
143 lines
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2020-01-16 20:10:40 +01:00
import { writable } from 'svelte/store'
2020-01-09 20:31:12 +01:00
import getUrls from 'get-urls'
2020-01-11 16:57:59 +01:00
import { execPipe, asyncFilter, asyncMap } from 'iter-tools'
2020-01-10 03:02:46 +01:00
2020-01-16 20:10:40 +01:00
export const writableLocalStorage = (key, value) => {
const item = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(key))
const store = writable(item === null ? value : item)
store.subscribe(x => localStorage.setItem(key, JSON.stringify(x)))
return store
2020-01-11 16:57:59 +01:00
const millisecond = 1
const second = 1000 * millisecond
const minute = 60 * second
2020-01-13 14:39:00 +01:00
const hour = 60 * minute
export const secondsToElapsedTime = (seconds) => {
const parts = [
Math.floor(seconds / 3600),
Math.floor(seconds / 60) % 60,
Math.floor(seconds) % 60
return parts
.filter((value, index) => value > 0 || index > 0)
.map(value => value < 10 ? '0' + value : value)
2020-01-10 14:30:17 +01:00
export async function* mkStatusesIterator(domain, hashtag) {
console.log(`Initialize statuses iterator for #${hashtag} on ${domain}`)
const buffer = []
2020-01-11 16:57:59 +01:00
2020-01-14 20:22:09 +01:00
// streaming
const eventSource = new EventSource(`https://${domain}/api/v1/streaming/hashtag?tag=${hashtag}`)
2020-01-12 22:52:40 +01:00
eventSource.addEventListener('update', (e) => {
console.log(`Received new recent status for #${hashtag} on ${domain}`)
2020-01-12 22:52:40 +01:00
eventSource.onerror = (error) => console.log('onerror', error)
2020-01-11 16:57:59 +01:00
// timeline
let nextLink = `https://${domain}/api/v1/timelines/tag/${hashtag}?limit=40`
while (true) {
2020-01-11 16:57:59 +01:00
if (buffer.length === 0) {
console.log(`Fetch timeline for #${hashtag} on ${domain}`)
2020-01-11 16:57:59 +01:00
const next = await fetchTimeline(nextLink)
2020-01-12 22:52:40 +01:00
if (next.statuses.length) {
nextLink =
2020-01-11 16:57:59 +01:00
2020-01-10 03:02:46 +01:00
2020-01-11 16:57:59 +01:00
yield buffer.shift()
2020-01-10 03:02:46 +01:00
2020-01-11 16:57:59 +01:00
export async function* mkTracksIterator(domain, hashtags) {
2020-01-11 17:36:57 +01:00
// const known = new Set()
const known = {}
2020-01-11 16:57:59 +01:00
const [hashtag] = hashtags
2020-01-10 03:02:46 +01:00
const statuses = mkStatusesIterator(domain, hashtag)
2020-01-11 16:57:59 +01:00
const tracks = execPipe(
asyncMap(status => ({ status, data: mkData(status) })),
asyncFilter(({ data }) => {
if (data) {
2020-01-11 17:36:57 +01:00
// const found = known.has(
// known.add(
const found = known.hasOwnProperty(
known[] = true
2020-01-11 16:57:59 +01:00
return !found
return false
asyncMap(async ({ status, data }) => ({ status, data, metadata: await mkMetadata(data) }))
yield* tracks
2020-01-09 20:31:12 +01:00
2020-01-11 16:57:59 +01:00
export async function fetchTimeline(url) {
2020-01-12 22:52:40 +01:00
console.log(`fetching ${url}`)
2020-01-09 20:31:12 +01:00
const response = await fetch(url)
const statuses = await response.json()
2020-01-11 16:57:59 +01:00
const links = response.headers.has('link')
? parseLinkHeader(response.headers.get('link'))
: {}
return { statuses, links }
2020-01-09 20:31:12 +01:00
const LINK_RE = /<(.+?)>; rel="(\w+)"/gi
2020-01-10 14:30:17 +01:00
function parseLinkHeader(link) {
2020-01-09 20:31:12 +01:00
const links = {}
for (const [ , url, name ] of link.matchAll(LINK_RE)) {
links[name] = url
return links
2020-01-10 14:30:17 +01:00
2020-01-11 16:57:59 +01:00
function mkData(status)
2020-01-10 14:30:17 +01:00
const urls = getUrls(status.content)
2020-01-11 16:57:59 +01:00
for (const urlAsString of urls) {
const url = new URL(urlAsString)
2020-01-10 14:30:17 +01:00
2020-01-11 16:57:59 +01:00
if (['', ''].includes(url.hostname) && url.searchParams.has('v')) {
return { url: urlAsString, id: url.searchParams.get('v') }
} else if (url.hostname === '') {
return { url: urlAsString, id: url.pathname.substring(1) }
2020-01-10 14:30:17 +01:00
2020-01-11 16:57:59 +01:00
return null
2020-01-10 14:30:17 +01:00
2020-01-11 16:57:59 +01:00
async function mkMetadata(entry) {
return fetch(`${}`)
2020-01-10 14:30:17 +01:00
.then(response => response.json())
export function intersection(xs, ys) {
return xs.filter(x => ys.includes(x))
2020-01-07 19:23:49 +01:00