
123 lines
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// Copyright 2020 yuzu Emulator Project
// Licensed under GPLv2 or any later version
// Refer to the license.txt file included.
#include <cstddef>
#include <optional>
#include "video_core/renderer_vulkan/vk_instance.h"
#include "video_core/renderer_vulkan/vk_master_semaphore.h"
#include "video_core/renderer_vulkan/vk_resource_pool.h"
namespace Vulkan {
ResourcePool::ResourcePool(MasterSemaphore* master_semaphore_, std::size_t grow_step_)
: master_semaphore{master_semaphore_}, grow_step{grow_step_} {}
std::size_t ResourcePool::CommitResource() {
// Refresh semaphore to query updated results
const u64 gpu_tick = master_semaphore->KnownGpuTick();
const auto search = [this, gpu_tick](std::size_t begin,
std::size_t end) -> std::optional<std::size_t> {
for (std::size_t iterator = begin; iterator < end; ++iterator) {
if (gpu_tick >= ticks[iterator]) {
ticks[iterator] = master_semaphore->CurrentTick();
return iterator;
return std::nullopt;
// Try to find a free resource from the hinted position to the end.
std::optional<std::size_t> found = search(hint_iterator, ticks.size());
if (!found) {
// Search from beginning to the hinted position.
found = search(0, hint_iterator);
if (!found) {
// Both searches failed, the pool is full; handle it.
const std::size_t free_resource = ManageOverflow();
ticks[free_resource] = master_semaphore->CurrentTick();
found = free_resource;
// Free iterator is hinted to the resource after the one that's been commited.
hint_iterator = (*found + 1) % ticks.size();
return *found;
std::size_t ResourcePool::ManageOverflow() {
const std::size_t old_capacity = ticks.size();
// The last entry is guaranted to be free, since it's the first element of the freshly
// allocated resources.
return old_capacity;
void ResourcePool::Grow() {
const std::size_t old_capacity = ticks.size();
ticks.resize(old_capacity + grow_step);
Allocate(old_capacity, old_capacity + grow_step);
constexpr std::size_t COMMAND_BUFFER_POOL_SIZE = 4;
struct CommandPool::Pool {
vk::CommandPool handle;
std::array<vk::CommandBuffer, COMMAND_BUFFER_POOL_SIZE> cmdbufs;
CommandPool::CommandPool(const Instance& instance, MasterSemaphore* master_semaphore)
: ResourcePool{master_semaphore, COMMAND_BUFFER_POOL_SIZE}, instance{instance} {}
CommandPool::~CommandPool() {
vk::Device device = instance.GetDevice();
for (Pool& pool : pools) {
void CommandPool::Allocate(std::size_t begin, std::size_t end) {
// Command buffers are going to be commited, recorded, executed every single usage cycle.
// They are also going to be reseted when commited.
Pool& pool = pools.emplace_back();
const vk::CommandPoolCreateInfo pool_create_info = {
.flags = vk::CommandPoolCreateFlagBits::eTransient |
.queueFamilyIndex = instance.GetGraphicsQueueFamilyIndex(),
vk::Device device = instance.GetDevice();
pool.handle = device.createCommandPool(pool_create_info);
const vk::CommandBufferAllocateInfo buffer_alloc_info = {
.commandPool = pool.handle,
.level = vk::CommandBufferLevel::ePrimary,
.commandBufferCount = COMMAND_BUFFER_POOL_SIZE,
auto buffers = device.allocateCommandBuffers(buffer_alloc_info);
std::copy(buffers.begin(), buffers.end(), pool.cmdbufs.begin());
if (instance.HasDebuggingToolAttached()) {
Vulkan::SetObjectName(device, pool.handle, "CommandPool: Pool({})",
for (u32 i = 0; i < pool.cmdbufs.size(); ++i) {
Vulkan::SetObjectName(device, pool.cmdbufs[i], "CommandPool: Command Buffer {}", i);
vk::CommandBuffer CommandPool::Commit() {
const std::size_t index = CommitResource();
const auto pool_index = index / COMMAND_BUFFER_POOL_SIZE;
const auto sub_index = index % COMMAND_BUFFER_POOL_SIZE;
return pools[pool_index].cmdbufs[sub_index];
} // namespace Vulkan