import Observable from 'core-js-pure/features/observable' import { observableToAsyncIterator } from '/services/misc.js' const LINK_RE = /<(.+?)>; rel="(\w+)"/gi function parseLinkHeader(link) { const links = {} for (const [ , url, name ] of link.matchAll(LINK_RE)) { links[name] = url } return links } export const hashtagStreamingObservable = (domain, hashtag) => { return new Observable(observer => { const onOpen = () => { console.log(`Streaming ${domain} #${hashtag} : open`) } const onStatus = event => { const status = JSON.parse( console.log(`Streaming ${domain} #${hashtag} : status ${}`) } const onError = error => { console.error(`Streaming ${domain} #${hashtag} : error`) console.error(error) observer.error(error) } const eventSource = new EventSource(`https://${domain}/api/v1/streaming/hashtag?tag=${hashtag}`) eventSource.addEventListener('open', onOpen) eventSource.addEventListener('update', onStatus) eventSource.addEventListener('error', onError) return () => { eventSource.removeEventListener('open', onOpen) eventSource.removeEventListener('update', onStatus) eventSource.removeEventListener('error', onError) } }) } export async function* hashtagTimelineIterator (domain, hashtag) { let nextLink = `https://${domain}/api/v1/timelines/tag/${hashtag}?limit=40` while (nextLink) { const response = await fetch(nextLink) nextLink = response.headers.has('link') ? parseLinkHeader(response.headers.get('link')).next : null const statuses = await response.json() console.log(`Timeline ${domain} #${hashtag} : fetched ${statuses.length} statuses`) yield* statuses } } export async function* hashtagIterator(domain, hashtag) { const newerIterator = observableToAsyncIterator(hashtagStreamingObservable(domain, hashtag)) const olderIterator = hashtagTimelineIterator(domain, hashtag) const iterators = [newerIterator, olderIterator] const values = => while (true) { const promises =, index) => promise.then(result => ({ index, result }))) const { index, result: { done, value } } = await Promise.race(promises) values[index] = iterators[index].next() console.log(`Resolver ${domain} #${hashtag} : resolved with iterator ${index}`) yield value } } export async function* combinedIterator(iterators) { const values = => while (true) { const promises =, index) => promise.then(result => ({ index, result }))) const promisesValues = await Promise.all(promises) const sorted = promisesValues .sort((a, b) =>{ new Date(a.result.value.status.created_at) - new Date(b.result.value.status.created_at) }) const { index, result: { done, value } } = sorted[0] values[index] = iterators[index].next() console.log(`CombinedResolver : resolved with iterator ${index}`) yield value } }