enhance queue entries

This commit is contained in:
wryk 2020-01-11 16:57:59 +01:00
parent e6a2a6d461
commit 3fb3773dfb
4 changed files with 89 additions and 60 deletions

View File

@ -22,18 +22,18 @@
<b>{entry.status.account.username} <small>{entry.status.account.acct}</small></b>
<b>{entry.status.account.username} <small style="color: dimgray">{entry.status.account.acct}</small></b>
<button on:click={() => entries.load(5)}>LOAD MOAR</button>
<button on:click={() => entries.load(5)}>LOAD 5 MOAR</button>
<section class="controls">
@ -65,7 +65,7 @@

View File

@ -28,7 +28,6 @@
$: updateVolume($volume)
const updateViewerDurationCallback = () => {
if (player) {
duration = player.getDuration()
currentTime = player.getCurrentTime()
@ -97,6 +96,11 @@
console.log('unplayable', ...args)
player.on('error', (...args) => {
console.log('error', ...args)
onDestroy(() => {

View File

@ -72,7 +72,6 @@ function entryStore(entries) {
return entriesList[nextIndex]
@ -81,19 +80,19 @@ function entryStore(entries) {
function entriesStore(domain, hashtags) {
const entriesSteam = util.statusesToEntries(util.statusesStreaming(domain, hashtags))
const tracksIterator = util.mkTracksIterator(domain, hashtags)
const store = writable([])
const { update, subscribe } = store
const load = async (number) => {
for (let i = 0; i < number; i++) {
const iteratorResult = await entriesSteam.next()
const iteratorResult = await tracksIterator.next()
if (iteratorResult.value) {
// console.log(iteratorResult.value)
update(entries => [...entries, iteratorResult.value])
} else {
// iterator don't have new entries for now

View File

@ -1,36 +1,81 @@
import getUrls from 'get-urls'
import { pipe, asyncFilter, asyncMap, asyncTap, asyncTake } from 'iter-tools'
import YouTubePlayer from 'yt-player'
import { execPipe, asyncFilter, asyncMap } from 'iter-tools'
export async function* statusesStreaming(domain, [hashtag]) {
const initialLink = `https://${domain}/api/v1/timelines/tag/${hashtag}?limit=40`
const millisecond = 1
const second = 1000 * millisecond
const minute = 60 * second
let { statuses, nextLink, previousLink } = await fetchTimeline(initialLink)
export async function* mkStatusesIterator(initialLink) {
let buffer = []
let { previousLink, nextLink } = initialLink
yield* statuses
console.log('fetch initial')
const initial = await fetchTimeline(initialLink)
let latestPreviousFetch = Date.now()
while (nextLink) {
const a = await fetchTimeline(nextLink)
if (initial.statuses.length > 0) {
buffer = [...initial.statuses]
previousLink = initial.links.prev
nextLink = initial.links.next
nextLink = a.nextLink
yield* a.statuses
yield buffer.shift()
while (true) {
const now = Date.now()
if (latestPreviousFetch + 5 * minute < now) {
console.log('fetch newer')
const previous = await fetchTimeline(previousLink)
console.log(`${previous.length} newers`)
previousLink = previous.links.prev
latestPreviousFetch = now
if (buffer.length === 0) {
console.log('fetch older')
const next = await fetchTimeline(nextLink)
nextLink = next.links.next
yield buffer.shift()
export const statusesToEntries = pipe(
asyncFilter(entry => entry.type !== 'unsupported')
export async function* mkTracksIterator(domain, hashtags) {
const known = new Set()
const [hashtag] = hashtags
const statuses = mkStatusesIterator(`https://${domain}/api/v1/timelines/tag/${hashtag}?limit=40`)
const tracks = execPipe(
asyncMap(status => ({ status, data: mkData(status) })),
asyncFilter(({ data }) => {
if (data) {
const found = known.has(data.id)
return !found
return false
asyncMap(async ({ status, data }) => ({ status, data, metadata: await mkMetadata(data) }))
yield* tracks
export async function fetchTimeline(url) {
const urlBuilder = new URL(url)
urlBuilder.searchParams.set('limit', 40)
const response = await fetch(url)
const statuses = await response.json()
const { next, previous } = parseLinkHeader(response.headers.get('link'))
return { statuses, nextLink: next, previousLink: previous }
const links = response.headers.has('link')
? parseLinkHeader(response.headers.get('link'))
: {}
return { statuses, links }
const LINK_RE = /<(.+?)>; rel="(\w+)"/gi
@ -45,44 +90,25 @@ function parseLinkHeader(link) {
return links
async function statusToEntry(status) {
function mkData(status)
const urls = getUrls(status.content)
for await (const url of urls) {
const { type, data } = await urlToEntry(url)
if (type !== 'unsupported') {
return { status, url, type, data }
return { type: 'unsupported' }
async function urlToEntry(urlAsString) {
for (const urlAsString of urls) {
const url = new URL(urlAsString)
if (['youtube.com', 'music.youtube.com'].includes(url.hostname) && url.searchParams.has('v')) {
return await mkYoutubeEntry(url.searchParams.get('v'))
return { url: urlAsString, id: url.searchParams.get('v') }
} else if (url.hostname === 'youtu.be') {
return await mkYoutubeEntry(url.pathname.substring(1))
} else {
return { type: 'unsupported' }
return { url: urlAsString, id: url.pathname.substring(1) }
return null
async function mkYoutubeEntry(id) {
return {
type: 'youtube',
data: {
metadata: await fetchYoutubeMetadata(id)
function fetchYoutubeMetadata(id) {
return fetch(`https://noembed.com/embed?url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=${id}`)
async function mkMetadata(entry) {
return fetch(`https://noembed.com/embed?url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=${entry.id}`)
.then(response => response.json())