id": "toot:featured", "@type": "@id"}, "Emoji": "toot:Emoji", "blurhash": "toot:blurhash", "votersCount": "toot:votersCount", # schema "schema": "", "PropertyValue": "schema:PropertyValue", "value": "schema:value", # ostatus "ostatus": "", "conversation": "ostatus:conversation", }, ] class ObjectIsGoneError(Exception): pass class ObjectNotFoundError(Exception): pass class FetchErrorTypeEnum(str, enum.Enum): TIMEOUT = "TIMEOUT" NOT_FOUND = "NOT_FOUND" INTERNAL_ERROR = "INTERNAL_ERROR" class VisibilityEnum(str, enum.Enum): PUBLIC = "public" UNLISTED = "unlisted" FOLLOWERS_ONLY = "followers-only" DIRECT = "direct" @staticmethod def get_display_name(key: "VisibilityEnum") -> str: return { VisibilityEnum.PUBLIC: "Public - sent to followers and visible on the homepage", # noqa: E501 VisibilityEnum.UNLISTED: "Unlisted - like public, but hidden from the homepage", # noqa: E501, VisibilityEnum.FOLLOWERS_ONLY: "Followers only", VisibilityEnum.DIRECT: "Direct - only visible for mentioned actors", }[key] ME = { "@context": AS_EXTENDED_CTX, "type": "Person", "id": config.ID, "following": config.BASE_URL + "/following", "followers": config.BASE_URL + "/followers", "featured": config.BASE_URL + "/featured", "inbox": config.BASE_URL + "/inbox", "outbox": config.BASE_URL + "/outbox", "preferredUsername": config.USERNAME, "name":, "summary": config.CONFIG.summary, "endpoints": { # For compat with servers expecting a sharedInbox... "sharedInbox": config.BASE_URL + "/inbox", }, "url": config.ID + "/", # XXX: the path is important for Mastodon compat "manuallyApprovesFollowers": config.CONFIG.manually_approves_followers, "attachment": [ { "name": kv.key, "type": "PropertyValue", "value": markdown(kv.value, extensions=["mdx_linkify", "fenced_code"]), } for kv in config.CONFIG.metadata ] if config.CONFIG.metadata else [], "icon": { "mediaType": mimetypes.guess_type(config.CONFIG.icon_url)[0], "type": "Image", "url": config.CONFIG.icon_url, }, "publicKey": { "id": f"{config.ID}#main-key", "owner": config.ID, "publicKeyPem": get_pubkey_as_pem(config.KEY_PATH), }, } class NotAnObjectError(Exception): def __init__(self, url: str, resp: httpx.Response | None = None) -> None: message = f"{url} is not an AP activity" super().__init__(message) self.url = url self.resp = resp async def fetch( url: str, params: dict[str, Any] | None = None, disable_httpsig: bool = False, ) -> RawObject: check_url(url) async with httpx.AsyncClient() as client: resp = await client.get( url, headers={ "User-Agent": config.USER_AGENT, "Accept": config.AP_CONTENT_TYPE, }, params=params, follow_redirects=True, auth=None if disable_httpsig else auth, ) # Special handling for deleted object if resp.status_code == 410: raise ObjectIsGoneError(f"{url} is gone") elif resp.status_code == 404: raise ObjectNotFoundError(f"{url} not found") resp.raise_for_status() try: return resp.json() except json.JSONDecodeError: raise NotAnObjectError(url, resp) async def parse_collection( # noqa: C901 url: str | None = None, payload: RawObject | None = None, level: int = 0, ) -> list[RawObject]: """Resolve/fetch a `Collection`/`OrderedCollection`.""" if level > 3: raise ValueError("recursion limit exceeded") # Go through all the pages out: list[RawObject] = [] if url: payload = await fetch(url) if not payload: raise ValueError("must at least prove a payload or an URL") ap_type = payload.get("type") if not ap_type: raise ValueError(f"Missing type: {payload=}") if level == 0 and ap_type not in ["Collection", "OrderedCollection"]: raise ValueError(f"Unexpected type {ap_type}") if payload["type"] in ["Collection", "OrderedCollection"]: if "orderedItems" in payload: return payload["orderedItems"] if "items" in payload: return payload["items"] if "first" in payload: if isinstance(payload["first"], str): out.extend( await parse_collection(url=payload["first"], level=level + 1) ) else: if "orderedItems" in payload["first"]: out.extend(payload["first"]["orderedItems"]) if "items" in payload["first"]: out.extend(payload["first"]["items"]) n = payload["first"].get("next") if n: out.extend(await parse_collection(url=n, level=level + 1)) return out while payload: if ap_type in ["CollectionPage", "OrderedCollectionPage"]: if "orderedItems" in payload: out.extend(payload["orderedItems"]) if "items" in payload: out.extend(payload["items"]) n = payload.get("next") if n is None: break payload = await fetch(n) else: raise ValueError("unexpected activity type {}".format(payload["type"])) return out def as_list(val: Any | list[Any]) -> list[Any]: if isinstance(val, list): return val return [val] def get_id(val: str | dict[str, Any]) -> str: if isinstance(val, dict): val = val["id"] if not isinstance(val, str): raise ValueError(f"Invalid ID type: {val}") return val def object_visibility(ap_activity: RawObject, actor: "Actor") -> VisibilityEnum: to = as_list(ap_activity.get("to", [])) cc = as_list(ap_activity.get("cc", [])) if AS_PUBLIC in to: return VisibilityEnum.PUBLIC elif AS_PUBLIC in cc: return VisibilityEnum.UNLISTED elif actor.followers_collection_id and actor.followers_collection_id in to + cc: return VisibilityEnum.FOLLOWERS_ONLY else: return VisibilityEnum.DIRECT def get_actor_id(activity: RawObject) -> str: if "attributedTo" in activity: attributed_to = as_list(activity["attributedTo"]) return get_id(attributed_to[0]) else: return get_id(activity["actor"]) async def get_object(activity: RawObject) -> RawObject: if "object" not in activity: raise ValueError(f"No object in {activity}") raw_activity_object = activity["object"] if isinstance(raw_activity_object, dict): return raw_activity_object elif isinstance(raw_activity_object, str): return await fetch(raw_activity_object) else: raise ValueError(f"Unexpected object {raw_activity_object}") def wrap_object(activity: RawObject) -> RawObject: # TODO(tsileo): improve Create VS Update with a `update=True` flag if "updated" in activity: return { "@context": AS_EXTENDED_CTX, "actor": config.ID, "to": activity.get("to", []), "cc": activity.get("cc", []), "id": activity["id"] + "/update_activity/" + activity["updated"], "object": remove_context(activity), "published": activity["published"], "updated": activity["updated"], "type": "Update", } else: return { "@context": AS_EXTENDED_CTX, "actor": config.ID, "to": activity.get("to", []), "cc": activity.get("cc", []), "id": activity["id"] + "/activity", "object": remove_context(activity), "published": activity["published"], "type": "Create", } def wrap_object_if_needed(raw_object: RawObject) -> RawObject: if raw_object["type"] in ["Note", "Article", "Question"]: return wrap_object(raw_object) return raw_object def unwrap_activity(activity: RawObject) -> RawObject: # FIXME(ts): deprecate this if activity["type"] in ["Create", "Update"]: unwrapped_object = activity["object"] # Sanity check, ensure the wrapped object actor matches the activity if get_actor_id(unwrapped_object) != get_actor_id(activity): raise ValueError( f"Unwrapped object actor does not match activity: {activity}" ) return unwrapped_object return activity def remove_context(raw_object: RawObject) -> RawObject: if "@context" not in raw_object: return raw_object a = dict(raw_object) del a["@context"] return a async def post(url: str, payload: dict[str, Any]) -> httpx.Response: check_url(url) async with httpx.AsyncClient() as client: resp = await url, headers={ "User-Agent": config.USER_AGENT, "Content-Type": config.AP_CONTENT_TYPE, }, json=payload, auth=auth, ) resp.raise_for_status() return resp